'; echo '
Opt-in: OK
'; echo '
'; ?>
Thank you for help us improve our theme. You will get access to one free box, in this page, to send messages to our support for 30 days (look for Open Support Form Button) and get automatic updates for Kar Dealer Theme for free.
Check to enable theme automatic update.'; ?>
'; echo '
Opt-in: Not Yet!
'; echo 'Opt-in Now'; echo ''; echo '
'; ?>
Please help us improve our theme. Click Opt-in and let us know about you and your site (some not sensitive data about your usage of the theme will be sent to us). You will get access to one free box, in this page, to send messages to our support for 30 days and get automatic updates for Kar Dealer Theme for free.

Follow this 3 steps after install the theme:

Install Plugins

After activate the theme, will show up top of your desktop: Begin Installing Plugins.
Just click over to install and activate all the required plugins.
Free Plugins included:
- Car Dealer Plugin
- Anti Hacker Protection
- Slider, Shortcodes, More ...
You can also use this theme with our Free Multi Dealer Plugin instead Car Dealer Plugin.

Install Demo Data (optional)

To get the same look and feel of the demo site, install the demo data (only if you have now a blank website).
To use one click install demo feature, go to:
dashboard => Appearance => Import Demo Data


Theme Management

To manage the theme, click Appearance => Customize at the left menu or click the button bellow...

Theme Management
Help, Support, Feedback:

Help and more tips

Just click the HELP button at top right corner this page or click Open Help.
If you Opt-In, you are qualified to contact our support directly from this page for 30 days. It is not necessary leave this page .

Open Help'; else echo 'Help'; ?>      Open Support Form'; else echo 'Support'; ?>


OnLine Guide, Support, Demo Video, Faq...

You will find our complete and updated OnLine guide, demo video, faqs page, link to support page and more usefull stuff in our site.

Go      Upgrade to Premium


We want hear your feedback. Please, help us to improve ours products and services.

Feedback'; else echo 'Feedback'; ?>