ID) ) ? $post -> ID : null; $_id = ( isset ($queried_object -> ID) ) ? $queried_object -> ID : $_id; } return ( is_404() || is_search() || is_archive() ) ? null : $_id; } //@return bool function hu_isprevdem() { global $wp_customize; $is_dirty = false; if ( is_object( $wp_customize ) && method_exists( $wp_customize, 'unsanitized_post_values' ) ) { $real_cust = $wp_customize -> unsanitized_post_values( array( 'exclude_changeset' => true ) ); $_preview_index = array_key_exists( 'customize_messenger_channel' , $_POST ) ? $_POST['customize_messenger_channel'] : ''; $_is_first_preview = false !== strpos( $_preview_index ,'-0' ); $_doing_ajax_partial = array_key_exists( 'wp_customize_render_partials', $_POST ); //There might be cases when the unsanitized post values contains old widgets infos on initial preview load, giving a wrong dirtyness information $is_dirty = ( ! empty( $real_cust ) && ! $_is_first_preview ) || $_doing_ajax_partial; } return apply_filters( 'hu_isprevdem', ! $is_dirty && hu_get_raw_option( 'template', null, false ) != get_stylesheet() && ! is_child_theme() && ! HU_IS_PRO ); } //@return bool function hu_is_pro_section_on() { return ! HU_IS_PRO && class_exists( 'HU_Customize_Section_Pro' ) && ! hu_isprevdem(); } //Use to generate unique menu id attribute data-menu-id //=> is used in the front js app to populate the collection //the css # id could not be used because historically not unique in the theme function hu_get_menu_id( $location = 'menu' ) { if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['menu_id'] ) ) $GLOBALS['menu_id'] = 0; $GLOBALS['menu_id'] = $GLOBALS['menu_id'] + 1; return $location . '-' . $GLOBALS['menu_id']; } //@return the position of the sidebar as a string, depending on the choosen layout //=> is used to write an html attribute, used by the front end js function hu_get_sidebar_position( $sidebar = 's1' ) { $layout = hu_get_layout_class(); $position_map = array( 's1' => array( 'col-2cl' => 'right', 'col-3cl' => 'right', 'col-3cm' => 'left', 'col-3cr' => 'left', ), 's2' => array( 'col-2cr' => 'right', 'col-3cm' => 'right', 'col-3cr' => 'middle-left', 'col-3cl' => 'middle-right', ) ); if ( ! array_key_exists( $sidebar, $position_map ) ) return 'left'; return array_key_exists( $layout, $position_map[ $sidebar ] ) ? $position_map[ $sidebar ][ $layout ] : 'left'; } /** * Is the customizer left panel being displayed ? * @return boolean * @since 3.3+ */ function hu_is_customize_left_panel() { global $pagenow; return is_admin() && isset( $pagenow ) && 'customize.php' == $pagenow; } /** * Is the customizer preview panel being displayed ? * @return boolean * @since 3.3+ */ function hu_is_customize_preview_frame() { return is_customize_preview() || ( ! is_admin() && isset($_REQUEST['customize_messenger_channel']) ); } /** * Always include wp_customize or customized in the custom ajax action triggered from the customizer * => it will be detected here on server side * typical example : the donate button * * @return boolean * @since 3.3+ */ function hu_doing_customizer_ajax() { $_is_ajaxing_from_customizer = isset( $_POST['customized'] ) || isset( $_POST['wp_customize'] ); return $_is_ajaxing_from_customizer && ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ); } /** * Are we in a customization context ? => || * 1) Left panel ? * 2) Preview panel ? * 3) Ajax action from customizer ? * @return bool * @since 3.3+ */ function hu_is_customizing() { //checks if is customizing : two contexts, admin and front (preview frame) return hu_is_customize_left_panel() || hu_is_customize_preview_frame() || hu_doing_customizer_ajax(); } //@return boolean //Is used to check if we can display specific notes including deep links to the customizer function hu_user_can_see_customize_notices_on_front() { return ! hu_is_customizing() && is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) && is_super_admin(); } //@return boolean function hu_is_partial_refreshed_on() { return apply_filters( 'hu_partial_refresh_on', true ); } /* HELPER FOR CHECKBOX OPTIONS */ //the old options used 'on' and 'off' //the new options use 1 and 0 function hu_is_checked( $opt_name = '') { $val = hu_get_option( $opt_name ); //cast to string if array $val = is_array($val) ? $val[0] : $val; return hu_booleanize_checkbox_val( $val ); } function hu_booleanize_checkbox_val( $val ) { if ( ! $val ) return false; if ( is_bool( $val ) && $val ) return true; switch ( (string) $val ) { case 'off': case '' : case 'false' : return false; case 'on': case '1' : case 'true' : return true; default : return false; } } //used in the customizer //replace wp checked() function function hu_checked( $val ) { echo hu_is_checked( $val ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; } /** * Returns a boolean * check if user started to use the theme before ( strictly < ) the requested version * @param $_ver : string free version * @param $_pro_ver : string pro version */ function hu_user_started_before_version( $_ver, $_pro_ver = null ) { $_trans = HU_IS_PRO ? 'started_using_hueman_pro' : 'started_using_hueman'; //the transient is set in HU_utils::hu_init_properties() if ( ! get_transient( $_trans ) ) return false; $_ver = HU_IS_PRO ? $_pro_ver : $_ver; if ( ! is_string( $_ver ) ) return false; $_start_version_infos = explode( '|', esc_attr( get_transient( $_trans ) ) ); if ( ! is_array( $_start_version_infos ) || count( $_start_version_infos ) < 2 ) return false; switch ( $_start_version_infos[0] ) { //in this case we know exactly what was the starting version (most common case) case 'with': return isset( $_start_version_infos[1] ) ? version_compare( $_start_version_infos[1] , $_ver, '<' ) : true; break; //here the user started to use the theme before, we don't know when. //but this was actually before this check was created case 'before': return true; break; default : return false; break; } } //@return bool function hu_user_started_with_current_version() { if ( HU_IS_PRO ) return; $_trans = 'started_using_hueman'; //the transient is set in HU_utils::hu_init_properties() if ( ! get_transient( $_trans ) ) return false; $_start_version_infos = explode( '|', esc_attr( get_transient( $_trans ) ) ); //make sure we're good at this point if ( ! is_string( HUEMAN_VER ) || ! is_array( $_start_version_infos ) || count( $_start_version_infos ) < 2 ) return false; return 'with' == $_start_version_infos[0] && version_compare( $_start_version_infos[1] , HUEMAN_VER, '==' ); } /** * Is there a menu assigned to a given location ? * If not, are we in the case where a default page menu can be used has fallback ? * @param $location string can be header, footer, topbar * @return bool */ function hu_has_nav_menu( $_location ) { $bool = false; if ( has_nav_menu( $_location ) || ! in_array( $_location, array( 'topbar', 'footer') ) ) { $bool = has_nav_menu( $_location ); } else { switch ($_location) { case 'footer': $bool = hu_is_checked( "default-menu-footer" ); break; case 'topbar': $bool = hu_is_checked( "default-menu-header" ); break; } } return apply_filters( 'hu_has_nav_menu', $bool, $_location ); } //@return an array of unfiltered options //=> all options or a single option val //@param $report_error is used only when invoking HU_utils::set_option() to avoid a potential theme option reset //=> prevent issue function hu_get_raw_option( $opt_name = null, $opt_group = null, $from_cache = true, $report_error = false ) { $alloptions = wp_cache_get( 'alloptions', 'options' ); $alloptions = maybe_unserialize( $alloptions ); //prevent issue //prevent issue if ( $report_error ) { if ( ! is_array( $alloptions ) || empty( $alloptions ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'wp_options_not_cached', '' ); } } $alloptions = ! is_array( $alloptions ) ? array() : $alloptions;//prevent issue //is there any option group requested ? if ( ! is_null( $opt_group ) && array_key_exists( $opt_group, $alloptions ) ) { $alloptions = maybe_unserialize( $alloptions[ $opt_group ] ); } //shall we return a specific option ? if ( is_null( $opt_name ) ) { return $alloptions; } else { $opt_value = array_key_exists( $opt_name, $alloptions ) ? maybe_unserialize( $alloptions[ $opt_name ] ) : false;//fallback on cache option val //do we need to get the db value instead of the cached one ? <= might be safer with some user installs not properly handling the wp cache //=> typically used to checked the template name for hu_isprevdem() if ( ! $from_cache ) { global $wpdb; //@see wp-includes/option.php : get_option() $row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", $opt_name ) ); if ( is_object( $row ) ) { $opt_value = $row->option_value; } } return $opt_value; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Various Helpers /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * helper * Check if we are displaying posts lists or front page * => not real home * @return bool */ function hu_is_home() { //get info whether the front page is a list of last posts or a page return is_home() || ( is_home() && ( 'posts' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) || '__nothing__' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) ) || is_front_page(); } /** * helper ( can be already defined in hueman-addons) * Check if we are really on home, all cases covered * @return bool */ if ( ! function_exists( 'hu_is_real_home') ) { function hu_is_real_home() { return ( is_home() && ( 'posts' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) || '__nothing__' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) ) || ( 0 == get_option( 'page_on_front' ) && 'page' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) )//<= this is the case when the user want to display a page on home but did not pick a page yet || is_front_page(); } } /** * Check if we show posts or page content on home page * @return bool */ function hu_is_home_empty() { //check if the users has choosen the "no posts or page" option for home page return ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) && '__nothing__' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ); } /** * helper * States if the current context is the blog page from a WP standpoint * @return bool */ function hu_is_blogpage() { return is_home() && ! is_front_page(); } /** * helper * //must be archive or search result. Returns false if home is empty in options. * @return bool */ function hu_is_post_list() { global $wp_query; return apply_filters( 'hu_is_post_list', ( ! is_singular() && ! is_404() && ( is_search() && 0 != $wp_query -> post_count ) && ! hu_is_home_empty() ) || hu_is_blogpage() || is_home() || is_search() || is_archive() ); } /** * helper * used to define active callback in the customizer * => is_single triggers an error in 4.7 * @return bool */ function hu_is_page() { return is_page(); } /** * helper * used to define active callback in the customizer * => is_single triggers an error in 4.7 * @return bool */ function hu_is_single() { return is_single(); } /** * helper * used to define active callback in the customizer * => is_single triggers an error in 4.7 * @return bool */ function hu_is_singular() { return is_singular(); } /** * helper * @return bool */ function hu_has_social_links() { $_raw_socials = hu_get_option('social-links'); if ( ! is_array( $_raw_socials ) ) return; //get the social mod opts and the items foreach( $_raw_socials as $key => $item ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'is_mod_opt', $item ) ) $_social_items[] = $item; } return ! empty( $_social_items ); } /** * helper * Whether or not we are in the ajax context * @since v3.2.14 * @return bool */ function hu_is_ajax() { /* * wp_doing_ajax() introduced in 4.7.0 */ $wp_doing_ajax = ( function_exists('wp_doing_ajax') && wp_doing_ajax() ) || ( ( defined('DOING_AJAX') && 'DOING_AJAX' ) ); /* * * */ $_is_ajax = $wp_doing_ajax || ( ! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'); return apply_filters( 'hu_is_ajax', $_is_ajax ); } /** * helper ensuring backward compatibility with the previous option system * @return img src string */ function hu_get_img_src( $img ) { if ( ! $img ) return; $_image_src = ''; $_width = false; $_height = false; $_attachment_id = ''; //Get the img src if ( is_numeric( $img ) ) { $_attachment_id = $img; $_attachment_data = apply_filters( "hu_attachment_img" , wp_get_attachment_image_src( $_attachment_id, 'full' ), $_attachment_id ); $_img_src = $_attachment_data[0]; $_width = ( isset($_attachment_data[1]) && $_attachment_data[1] > 1 ) ? $_attachment_data[1] : $_width; $_height = ( isset($_attachment_data[2]) && $_attachment_data[2] > 1 ) ? $_attachment_data[2] : $_height; } else { //old treatment //rebuild the img path : check if the full path is already saved in DB. If not, then rebuild it. $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $_saved_path = esc_url ( $img ); $_img_src = ( false !== strpos( $_saved_path , '/wp-content/' ) ) ? $_saved_path : $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $_saved_path; } //return img source + make ssl compliant return is_ssl() ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', $_img_src) : $_img_src; } /** * wrapper of hu_get_img_src specific for theme options * @return logo src string */ function hu_get_img_src_from_option( $option_name ) { $_img_option = esc_attr( hu_get_option( $option_name ) ); if ( ! $_img_option ) $_src = false; $_src = hu_get_img_src( $_img_option ); //hook return apply_filters( "hu_img_src_from_option" , $_src, $option_name ) ; } /** * Wrapper of the_post_thumbnail * It also handles the placeholder image if requested and option checked * => the goal is to "scope" the filter the thumbnail html only to the Hueman theme. * => avoid potential conflict with plugins * * @echo html */ function hu_the_post_thumbnail( $size = 'post-thumbnail', $attr = '', $placeholder = true, $placeholder_size = null ) { $html = ''; $post = get_post(); $placeholder_size = is_null( $placeholder_size ) ? $size : $placeholder_size; $is_attachment = is_object( $post ) && isset( $post -> post_type ) && 'attachment' == $post -> post_type; if ( ! $post || ( ! $is_attachment && ! has_post_thumbnail() ) ) { if ( hu_is_checked('placeholder') && (bool)$placeholder ) { $html = hu_print_placeholder_thumb( $size ); } } else if ( $is_attachment ) {//typically : the case when attachment are included in search results $html = wp_get_attachment_image( $post -> ID, $size, false, $attr ); } else { $html = get_the_post_thumbnail( null, $size, $attr ); } echo apply_filters( 'hu_post_thumbnail_html', $html, $size, $attr ); } //@return bool //WHEN DO WE DISPLAY THE REGULAR TOP NAV ? //=> when there's a topbar menu assigned or when the default page menu option "default-menu-header" is checked ( not for multisite @see issue on github ) function hu_is_topbar_displayed() { $top_nav_fb = apply_filters( 'hu_topbar_menu_fallback_cb', ( ! is_multisite() && hu_is_checked( "default-menu-header" ) ) ? 'hu_page_menu' : '' ); return hu_has_nav_menu( 'topbar' ) || ! empty( $top_nav_fb ); } //WHEN DO WE DISPLAY THE HEADER NAV ? // => when there's a header menu assigned or when the fallback callback function is set ( with a filter, used in prevdem scenario typically ) function hu_is_header_nav_displayed() { $header_nav_fb = apply_filters( 'hu_header_menu_fallback_cb', '' ); return hu_has_nav_menu( 'header' ) || ! empty( $header_nav_fb ); } // When do we display the comment icon in grids ? // Handles the post and page cases // Should be used in the loop, when global $post is set // @return bool function hu_is_comment_icon_displayed_on_grid_item_thumbnails() { // the comment icon is displayed only if comment are enabled for this type of post // 'comment-count' option => Display comment count on thumbnails global $post; if ( empty ( $post ) || ! isset( $post -> ID ) ) return; $are_comments_contextually_enabled = false; if ( 'page' == $post -> post_type && hu_is_checked( 'page-comments' ) ) { $are_comments_contextually_enabled = true; } else if ( 'page' != $post -> post_type && hu_is_checked( 'post-comments' ) ) { $are_comments_contextually_enabled = true; } return comments_open() && hu_is_checked( 'comment-count') && $are_comments_contextually_enabled; }