1. First, have you read the readme documentation that came with your theme?

Each theme comes with a README.txt file that includes detailed installation instructions. Before continuing, please make sure that you have read through this file and followed each step correctly.

2. Do you have plugins active that did not come with the theme?

If you are using additional plugins that did not come with the theme it is possible that one of them is interfering with the design. Unfortunately it is impossible to predict what will happen when unknown code is place into our themes, so it is always important, if you are experiencing problems, to disable all of the plugins that did not come with the theme to see if they are at fault. Try disabling each plugin one by one to find the culprit.

3. Are you using the latest version of Wordpress?

Wordpress is constantly changing, it is always best to keep your Wordpress install up-to-date. Using an out-dated version may lead to unknown problems.

4. Have you made any customizations to the theme?

Before contacting me about theme problems make sure customizations you made are not the cause of the problem. If you have made edits to the theme files, try uploading a fresh version of the theme and compare the two.