'theme_socialmedia', 'description' => __('Show your Social Media Buttons', 'krakatau_social_lang') ); $this->WP_Widget('theme_socialmedia', 'Krakatau widget social button', $widget_ops); } function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $title = empty($instance['title']) ? '' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/icons'; $options = get_option('krakatau_options'); $networks = ''; echo $before_widget; if ( !empty( $title ) ) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; }; ?>
'' ) : $networks .= 'twitter'; endif; // Facebook Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_facebook']) and $options['krakatau_social_facebook'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'facebook'; endif; // GooglePlus Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_googleplus']) and $options['krakatau_social_googleplus'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'googleplus'; endif; // LinkedIn Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_linkedin']) and $options['krakatau_social_linkedin'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'linkedin'; endif; // MySpace Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_myspace']) and $options['krakatau_social_myspace'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'myspace'; endif; // Blogger Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_blogger']) and $options['krakatau_social_blogger'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'blogger'; endif; // Wordpress Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_wordpress']) and $options['krakatau_social_wordpress'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'wordpress'; endif; // Flickr Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_flickr']) and $options['krakatau_social_flickr'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'flickr'; endif; // Last.fm Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_lastfm']) and $options['krakatau_social_lastfm'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'lastfm'; endif; // Delicious Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_delicious']) and $options['krakatau_social_delicious'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'delicious'; endif; // Digg Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_digg']) and $options['krakatau_social_digg'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'digg'; endif; // Reddit Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_reddit']) and $options['krakatau_social_reddit'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'reddit'; endif; // StumbleUpon Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_stumbleupon']) and $options['krakatau_social_stumbleupon'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'stumbleupon'; endif; // RSS Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_rss']) and $options['krakatau_social_rss'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'rss'; endif; // Friendfeed Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_friendfeed']) and $options['krakatau_social_friendfeed'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'friendfeed'; endif; // Skype Button if ( isset($options['krakatau_social_skype']) and $options['krakatau_social_skype'] <> '' ) : $networks .= 'skype'; endif; if($networks == '') { _e('Go to WP-Admin-> Appearance-> Theme Options to configure this widget', 'krakatau'); } else { echo $networks; } ?>
'' ) ); $title = esc_attr($instance['title']); ?>