name="cx" in the Search box code of Google Custom Search Engine, and type the value here.
For example: 014782006753236413342:1ltfrybsbz4', 'inove'), ''); ?>

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'Primary Navigation')); register_nav_menus(array('secondary' => 'Secondary Navigation')); register_nav_menus(array('bottom' => 'Bottom Navigation')); function inove_default_nav_menu($args = array()) { $args = (object) $args; echo ''; } function inove_nav_menus($args = array()) { $args = (object)$args; $nav = wp_nav_menu(array( 'container' =>'', 'menu_id' =>'menus', 'menu_class' =>'', 'theme_location' =>'primary', 'fallback_cb' =>'inove_default_nav_menu', 'home_class' =>$args->home_class, 'echo' =>false )); $nav = str_replace('