=== Kippis === Contributors: BirchWare Donate link: http://birchware.se/wordpress/donate Tags: one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready Requires at least: 3.3.0 Tested up to: 3.4.1 Stable tag: 1.14 License: GNU General Public License Lots of options. Up to three columns, freely positioned. Four footers. Customizable widths, backgrounds, colors, and fonts. Basic smartphone support. == Description ==

Kippis is a very flexible theme.

It features up to three columns. Two sidebars, or one, or no sidebar at all.

You can optionally have both sidebars on the same side of the main content area.

You can enable/disable the sidebars separately, depending on the type of page (regular, single post, page, and gallery).

User defined width. It can be anything, from a few pixels (which would be quite silly) up to thousands.

Support for all smartphones.

All colors are user defined, e.g. the main areas, widgets, headings, links, the menus, and more. No need to edit style.css.

All areas can have user defined fonts. Again, without editing the style.css file.

Custom background images for the body element and the header.

Use your own favicon, if you wish.

Separate settings for mobile devices.

Up to four footer areas (like sidebars, but at the bottom).

Supports two menus that you can put above or below the header and/or footer.

Author pages feature author description, gravatar, number of posts, and more.

Adds two more options, Spam and Delete, to the standard Edit link next to every comment.

Includes a "Featured Post" widget, to show excerpts of posts and pages in the sidebars.

Kippis is currently available in these languages: English, Swedish, Spanish, German, Italian, and French.

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What user's are saying:

"I love this theme, heaps of options!"

"Your theme is so easy to customize and easily integrates with all the plugins I'm using."

"Finally a theme that's not for programmers."

"Love the theme. By far the best around."

"Incredibly awesome and flexible theme."

"I LOVE your Kippis theme, it leaves most premium themes in the dust!"

"The Kippis theme allows me to build a whole site in a few hours!"

"I finally found a theme that I can modify like crazy without getting into the CSS files!"

"The Featured Post widget is AWESOME! Unexpected treasure in this theme."

== Installation == 1. Upload the theme folder to the '/wp-content/themes/' directory. 1. Activate the theme through the 'Appearance/Themes' menu item in WordPress. 1. Take a look at 'Appearance/Theme Options'. That's where you edit the theme's settings. 1. It might pay off to go through all the options, there are some good stuff there. 1. You might also want to try the 'Kippis Featured post' widget. 1. A click on the icon at the top left of 'Theme Options' will take you to the Kippis site, where you'll find the manual. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Are there any frequently asked questions? = No, you keep coming up with new ones. :-) == Screenshots == * http://birchware.se/wordpress/wp-content/themes/kippis/screenshot.png * http://birchware.se/wordpress/wp-content/themes/kippis/screenshot-1.jpg Default settings. * http://birchware.se/wordpress/wp-content/themes/kippis/screenshot-2.jpg Changed sidebar widths, and no search box. * http://birchware.se/wordpress/wp-content/themes/kippis/screenshot-3.jpg Changed header image, and both sidebars to the right. * http://birchware.se/wordpress/wp-content/themes/kippis/screenshot-4.jpg Just one sidebar. * http://birchware.se/wordpress/wp-content/themes/kippis/screenshot-5.jpg No sidebars. == Changelog == = 1.14 = * The width of the content area is no longer necessarily dependant of the header image, i.e. you can have a small header image and a wide site, if you wish. * The CSS code was generated at every page load. Not so anymore. It's generated, and saved, only when saving the Theme Options. * Fixed so that Kippis looks better with Internet Explorer 8, and older. * Introduced a "Show advanced options" checkbox (in Theme Options/General). Check this if you know what you're doing. * You can add any additional CSS styling that you want. It will be sent to the browser after all generated CSS. You find it in Theme Options/General. * The menu can be placed on either side of the header image (above or below, that is). Or you can have no menu at all. * You can choose whether to display the author and/or date of posts. * Theme News: You may optionally display the latest news about Kippis, like the latest version and new translations, on the Theme Options main page. * Optionally show the excerpts for blog posts (the first post might still show in full, if you like), and archive pages. * Support for a secondary menu, above or below the footer. * Six languages are now supported: English, Swedish, Spanish, German, Italian, and French. Spanish, Italian, and French lack a few translations, mainly in the admin area. = 1.13.3 = * Added italian translation. By Gianluca. * Added german translation. By Stephan Gärtner, http://stegasoft.de * Released June 28, 2012. * Approved June 29, 2012. = 1.13.1 = * Added spanish translation. By Alvaro Canteiro, http://antiradares.net * Released June 17, 2012. * Approved June 17, 2012. = 1.13 = * Changed the default for "Search box in the header" to "no". * In a multisite/network installation, you had to be "super admin" to access Theme Options. Not so anymore. * The Notes/Notes text will not be reset by Reset. * The sidebars now has coloring. * Fonts can be set for Body, Captions, Comments, Primary menu, Sidebars, and Site headings. * Border radius can be set for Articles, Widgets, and Comments. * Text-alignment, set in Body, can be chosen to be left, right, center, or justify. * Quotes (HTML tag: blockquote) can have its own font and colors. * You can choose to repeat the body background image horizontally, vertically, both, or not at all. * Released April 21, 2012. * Approved by 'The WordPress Review Board', April 21, 2012. * Moved to the Free Themes Directory, April 22, 2012. * Kippis reaches 10000 downloads at wordpress.org. = 1.12.1 = * The "Show the Site Title" and "Show the Tagline" options had mysteriously stopped working. = 1.12 = * The search box was a bit silly if used in a sidebar. Fixed. * The search box in the header can be at the top or bottom of the header. It can also be disabled altogether. * More coloring options. * Both sidebars can now be put on the same side, left or right, of the content area. * A special header image can be used for mobile devices. * Enable/disable the showing of the Site Title and Tagline. Separate settings for mobile devices. * Mobile devices can have a separate menu, or no menu at all. * Header image can be scaled, up or down. * The header search box can be disabled for mobile devices too. * A separate header image for mobile devices. * Released March 21, 2012. * Approved by 'The WordPress Review Board', March 22, 2012. * Moved to the Free Themes Directory, March 25, 2012. = 1.11 = * Minor stuff, due to the reviewing process. * Approved by 'The WordPress Review Board', March 9, 2012. * Moved to the Free Themes Directory, March 9, 2012. = 1.10 = * Pushed up the version number to 1.10, which is where it should be. The 0.99.20 was the first approved version, so that was effectively 1.00. * Comments: Tags within <code> blocks are not translated. I.e. '<code><i>Ya!</i></code>' will show the i tags as written, 'Ya!' will not be italicized. * Featured post widget: URL can be a a slug, e.g. 'my-post' is as valid as 'http://example.com/my-post'. * If the body image's width is smaller than the width of the header image, it will be repeated, so that it will fill the entire background. * Comments: The old Edit link next to every comment is now extended with two more options, Spam and Delete. * New template for authors. When you click on an author's name too see that author's posts, some data about that author is displayed at the top (if the author has an avatar or a description). Note: This doesn't apply to admins. * There now is a possibility to upload and use a favicon. * Default header image is now a transparent one, sized 1100x112. * All of the coloring have finally moved out of style.css, and into Theme Options. The menu being the last one. * Released March 8, 2012. = 0.99.20 = * Due to some glitches found by the WordPress reviewer, I uploaded a new, fixed version. So I had to bump the number a bit. * Approved by 'The WordPress Review Board', March 1, 2012. * Moved to the Free Themes Directory, March 6, 2012. = 0.99.2 = * Name changed to Kippis. (Due to a five year old, never approved, theme.) * The ongoing cleanup is still ongoing. * The theme is now fully "child themeable". I hope. * Released February 29, 2012. = 0.99.1 = * The 'BirchWare' prefix turned out to be illegal. So, now it's just 'Kiss'. * More coloring. * Separate coloring of the site title/description. * Enable/disable the sidebars separately for posts, single posts, pages and galleries. * Released February 10, 2012. = 0.99 = * First release, as 'BirchWare Kiss', January 13, 2012. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.14 = It should work out of the box. = 1.13.3 = Is not. = 1.13.1 = No. = 1.13 = If you have changed the Body Background image, you might want to check the new options "Repeat image horizontally" and "Repeat image vertically". = 1.12 = Nothing I can think of. = 1.11 = Absolutely nothing. = 1.10 = Options were stored one row per item in the wp_options table. That was a bad idea. Now it's a single row. This conversion is done automatically. = 0.99.20 = Not a thing. = 0.99.2 = Nope. = 0.99.1 = Nothing here, move on. == Documentation == [http://birchware.se/wordpress/kippis](http://birchware.se/wordpress/kippis)