------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for downloading Law rex Theme! ------------------------------------------------------- This Law Rex responsive WordPress theme is provided by Rextheme You can use it for your Law firm site or any other website whichever you like. - Bugs and Errors We have tested and tried to make the theme without any bugs but as like you we are human also if something shows up you can open a thread on support forum or our website support forum. ------------------------------------------------------- Law Rex Features: ------------------------------------------------------- - Advance theme option We have added advance theme option with Law rex that anyone without any prior knowledge of coding can make their website using theme option panel where they can upload their logo, put their email and phone number easily. - Widgets Law Rex comes with default sidebar widget support and footer widget for adding contents on footer. - Page Templates Law Rex has 3 page template support full-width template, left-sidebar template and right sidebar template. - Menus We have developed a nice many which is totally based on WordPress native menu option. ------------------------------------------------------- Law Rex Shorcodes: ------------------------------------------------------- - Row: [rx_row][/rx_row] - Column: [rx_col col="3"][/rx_col] - Gap(Whitespace): [rx_gap gap="10"] - Main slider: [rx_main_slider showposts="5" order="Descending/Ascending"] - Google map: [rx_google_map zoom="11" scrollwheel="false" draggable="true" latitude="40.712658" longitude="-74.006156"] - Contact Address: [rx_contact title="Your title here" contact_content="Your content here" icon_class="icon class here"] - Font awesome icon class name. - Progress bar [rx_progress_bar_group] [rx_progress_bar title="Progress Bar title here" amount="Progerss amount out of 100"] [/rx_progress_bar_group] - Section Title: [rx-title title="Section Title" description="section description" align="left/center/right"] - Skill Counter: [rx-skill amount="any amount" name="Skill name here"] - Accordain: [rx_collapse_group] [rx_collapse title="Accordain title here" open="y"]Accordain content here[/rx_collapse] [rx_collapse title="Accordain title here" open="n"]Accordain content here[/rx_collapse] [/rx_collapse_group] - Recent Blog: [rx-blog-post posts="3" title_character_limit="25" content_character_limit="200"]