get_styles(); // If we have some styles to add, add them now. if ( ! empty( $styles ) ) { // Enqueue the theme's style.css file. $current_theme = ( wp_get_theme() ); wp_enqueue_style( $current_theme->stylesheet . '_no-kirki', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), '1.0' ); wp_add_inline_style( $current_theme->stylesheet . '_no-kirki', $styles ); } } /** * Gets all our styles and returns them as a string. * * @access public * @return string */ public function get_styles() { // Get an array of all our fields. $fields = self::$fields; // Check if we need to exit early. if ( empty( self::$fields ) || ! is_array( $fields ) ) { return; } // Initially we're going to format our styles as an array. // This is going to make processing them a lot easier // and make sure there are no duplicate styles etc. $css = array(); // Start parsing our fields. foreach ( $fields as $field ) { // No need to process fields without an output, or an improperly-formatted output. if ( ! isset( $field['output'] ) || empty( $field['output'] ) || ! is_array( $field['output'] ) ) { continue; } // Get the value of this field. $value = self::get_option( $field['kirki_config'], $field['settings'] ); // Start parsing the output arguments of the field. foreach ( $field['output'] as $output ) { $output = wp_parse_args( $output, array( 'element' => '', 'property' => '', 'media_query' => 'global', 'prefix' => '', 'units' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'value_pattern' => '$', 'choice' => '', ) ); // If element is an array, convert it to a string. if ( is_array( $output['element'] ) ) { $output['element'] = implode( ',', $output['element'] ); } // Simple fields. if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { $value = str_replace( '$', $value, $output['value_pattern'] ); if ( ! empty( $output['element'] ) && ! empty( $output['property'] ) ) { $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ][ $output['property'] ] = $output['prefix'] . $value . $output['units'] . $output['suffix']; } } else { if ( 'typography' === $field['type'] ) { foreach ( $value as $key => $subvalue ) { // Add double quotes if needed to font-families. if ( 'font-family' === $key && false !== strpos( $subvalue, ' ' ) && false === strpos( $subvalue, '"' ) ) { $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ]['font-family'] = '"' . $subvalue . '"'; } // Variants contain both font-weight & italics. if ( 'variant' === $key ) { $font_weight = str_replace( 'italic', '', $subvalue ); $font_weight = ( in_array( $font_weight, array( '', 'regular' ), true ) ) ? '400' : $font_weight; $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ]['font-weight'] = $font_weight; // Is this italic? if ( false !== strpos( $subvalue, 'italic' ) ) { $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ]['font-style'] = 'italic'; } } else { $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ][ $key ] = $subvalue; } } } elseif ( 'multicolor' === $field['type'] ) { if ( ! empty( $output['element'] ) && ! empty( $output['property'] ) && ! empty( $output['choice'] ) ) { $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ][ $output['property'] ] = $output['prefix'] . $value[ $output['choice'] ] . $output['units'] . $output['suffix']; } } else { foreach ( $value as $key => $subvalue ) { $property = $key; if ( false !== strpos( $output['property'], '%%' ) ) { $property = str_replace( '%%', $key, $output['property'] ); } elseif ( ! empty( $output['property'] ) ) { $output['property'] = $output['property'] . '-' . $key; } if ( 'background-image' === $output['property'] && false === strpos( $subvalue, 'url(' ) ) { $subvalue = 'url("' . set_url_scheme( $subvalue ) . '")'; } if ( $subvalue ) { $css[ $output['media_query'] ][ $output['element'] ][ $property ] = $subvalue; } } } } } } // Process the array of CSS properties and produce the final CSS. $final_css = ''; if ( ! is_array( $css ) || empty( $css ) ) { return ''; } // Parse the generated CSS array and create the CSS string for the output. foreach ( $css as $media_query => $styles ) { // Handle the media queries. $final_css .= ( 'global' !== $media_query ) ? $media_query . '{' : ''; foreach ( $styles as $style => $style_array ) { $final_css .= $style . '{'; foreach ( $style_array as $property => $value ) { $value = ( is_string( $value ) ) ? $value : ''; // Make sure background-images are properly formatted. if ( 'background-image' === $property ) { if ( false === strrpos( $value, 'url(' ) ) { $value = set_url_scheme( $value ); $value = 'url("' . esc_url_raw( $value ) . '")'; } } else { $value = esc_textarea( $value ); } $final_css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';'; } $final_css .= '}'; } $final_css .= ( 'global' !== $media_query ) ? '}' : ''; } return $final_css; } /** * Enqueue google fonts. * * @access public * @return null */ public function enqueue_fonts() { // Check if we need to exit early. if ( empty( self::$fields ) || ! is_array( self::$fields ) ) { return; } foreach ( self::$fields as $field ) { // Process typography fields. if ( isset( $field['type'] ) && 'typography' === $field['type'] ) { // Check if we've got everything we need. if ( ! isset( $field['kirki_config'] ) || ! isset( $field['settings'] ) ) { continue; } $value = self::get_option( $field['kirki_config'], $field['settings'] ); if ( isset( $value['font-family'] ) ) { $url = '//' . str_replace( ' ', '+', $value['font-family'] ); $value['variant'] = ( isset( $value['variant'] ) ) ? $value['variant'] : ''; $url .= ( empty( $value['variant'] ) ) ? '' : ':' . $value['variant']; $key = md5( $value['font-family'] . $value['variant'] ); // Check that the URL is valid. we're going to use transients to make this faster. $url_is_valid = get_transient( $key ); // If transient does not exist. if ( false === $url_is_valid ) { $response = wp_remote_get( 'https:' . $url ); if ( ! is_array( $response ) ) { // The url was not properly formatted, // cache for 12 hours and continue to the next field. set_transient( $key, null, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); continue; } // Check the response headers. if ( isset( $response['response'] ) && isset( $response['response']['code'] ) ) { if ( 200 === $response['response']['code'] ) { // URL was ok. Set transient to true and cache for a week. set_transient( $key, true, 7 * 24 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $url_is_valid = true; } } } // If the font-link is valid, enqueue it. if ( $url_is_valid ) { wp_enqueue_style( $key, $url, array(), '1.0' ); } } } } } } new Kis_Kirki();