msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Saffat\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-01 15:53+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-10-26 11:00+0300\n" "Language-Team: Osman ÇAKIRSOY \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.4\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: tr_TR\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" msgid "Theme Settings Page" msgstr "Tema Ayarlar Sayfası" msgid "Kutu Theme Settings" msgstr "Kutu Tema Ayarları" msgid "Box 1" msgstr "Kutu 1" msgid "Box 2" msgstr "Kutu 2" msgid "Box 3" msgstr "Kutu 3" msgid "Box 4" msgstr "Kutu 4" msgid "Box 5" msgstr "Kutu 5" msgid "Box 6" msgstr "Kutu 6" msgid "Box 7" msgstr "Kutu 7" msgid "Box 8" msgstr "Kutu 8" msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Telif Hakkı" msgid "Tag:" msgstr "Etiket:" msgid "Widget" msgstr "Bileşenler" msgid "More" msgstr "Devamı" msgid "Archive:" msgstr "Arşiv:" msgid "Search Word:" msgstr "Aranan Kelime:" msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords." msgstr "Üzgünüz, ancak hiçbir şey arama terimlerinizle eşleşmedi. Lütfen farklı anahtar kelimelerle tekrar deneyin." msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on all posts and pages." msgstr "Bu alandaki widget'lar tüm yayınlarda ve sayfalarda gösterilecektir." msgid "Category:" msgstr "Kategori:" msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "Yorum Yok" msgid "Save All Settings" msgstr "Tüm Ayarları Kaydet" msgid "Reset Settings" msgstr "Ayarları Sıfırla" msgid "Settings Updated." msgstr "Ayarlar Güncellendi." #: sidebar.php:8 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategoriler" #: sidebar.php:14 msgid "Pages" msgstr "Sayfalar" #: sidebar.php:20 msgid "Recent Articles" msgstr "Son Yazılar" #: sidebar.php:30 msgid "Archive" msgstr "Arşiv" #: tema-setting.php: msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Kategori Seçin" #: index.php msgid "Search" msgstr "Ara" #: 404.php:5 msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found." msgstr "Malesef aradığınız sayfa bulunamadı." #: archive.php:19 msgid "The article you searched for was not found in the archive." msgstr "Aradığın yazı arşivde bulunamadı." #: archive.php:26 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Geri" #: archive.php:27 msgid "Next" msgstr "İleri" #: archive.php:26 msgid "Previous Post" msgstr "Önceki Yazı" #: archive.php:27 msgid "Next Post" msgstr "Sonraki Yazı" #: 404.php:20 404.php:28 msgid "404 Error!" msgstr "404 Hata!" #: author.php:21 #, php-format msgid "Author: %s" msgstr "Yazar: %s" #: comments.php:31 #, php-format msgctxt "comments title" msgid "One thought on “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: comments.php:38 comments.php:60 msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "Yorum gezintisi" #: comments.php:41 comments.php:63 msgid "Older Comments" msgstr "Eski Yorumlar" #: comments.php:42 comments.php:64 msgid "Newer Comments" msgstr "Yeni Yorumlar" #: comments.php:76 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Yoruma kapalı." #: functions.php:175 inc/meta-boxes.php:32 msgid "Right Sidebar" msgstr "Sağ Kenar Çubuğu" #: header.php:133 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menü"