'main-menu-mobile-on', 'top_menu' => 'top-menu-mobile-on', 'mobile_menu' => 'specific-mobile-menu-on', 'both_menus' => 'both-menus-mobile-on' ); $mobile_menu_opt = hu_get_option( 'header_mobile_menu_layout' ); $mobile_menu_class = array_key_exists( $mobile_menu_opt, $class_map ) ? $class_map[ $mobile_menu_opt ] : 'main-menu-mobile-on'; //HEADER IMAGE $_header_img_src = get_header_image();// hu_get_img_src_from_option('header-image'); $_has_header_img = false != $_header_img_src && ! empty( $_header_img_src ); $_print_header_img = $_has_header_img && hu_is_checked( 'use-header-image' ); //WHEN DO WE DISPLAY THE REGULAR TOP NAV //=> when there's a topbar menu assigned or when the default page menu option "default-menu-header" is checked ( not for multisite @see issue on github ) //@see hu_is_topbar_displayed() in init-functions.php //WHEN DO WE DISPLAY THE HEADER NAV ? // => when there's a header menu assigned or when the fallback callback function is set ( with a filter, used in prevdem scenario typically ) //@see hu_is_header_nav_displayed() in init-functions.php //( ! wp_is_mobile() && hu_has_nav_menu( 'header' ) ) || in_array( $mobile_menu_opt, array( 'main_menu', 'both_menus' ) ) //HEADER CSS CLASSES $header_classes = array( $mobile_menu_class, 'both_menus' == $mobile_menu_opt ? 'two-mobile-menus' : 'one-mobile-menu', hu_get_option( 'header_mobile_menu_layout' ), hu_is_checked( 'header-ads-desktop' ) ? 'header-ads-desktop' : '', hu_is_checked( 'header-ads-mobile' ) ? 'header-ads-mobile' : '', hu_is_checked( 'transparent-fixed-topnav') ? 'topbar-transparent' : '', $_print_header_img ? 'has-header-img' : 'no-header-img' ); ?>