'page-options', 'title' => 'Page Options', 'desc' => '', 'pages' => array( 'page' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'Heading', 'id' => '_heading', 'type' => 'text' ), array( 'label' => 'Subheading', 'id' => '_subheading', 'type' => 'text' ), array( 'label' => 'Primary Sidebar', 'id' => '_sidebar_primary', 'type' => 'sidebar-select', 'desc' => 'Overrides default' ), array( 'label' => 'Secondary Sidebar', 'id' => '_sidebar_secondary', 'type' => 'sidebar-select', 'desc' => 'Overrides default' ), array( 'label' => 'Layout', 'id' => '_layout', 'type' => 'radio-image', 'desc' => 'Overrides the default layout option', 'std' => 'inherit', 'choices' => array( array( 'value' => 'inherit', 'label' => 'Inherit Layout', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/layout-off.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-1c', 'label' => '1 Column', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-1c.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-2cl', 'label' => '2 Column Left', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-2cl.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-2cr', 'label' => '2 Column Right', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-2cr.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-3cm', 'label' => '3 Column Middle', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-3cm.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-3cl', 'label' => '3 Column Left', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-3cl.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-3cr', 'label' => '3 Column Right', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-3cr.png' ) ) ) ) ); $post_options = array( 'id' => 'post-options', 'title' => 'Post Options', 'desc' => '', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'Primary Sidebar', 'id' => '_sidebar_primary', 'type' => 'sidebar-select', 'desc' => 'Overrides default' ), array( 'label' => 'Secondary Sidebar', 'id' => '_sidebar_secondary', 'type' => 'sidebar-select', 'desc' => 'Overrides default' ), array( 'label' => 'Layout', 'id' => '_layout', 'type' => 'radio-image', 'desc' => 'Overrides the default layout option', 'std' => 'inherit', 'choices' => array( array( 'value' => 'inherit', 'label' => 'Inherit Layout', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/layout-off.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-1c', 'label' => '1 Column', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-1c.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-2cl', 'label' => '2 Column Left', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-2cl.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-2cr', 'label' => '2 Column Right', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-2cr.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-3cm', 'label' => '3 Column Middle', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-3cm.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-3cl', 'label' => '3 Column Left', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-3cl.png' ), array( 'value' => 'col-3cr', 'label' => '3 Column Right', 'src' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/images/col-3cr.png' ) ) ) ) ); $post_format_audio = array( 'id' => 'format-audio', 'title' => 'Format: Audio', 'desc' => 'These settings enable you to embed audio into your posts. You must provide both .mp3 and .ogg/.oga file formats in order for self hosted audio to function accross all browsers.', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'MP3 File URL', 'id' => '_audio_mp3_url', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'The URL to the .mp3 or .m4a audio file' ), array( 'label' => 'OGA File URL', 'id' => '_audio_ogg_url', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'The URL to the .oga, .ogg audio file' ) ) ); $post_format_gallery = array( 'id' => 'format-gallery', 'title' => 'Format: Gallery', 'desc' => 'Add Media

To create a gallery, upload your images and then select "Uploaded to this post" from the dropdown (in the media popup) to see images attached to this post. You can drag to re-order or delete them there.

Note: Do not click the "Insert into post" button. Only use the "Insert Media" section of the upload popup, not "Create Gallery" which is for standard post galleries.', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array() ); $post_format_chat = array( 'id' => 'format-chat', 'title' => 'Format: Chat', 'desc' => 'Input chat dialogue.', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'Chat Text', 'id' => '_chat', 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => '2' ) ) ); $post_format_link = array( 'id' => 'format-link', 'title' => 'Format: Link', 'desc' => 'Input your link.', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'Link Title', 'id' => '_link_title', 'type' => 'text' ), array( 'label' => 'Link URL', 'id' => '_link_url', 'type' => 'text' ) ) ); $post_format_quote = array( 'id' => 'format-quote', 'title' => 'Format: Quote', 'desc' => 'Input your quote.', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'Quote', 'id' => '_quote', 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => '2' ), array( 'label' => 'Quote Author', 'id' => '_quote_author', 'type' => 'text' ) ) ); $post_format_video = array( 'id' => 'format-video', 'title' => 'Format: Video', 'desc' => 'These settings enable you to embed videos into your posts.', 'pages' => array( 'post' ), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array( array( 'label' => 'Video URL', 'id' => '_video_url', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Recommended to use.' ), array( 'label' => 'Video Embed Code', 'id' => '_video_embed_code', 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => '2' ) ) ); /* Register meta boxes /* ------------------------------------ */ ot_register_meta_box( $page_options ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_format_audio ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_format_chat ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_format_gallery ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_format_link ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_format_quote ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_format_video ); ot_register_meta_box( $post_options ); }