* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Nicolas GUILLAUME * @link http://presscustomizr.com/hueman * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ if ( ! class_exists( 'HU_utils' ) ) : class HU_utils { //Access any method or var of the class with classname::$instance -> var or method(): static $inst; public $default_options; public $db_options; public $options;//not used in customizer context only public $is_customizing; public $hu_options_prefixes; public static $_theme_setting_list; function __construct () { self::$inst =& $this; //init properties //when is_admin, the after_setup_theme is fired too late if ( is_admin() && ! hu_is_customizing() ) { $this -> hu_init_properties(); } else { add_action( 'after_setup_theme' , array( $this , 'hu_init_properties') ); } //IMPORTANT : this callback needs to be ran AFTER hu_init_properties. add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( $this, 'hu_cache_theme_setting_list' ), 100 ); //Various WP filters for //content //thumbnails => parses image if smartload enabled //title add_action( 'wp_head' , array( $this , 'hu_wp_filters') ); //refresh the theme options right after the _preview_filter when previewing add_action( 'customize_preview_init' , array( $this , 'hu_customize_refresh_db_opt' ) ); }//construct /*************************** * EARLY HOOKS ****************************/ /** * Init class properties after_setup_theme * Fixes the bbpress bug : Notice: bbp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init() * hu_get_default_options uses is_user_logged_in() => was causing the bug * hook : after_setup_theme * */ function hu_init_properties() { //all theme options start by "hu_" by convention //$this -> hu_options_prefixes = apply_filters('hu_options_prefixes', array('hu_') ); $this -> is_customizing = hu_is_customizing(); $this -> db_options = false === get_option( HU_THEME_OPTIONS ) ? array() : (array)get_option( HU_THEME_OPTIONS ); $this -> default_options = $this -> hu_get_default_options(); $_trans = HU_IS_PRO ? 'started_using_hueman_pro' : 'started_using_hueman'; //What was the theme version when the user started to use Hueman? //new install = no options yet //very high duration transient, this transient could actually be an option but as per the wordpress.org themes guidelines, only one option is allowed for the theme settings if ( ! hu_isprevdem() ) { if ( ! get_transient( $_trans ) ) { set_transient( $_trans, sprintf('%s|%s' , count( $this -> db_options ) >= 1 ? 'before' : 'with' , HUEMAN_VER ), 60*60*24*3650 ); } if ( ! get_transient( 'hu_start_date' ) && class_exists( 'DateTime' ) ) { set_transient( 'hu_start_date', new DateTime("now"), 60*60*24*3650 ); } } //the db updates for retro compat can be done now. //=> @see functions/init-retro-compat.php do_action('hu_init_options_done'); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * CACHE THE LIST OF THEME SETTINGS ONLY /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //Fired in __construct() //Note : the 'sidebar-areas' setting is not listed in that list because registered specifically function hu_cache_theme_setting_list() { if ( is_array(self::$_theme_setting_list) && ! empty( self::$_theme_setting_list ) ) return; $_settings_map = HU_utils_settings_map::$instance -> hu_get_customizer_map( null, 'add_setting_control' ); $_settings = array(); foreach ( $_settings_map as $_id => $data ) { $_settings[] = $_id; } //$default_options = HU_utils::$inst -> hu_get_default_options(); self::$_theme_setting_list = $_settings; } /*************************** * ON WP_HEAD ****************************/ /** * hook : wp_head */ function hu_wp_filters() { if ( apply_filters( 'hu_img_smart_load_enabled', ! hu_is_ajax() && hu_is_checked('smart_load_img') ) ) { add_filter( 'the_content' , array( $this , 'hu_parse_imgs' ), PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'hu_post_thumbnail_html' , array( $this , 'hu_parse_imgs' ) ); } add_filter( 'wp_title' , array( $this , 'hu_wp_title' ), 10, 2 ); } /** * hook : the_content * Inspired from Unveil Lazy Load plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/unveil-lazy-load/ by @marubon * * @return string */ function hu_parse_imgs( $_html ) { $_bool = is_feed() || is_preview() || ( wp_is_mobile() && apply_filters('hu_disable_img_smart_load_mobiles', false ) ); if ( apply_filters( 'hu_disable_img_smart_load', $_bool, current_filter() ) ) return $_html; $allowed_image_extentions = apply_filters( 'hu_smartload_allowed_img_extensions', array( 'bmp', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'tif', 'tiff', 'ico', 'png', 'svg', 'svgz' ) ); if ( empty( $allowed_image_extentions ) || ! is_array( $allowed_image_extentions ) ) { return $_html; } $img_extensions_pattern = sprintf( "(?:%s)", implode( '|', $allowed_image_extentions ) ); $pattern = '#]+?)src=[\'"]?([^\'"\s>]+\.'.$img_extensions_pattern.'[^\'"\s>]*)[\'"]?([^>]*)>#i'; return preg_replace_callback( $pattern, array( $this , 'hu_regex_callback' ) , $_html); } /** * callback of preg_replace_callback in hu_parse_imgs * Inspired from Unveil Lazy Load plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/unveil-lazy-load/ by @marubon * * @return string */ private function hu_regex_callback( $matches ) { $_placeholder = ''; if ( false !== strpos( $matches[0], 'data-src' ) || preg_match('/ data-smartload *= *"false" */', $matches[0]) ) { return $matches[0]; } else { return apply_filters( 'hu_img_smartloaded', str_replace( array('srcset=', 'sizes='), array('data-srcset=', 'data-sizes='), sprintf('', $matches[1], $_placeholder, $matches[2], $matches[3] ) ) ); } } /** * Title element formating * Hook : wp_title * */ function hu_wp_title( $title, $sep ) { if ( function_exists( '_wp_render_title_tag' ) ) return $title; global $paged, $page; if ( is_feed() ) return $title; // Add the site name. $title .= get_bloginfo( 'name' ); // Add the site description for the home/front page. $site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description' , 'display' ); if ( $site_description && hu_is_home() ) $title = "$title $sep $site_description"; // Add a page number if necessary. if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) $title = "$title $sep " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s' , 'hueman' ), max( $paged, $page ) ); return $title; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************** OPTIONS ************************************** *****************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the default options array * * @package Hueman * @since Hueman 3.0.0 */ function hu_get_default_options() { $_db_opts = empty($this -> db_options) ? $this -> hu_cache_db_options() : $this -> db_options; $def_options = isset($_db_opts['defaults']) ? $_db_opts['defaults'] : array(); //Don't update if default options are not empty + customizing context //customizing out ? => we can assume that the user has at least refresh the default once (because logged in, see conditions below) before accessing the customizer //customizing => takes into account if user has set a filter or added a new customizer setting if ( ! empty($def_options) && $this -> is_customizing ) return apply_filters( 'hu_default_options', $def_options ); //Never update the defaults when wp_installing() //prevent issue https://github.com/presscustomizr/hueman/issues/571 //Always update/generate the default option when (OR) : // 1) current user can edit theme options // 2) they are not defined // 3) theme version not defined // 4) versions are different if ( ! wp_installing() ) { if ( current_user_can('edit_theme_options') || empty($def_options) || ! isset($def_options['ver']) || 0 != version_compare( $def_options['ver'] , HUEMAN_VER ) ) { $def_options = $this -> hu_generate_default_options( HU_utils_settings_map::$instance -> hu_get_customizer_map( $get_default_option = 'true' ) , HU_THEME_OPTIONS ); //Adds the version in default $def_options['ver'] = HUEMAN_VER; //writes the new value in db (merging raw options with the new defaults ) //=> will abort when wp_cache_get() returns false // => prevent issue https://github.com/presscustomizr/hueman/issues/571 $this -> hu_set_option( 'defaults', $def_options, HU_THEME_OPTIONS ); } } return apply_filters( 'hu_default_options', $def_options ); } /** * Generates the default options array from a customizer map + add slider option * */ function hu_generate_default_options( $map, $option_group = null ) { //do we have to look in a specific group of option (plugin?) $option_group = is_null($option_group) ? HU_THEME_OPTIONS : $option_group; //initialize the default array with the sliders options $defaults = array(); foreach ($map['add_setting_control'] as $key => $options) { $option_name = $key; //write default option in array if( isset($options['default']) ) $defaults[$option_name] = ( 'checkbox' == $options['type'] ) ? (bool) $options['default'] : $options['default']; else $defaults[$option_name] = null; }//end foreach return $defaults; } /** * Returns an option from the options array of the theme. * * @package Hueman */ function hu_opt( $option_name , $option_group = null, $use_default = true ) { //do we have to look for a specific group of option (plugin?) $option_group = is_null( $option_group ) ? HU_THEME_OPTIONS : $option_group; //when customizing, the db_options property is refreshed each time the preview is refreshed in 'customize_preview_init' $_db_options = empty($this -> db_options) ? $this -> hu_cache_db_options() : $this -> db_options; //do we have to use the default ? $__options = $_db_options; $_default_val = false; if ( $use_default ) { $_defaults = $this -> default_options; if ( is_array($_defaults) && isset($_defaults[$option_name]) ) $_default_val = $_defaults[$option_name]; $__options = wp_parse_args( $_db_options, $_defaults ); } //assign false value if does not exist, just like WP does $_single_opt = isset( $__options[$option_name] ) ? $__options[$option_name] : false; //allow ctx filtering globally $_single_opt = apply_filters( "hu_opt" , $_single_opt , $option_name , $option_group, $_default_val ); //allow single option filtering return apply_filters( "hu_opt_{$option_name}" , $_single_opt , $option_name , $option_group, $_default_val ); } /** * Get the saved options in customizer Screen, merge them with the default theme options array and return the updated global options array * */ function hu_get_theme_options ( $option_group = null ) { //do we have to look in a specific group of option (plugin?) $option_group = is_null($option_group) ? HU_THEME_OPTIONS : $option_group; $saved = empty($this -> db_options) ? $this -> hu_cache_db_options() : $this -> db_options; $defaults = $this -> default_options; $__options = wp_parse_args( $saved, $defaults ); //$__options = array_intersect_key( $__options, $defaults ); return $__options; } /** * Set an option value in the theme option group * @param $option_name : string * @param $option_value : sanitized option value, can be a string, a boolean or an array * @param $option_group : string ( like hu_theme_options ) * @return void * */ function hu_set_option( $option_name , $option_value, $option_group = null ) { $option_group = is_null($option_group) ? HU_THEME_OPTIONS : $option_group; //Get raw to : //avoid filtering //avoid merging with defaults //Reminder : hu_get_raw_option( $opt_name = null, $opt_group = null, $from_cache = true, $report_error = false ) //get the raw option and enabled the wp error report //=> prevent issue https://github.com/presscustomizr/hueman/issues/571 $_options = $this -> hu_get_unfiltered_theme_options( $option_group ); //Always make sure that getting raw options returns valid data //For example, when opening wp-activate.php, wp_cache_get( 'alloptions', 'options' ); returns false //=> which might lead to reset all previous user theme options when using update_option() // => prevent issue https://github.com/presscustomizr/hueman/issues/571 if ( is_wp_error( $_options ) ) { error_log( $_options -> get_error_code() ); return; } else { $_options[$option_name] = $option_value; update_option( $option_group, $_options ); } } /** * The purpose of this callback is to refresh and store the theme options in a property on each customize preview refresh * => preview performance improvement * 'customize_preview_init' is fired on wp_loaded, once WordPress is fully loaded ( after 'init', before 'wp') and right after the call to 'customize_register' * This method is fired just after the theme option has been filtered for each settings by the WP_Customize_Setting::_preview_filter() callback * => if this method is fired before this hook when customizing, the user changes won't be taken into account on preview refresh * * hook : customize_preview_init * @return void * */ function hu_customize_refresh_db_opt(){ $this -> db_options = false === get_option( HU_THEME_OPTIONS ) ? array() : (array)get_option( HU_THEME_OPTIONS ); } /** * In live context (not customizing || admin) cache the theme options * */ function hu_cache_db_options($opt_group = null) { $opt_group = is_null( $opt_group ) ? HU_THEME_OPTIONS : $opt_group; $this -> db_options = false === get_option( $opt_group ) ? array() : (array)get_option( $opt_group ); return $this -> db_options; } //@return an array of options //This is mostly a copy of the built-in get_option with the difference that //1) by default retrieves only the theme options //2) removes the "pre_option_{$name}", "default_option_{$name}", "option_{$name}" filters //3) doesn't care about the special case when $option in array array('siteurl', 'home', 'category_base', 'tag_base'), // as they are out of scope here // // The filter suppression is specially needed due to: // a) avoid plugins (qtranslate, other lang plugins) filtering the theme options value, which might mess theme options when we update the options on front // (e.g. to set the defaults, or to perform our retro compat options updates, or either to set the user started before option) // b) speed up the theme option retrieval when we are sure we don't need the theme options to be filtered in any case function hu_get_unfiltered_theme_options( $option = null, $default = array() ) { $option = is_null($option) ? HU_THEME_OPTIONS : $option; global $wpdb; $option_group = trim( $option); if ( empty( $option ) ) return false; if ( defined( 'WP_SETUP_CONFIG' ) ) return false; if ( ! wp_installing() ) { // prevent non-existent options from triggering multiple queries $notoptions = wp_cache_get( 'notoptions', 'options' ); if ( isset( $notoptions[ $option ] ) ) { return $default; } $alloptions = wp_load_alloptions(); if ( isset( $alloptions[$option] ) ) { $value = $alloptions[$option]; } else { $value = wp_cache_get( $option, 'options' ); if ( false === $value ) { $row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", $option ) ); // Has to be get_row instead of get_var because of funkiness with 0, false, null values if ( is_object( $row ) ) { $value = $row->option_value; wp_cache_add( $option, $value, 'options' ); } else { // option does not exist, so we must cache its non-existence if ( ! is_array( $notoptions ) ) { $notoptions = array(); } $notoptions[$option] = true; wp_cache_set( 'notoptions', $notoptions, 'options' ); return $default; } } } } else { $suppress = $wpdb->suppress_errors(); $row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1", $option ) ); $wpdb->suppress_errors( $suppress ); if ( is_object( $row ) ) { $value = $row->option_value; } else { return $default; } } return maybe_unserialize( $value ); } }//end of class endif;