grid_thumb_size_for_columns; } $grid_thumb_size = hu_is_checked( 'blog-use-original-image-size' ) ? 'full' : $grid_thumb_size; // Map of the size candidates for masonty // @see filter 'hu_masonry_grid_thumb_size' // @see sizes registered after setup theme in Hueman $map = array( 'thumb-xxlarge' => '1320', 'thumb-xlarge' => '980', 'thumb-large' => '720', 'thumb-large-no-crop' => '720', 'thumb-medium-no-crop' => '520', 'thumb-medium' => '520', 'full' => '1600' ); if ( array_key_exists( $grid_thumb_size, $map ) ) { $max_src_size = $map[$grid_thumb_size]; } return $max_src_size; } } // april 2020 : added for // filter has to be set in article tmpl (instead of before and after the wp query) to be taken into account when using infinite scroll if ( !has_filter( 'max_srcset_image_width', 'hu_limit_srcset_img_width_for_classic_grid' ) ) { add_filter( 'max_srcset_image_width', 'hu_limit_srcset_img_width_for_classic_grid' ); } ?>
'; ?> '; ?> '; ?>