Iconic One Theme Options

Iconic One

Thank You for Choosing Iconic One


Pro Version Demo

Pro Version Features

Iconic One Quick Start Guide

Official Demo for reference. | Read FAQs for common issues.

Responsive Menu - Important! - Update: Dec 14 2013.

This is the first step: Configure the Main Navigation menu for mobile view by going to Appearance -> Menus. Create your WordPress menu as per your requirement and select it as primary menu, Navigation Menu responsiveness won't work otherwise.

Using Live Customizer - for logo upload, colors etc.

Starting from version 1.2 you can access the live customizer from the Appearance menu >> Customize Iconic One.

Alternatively you can go through the Live Customizer ( http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/customize.php ) to upload the logo image, set the social bookmarks and footer copyright texts, background color etc., you don't have to touch any code or login to ftp for the most needed customizations. Sidebar is Widget ready for easy configuration.

Logo Size

Logo of 187 x 54 pixel dimensions is used in the demo. You can easily try uploading logos of different sizes via live customizer. Version 1.2 now comes with support for bigger logos. Refer to changelog.txt in the home directory.

Safe Customization & How to Upgrade

Iconic One is supplied with custom.css file, simply add your css in this file, you can access this from under Appearance - > Editor -> Custom.css and it will just work.

Before upgrading to new versions backup the content of custom.css file and all the files you have modified.

Idea Behind Iconic One

The Idea behind Iconic One is to equip the bloggers with a theme so that they don't have to look anywhere else, It has been designed and coded in such a way that even if you are new to Wordpress you will be able to make the most out of it.

Iconic One is Safe

Iconic One uses Wordpress native funtions to generate thumbnails without relying on third party scripts such as timthumb. Iconic One is also properly coded to avoid plugin conflicts and is customizable.

Built for Speed

The first thing you will notice about Iconic One is its blazing fast rendering, it will be loved by your visitors and they will have more time for browsing your content.

The Right Choice - Ultra Responsive

Iconic One is a premium quality theme with pixel perfect typography and responsiveness and is built for speed with pagespeed score of 95+, Iconic One implements proper SEO so that your content will rank high and is compatible with AIOSEO and Yoast SEO, It utilizes latest HTML 5, CSS3 for creating the awesomeness that looks good on every browser and is future ready.


Support is free, access the Support Here. You can also report issues and feedback and help us in improving the theme.

Further Development and Roadmap

Iconic One has been handcrafted with utmost care and love, we hope that you will love this theme, kindly support us by rating the theme 5 stars, if there are any issue/bugs simply head to the support section to report them and we will do our best to fix those issues.

More than 500 hours have already been spent in development and fine tuning Iconic One. Based on your feedback we will add the most wanted features for further improvement.

This is just the beginning.

- Shashank Singh
Iconic One Developer