= 2 || $page >= 2) $full_title .= ' | '.sprintf( __('Page %s', 'cpotheme'), max($paged, $page)); echo $full_title; } //Display custom favicon add_action('wp_head','cpotheme_favicon'); function cpotheme_favicon(){ $favicon_url = cpotheme_get_option('cpo_general_favicon'); if($favicon_url != '') echo ''; } //Display custom favicon add_action('wp_head','cpotheme_viewport'); function cpotheme_viewport(){ echo ''; } //Display shortcut edit links for logged in users function cpotheme_edit(){ if(cpotheme_get_option('cpo_general_editlinks')) edit_post_link(' '.__('Edit', 'cpotheme')); } //Display the site's logo function cpotheme_logo($width, $height){ $output = ''; echo $output; } //Display language switcher function cpotheme_languages(){ if(cpotheme_get_option('cpo_layout_languages') == 1 && function_exists('icl_get_languages')): $output = '
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'; } } //Displays the category list for the current post function cpotheme_postpage_categories(){ if(cpotheme_get_option('cpo_postpage_categories') != 0){ echo '
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'.sprintf('%2$s', get_permalink(get_the_ID()).'#comments', $comments).'
'; } } //Displays the post tags function cpotheme_postpage_tags(){ if(cpotheme_get_option('cpo_postpage_tags') != 0){ $tag_list = get_the_tag_list(''); if($tag_list): echo $tag_list; endif; } } //Displays a slideshow of the given query function cpotheme_post_slideshow($args, $options = null){ $attachments = get_posts($args); $thumb_count = 0; if($attachments){ ?>
> ID, true); ?> post_excerpt != ''): ?>
post_excerpt; ?>
'; ?>
post_excerpt != ''): ?>
post_excerpt; ?>
ID, 'portfolio_large'); ?> ID, 'full'); ?>
'menu-main', 'menu_class' => 'menu-main nav_main', 'theme_location' => 'main_menu', 'depth' => '4', 'container' => false, 'walker' => new Cpotheme_Menu_Walker())); else wp_nav_menu(array('menu_id' => 'menu-main', 'menu_class' => 'menu-main nav_main', 'theme_location' => 'main_menu', 'depth' => '4')); echo '
'; } //Displays a dropdown list of the main menu items function cpotheme_mobile_menu(){ if(has_nav_menu('main_menu') && cpotheme_get_option('cpo_layout_responsive') != 0){ //Get all custom menus, then retrieve the one set to the main menu $menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); $menu_object = wp_get_nav_menu_object($menu_locations['main_menu']); if($menu_object){ $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu_object->term_id); $current_parent = array(); $current_level = 0; $last_id = 'root'; $output = ''; $output .= ''; echo $output; } } } //Removes WordPress automatic paragraphs function cpotheme_submenu(){ $page_navigation = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'page_navigation', true); global $post; $output = ''; //Submenu of children if($page_navigation == 'children'): $output = ''; endif; //Submenu of siblings if($page_navigation == 'siblings'): $parent_post = get_post($post->post_parent); $output = ''; endif; echo $output; } //Removes WordPress automatic paragraphs function cpotheme_remove_autop($content){ $content = do_shortcode(shortcode_unautop($content)); $content = preg_replace('#^<\/p>|^|


\s*( )?\s*<\/p>#', '', $content); return $content; } //Changes the brighness of a HEX color function cpotheme_alter_brightness($colourstr, $steps) { $colourstr = str_replace('#','',$colourstr); $rhex = substr($colourstr,0,2); $ghex = substr($colourstr,2,2); $bhex = substr($colourstr,4,2); $r = hexdec($rhex); $g = hexdec($ghex); $b = hexdec($bhex); $r = max(0,min(255,$r + $steps)); $g = max(0,min(255,$g + $steps)); $b = max(0,min(255,$b + $steps)); $r = str_pad(dechex($r), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $g = str_pad(dechex($g), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $b = str_pad(dechex($b), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return '#'.$r.$g.$b; }