=== Hoot Du === Contributors: wphoot Tags: one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, block-styles, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, microformats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, wide-blocks, e-commerce, entertainment, food-and-drink Requires at least: 5.4 Tested up to: 5.8 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Hoot Du is a responsive WordPress theme with a bold modern design. == Description == Hoot Du is a responsive WordPress theme with a bold modern design. For more information about Hoot Du please go to https://wphoot.com/themes/hoot-du/ Theme support is available at https://wphoot.com/support/ You can also check out the theme instructions at https://wphoot.com/support/hoot-du/ and demo at https://demo.wphoot.com/hoot-du/ for a closer look. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to install Hoot Du = 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button. 2. Type in 'Hoot Du' in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. 3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away. = How to get theme support = You can look at the theme instructions at https://wphoot.com/support/hoot-du/ To get support beyond the scope of documentation provided, please open a support ticket via https://wphoot.com/support/ == Changelog == = 2.9.21 = * Updated Font Awesome to 5.15.3 (increase icons from 991 to 1608 ) * Added TikTok to Social Icons List = 2.9.20 = * Change conditional tags used in content-page.php to display full content for custom post types (Tribe single event and events pages) and excerpts for rest (including Category Tag Pages) * Minor css fix for Tribe Default Template (li bullets and margins) = 2.9.19 = * Fix: Allow plugins like Tribe to use full content page templates (removes page title and fixes
  • css on event pages) * Remove redundant tribe event code in favor of above fix * Minor Fix: Tribe single event page css = 2.9.18 = * Skip version = 2.9.17 = * Add theme support for 'wp-block-styles' and 'custom-spacing' * Fix dynamic css created for custom logo line font style (uppercase) based on user option = 2.9.16 = * Improved CSS for WordPress Core Blocks (Media&Text, Cover, Blockquote, Pullquote, Verse) * Improved CSS for WordPress Block Alignments (Wide, Full) * Refactor code to combine all block related code and add block related tags * Updated stylesheet (and dynamic css) enqueue priorities and handles for better management of dependent styles (blocks, hootkit etc) * Automatically enqueue child theme hootkit stylesheet if exist = 2.9.15 = * Add accent color and font accent color to block palette * Add 'nohighlight' class to menu items to skip css for 'current-menu-item' - useful for scrollpoints (ticket#10227) * Preload font icons to improve Page Speed Score (ticket#10244) * Check for parent theme object before (fixes bug where it returns false) (ticket#10248) = 2.9.14 = * Update function hooked to 'get_the_archive_title' to remove prefixes, and use 'get_the_archive_title_prefix' hook instead * Fix css for page title background (parallax,nocrop) when used on Elementor Pages (ticket#10161 followup:#10071) * Fix css for forminator plugin (ticket#10151) * Recommend classic widgets plugin (tgmpa) for wordpress 5.8 = 2.9.13 = * Buddypress compatibility: Remove loop meta, fix alignwide margins, display the_content (content.php template) and on BP pages * Remove WC bug fix (v1.5CDR@2016) (runs get_queried_object) to fix empty global $authordata for author page loop meta with WP5.7 * Fix formatting for wp 'code' block * Auxillary css for Elementor 'Hide Title' option (ticket#10071) * Add archive-wrap div wrap to woocommerce products archive template * Fix css bug for full content grid background link * Migrate below-header area from table layout to flex layout = 2.9.12 = * Added patreon to social profile widget * Temporarily remove Gutenberg Widgets Screen * Add theme support for Gutenberg Wide Align (ticket#9032) = 2.9.11 = * Woocommerce heading styles (related, upsell, cross-sells) * Add theme-name to body class * Fix below header css for mobile * Fix edge case: ios mobile add superfish js delay * Fix menu 'jump' due to dropdown menu arrow and fix megamenu icon width = 2.9.10 = * Skip Version = 2.9.9 = * Fix container class for jetpack infinite-scroll (when frontpage set to display blog) * Fix compatibility with wp-megamenu plugin (plugin css hiding logo area) = 2.9.8 = * Update sanitization for text in sortlist to wp_kses_post * Misc Woocommerce stylings (tabs on single product page, pagination, buttons, table radius) * Improved pagination styling - archive, post links, woocommerce * Added Options builder helper product functions * Fix block button when user adds the button class manually (to display theme's button style) * Updated deprecated syntax (jQuery 3.0) in parallax script from .on('ready',handler) to $(handler) https://api.jquery.com/ready/ * Added HootKit widgets - Cover Image and Content Grid * Updated css for hootkit post-grid and post-list widgets to generic grid and list * Fix php error in loop-meta when 'loop-meta-wrap' is null * Migrate below-header area from table layout to flex layout = 2.9.7 = * Fix for AMP menu with fixed menu javascript * CSS fix for Image block (caption overflow image in default settings) and Cover block (image overflow due to padding) = 2.9.6 = * Mobile Fixed Menu - Fix display for logged in users with admin bar * Improve accessibility - fix keyboard navigation issues (menu, mobile menu, search widget etc) * Refactored About Theme page code * Added static featured image (non cropped) option in header on single post/page = 2.9.5 = * Skip Version = 2.9.4 = * Remove column/total item options in favor of WC default options * Remove top/bottom margin for main content area added in last update (fixes no space issue in certain displays theme) = 2.9.3 = * AMP support for search (remove JS for input text field) * Return empty read more text for feed * Fix: color rgba sanitization in style builder for dynamic css * Fix Safari bug for sidebars when percentage width gets rounds up (in flex model) * Minor css fix for ajax login popup = 2.9.2 = * Fix site title with icon (flex to inline flex) when branding is center of header * Removed orphan sourceMappingURL from third party library files * AMP plugin support * Fix mobile safari bug when telephone numbers are automatically converted to links with hidden font color * Minor fix: Removed for attribute for label in search form widget * Fix mosaic layout for blog when displayed on frontpage - add archive-wrap div wrap * Fixed number argument in HootKit::get_terms() * Added boxed/stretch option for below header widget area * Added static background image option in Header for Pages/Posts * Added Telegram to social sites list enum for HootKit * Jetpack infinite scroll - remove explicit type setting to 'click' to allow 'scroll' option as well = 2.9.1 = * Added single/multiple line option to ticker and post ticker * Fix read more filters to force read more link for posts with custom excerpts and small excerpts * Add filter for locate template functions for widget, content, archive templates * Update google fonts url to API2 with display swap * Bug Fix frontpage page content background option * Remove deprecated array offset using {} for PHP 7.4 (ticket#8681) * css update for hootkit ticker widgets = 2.9.0 = * CSS for block elements in WP5.4 (social icons) * CSS for block editor dropcap, generic font sizes used in blocks, other minor adjustments * Update 'get_the_archive_title' hooked function to remove prefixes from translated WordPress strings as well * Updated Requires at least, Tested up to and Requires PHP tags in style.css and readme.txt * Add sidebar layout option for archives/blog to lite * CSS updates for Block gallery (margins for gallery grid, Gallery Captions, image captions) * Various CSS fixes and other minor adjustments * Add script for interlinking customizer control/section/panel * Improved hoot_get_attr function to accept classes when other custom attributes also present * Fix Customizer Settings Priorities * Add separate sidebar layout option for frontpage content block (blog / static page) * Updated Hootkit viewall CSS for new structure * Updated deprecated get_woocommerce_term_meta function with get_term_meta = 2.8.7 = * Hide Menu Toggle when Max Mega Menu active * Add font-display:swap to font icons (fixes Google Pagespeed error: Ensure text remains visible during webfont load) * Check for parent theme object before assigning parent theme details to framework variables (fixes edge case scenario on certain server configurations) * Add 'entry-title' class to h1.loop-title (to make title compatibile with Elementor hide-title option) * Remove filter=5 attribute from wordpress.org review url * Add support for styling Breadcrumb NavXT = 2.8.6 = * Polylang menu flag image alignment * Fix bbPress Forums view (archive view was being displayed instead of forums list) * Fix title/descriptions for bbPress User view, Single Forum view, Forums view * Fix Header Aside Search display on mobile * Fix wp-SmushIt lazyload compatibility issue caused due to class="no-js" in (remnant from modernizr.js) * Support 'announce-headline' for HootKit Announce widget = 2.8.5 = * Add gravatar to loop meta for authors = 2.8.4 = * Internal Version. Not Released = 2.8.3 = * Update ul.wp-block-gallery css for WP 5.3 compatibility * Added HTML5 Supports Argument for Script and Style Tags for WP 5.3 * Added semibold option for typography settings * Fix custom logo bug (fix warning when default value does not have all options defined for sortitem line) * Apply filter to frontpage id index for background options * Fix content block row bottom margin * Add support and accompanying css for Ticker Posts widget * Add support and accompanying css for Post Grid widget - first post slider * CSS fix for sortitem checkbox input in customizer * CSS fix for woocommerce message button on small screen (ticket#4621) * Upgrade logo-with-icon from Table to Flexbox = 2.8.2 = * Logo and Site Description css fixes * Added Logo Border option = 2.8.1 = * Accessibility Improvements: Skip to Content link fixed * Accessibility Improvements: Keyboard Navigation improved (link and form field outlines, improved button focus visual) * Removed min-width for grid (mobile view) * Fix iframe and embed margins in wp embed blocks * Fix label max-width for contact forms to display properly on mobile * Fix for woocommerce pagination when inifinite scroll is active * Fix required fonticon for Contact Form 7 plugin * Bug Fix: Add space for loop-meta-wrap class (for mods) = 2.8.0 = * Remove shim for the_custom_logo * Fix: Inline menu display css fix with mega menu plugin * Apply filter on arguments array for the_posts_pagination * Add help link to One Click Demo documentation * Replace support for HootKit with OCDI plugin = 2.7.8 = * Removed One Click Demo for compatibility with TRT guidelines * HootKit CSS Fixes * CSS fix: last menu item dropdown * Added missing argument for 'the_title' filter to prevent error with certain plugins * Added Featured image for Categories and Tags * Added CSS to style woocommerce buttons based on theme colors * Updated location functions to optionally return templates array - updated hoot_comments_callback accordingly = 2.7.7 = * Internal Version. Not Released = 2.7.6 = * Added option for frontpage module font color * Improved template logic for displaying Previous/Next post (using a wrapping function) = 2.7.5 = * Added support for 'inherit' value in css sanitization for dynamic css build * Bug fix for 'box-shadow' property in css sanitization for dynamic css build * Bug fix by unsetting selective refresh from passing into $settings array in customizer interface builder = 2.7.4 = * Added the new 'wp_body_open' function * Improved dynamic css for ajax login form = 2.7.3 = * Added Tribe 'The Events Calendar' plugin support - template fixes * Improved logic for hoot_get_mod function = 2.7.2 = * Add css support for Gutenberg gallery block * Fix parallax image misalignment on load when lightslider is present * Sanitize debug data for logged in admin users * Added 'background-size' option to dynamic css style-builder * Minor CSS adjustments (static and dynamic) for text logo color = 2.7.1 = * Internal Version. Not Released = 2.7.0 = * Fix content for postfooter in new theme installations * Removed older IE css support * Fixed Color class name * Removed minified script/style from admin * Add support for selective refresh in customizer settings * One click demo import support added (via HootKit plugin) * Updated welcome page to help users with OCDI * Support for 'About/Profile' widget added * Standardized function prefixes for theme / Hoot framework library = 1.9.9 = * Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.9 = * This is the officially supported stable release version. Please update to this version before opening a support ticket. == Resources == = This Theme has code derived/modified from the following resources all of which, like WordPress, are distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL = * Underscores WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012 Automattic http://underscores.me/ * Hybrid Core Framework v3.0.0, Copyright 2008 - 2015, Justin Tadlock http://themehybrid.com/ * Hybrid Base WordPress Theme v1.0.0, Copyright 2013 - 2015, Justin Tadlock http://themehybrid.com/ * Customizer Library v1.3.0, Copyright 2010 WP Theming http://wptheming.com * HootKit WordPress Plugin, Copyright 2018 wpHoot https://wordpress.org/plugins/hootkit/ = This theme bundles the following third-party resources = * FitVids http://fitvidsjs.com/ Copyright 2013, Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com + Dave Rupert - http://daverupert.com : WTFPL license http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ * lightSlider http://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightslider/ Copyright sachi77n@gmail.com : MIT License * Superfish https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish/ Copyright Joel Birch : MIT License * Font Awesome http://fontawesome.io/ Copyright (c) 2015, Dave Gandy : SIL OFL 1.1 (Font) MIT License (Code) * TRT Customizer Pro https://github.com/justintadlock/trt-customizer-pro Copyright 2016 Justin Tadlock : GNU GPL Version 2 * TGM-Plugin-Activation https://github.com/TGMPA/TGM-Plugin-Activation Copyright (c) 2016 TGM : GNU GPL Version 2 * Parallax http://pixelcog.com/parallax.js/ Copyright 2016 PixelCog Inc. : MIT License * Theia Sticky Sidebar https://github.com/WeCodePixels/theia-sticky-sidebar/ Copyright 2013-2016 WeCodePixels : MIT License * Resize Sensor from CSS Element Queries https://github.com/marcj/css-element-queries/ Copyright (c) 2013 Marc J. Schmidt : MIT License = This theme screenshot contains the following images = * Image: Beans Coffee Cup https://www.pexels.com/photo/2059/ : CC0 * Image: Apple Imac on Desk https://www.pexels.com/photo/1712/ : CC0 * Image: Board Wood Food Cooking https://pxhere.com/en/photo/780582 : CC0 * Image: Fashion Man Wristwatch https://www.pexels.com/photo/1597/ : CC0 * Image: Painting Typography Gift Paint https://www.pexels.com/photo/5860/ : CC0 * Image: After Business Hours Bar https://www.pexels.com/photo/34650/ : CC0 * Image: Light Coffee Pen Working https://www.pexels.com/photo/6337/ : CC0 = Bundled Images: The theme bundles these images = * Image: /images/header.jpg https://www.pexels.com/photo/34650/ : CC0 * Image: /images/modulebg.jpg https://www.pexels.com/photo/7057/ : CC0 = Bundled Images: The theme bundles patterns in /images/patterns = * Background Patterns, Copyright 2015, wpHoot : CC0 = Bundled Images: The theme bundles composite images in /include/admin/images using the following resources = * Misc UI Grpahics, Copyright 2015, wpHoot : CC0 * Image: Wild Hair https://pxhere.com/en/photo/606493 : CC0 * Image: Wood Spice Cooking https://pxhere.com/en/photo/444 : CC0 * Image: Desk https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1434235 : CC0 * Image: Analysis Background https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1445331 : CC0 * Image: Aerial Background https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1430841 : CC0 * Image: Article Assortment https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1452883 : CC0 * Image: Avatar Network https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1444327 : CC0 * Image: Mans Avatar https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Mans-avatar/49761.html : CC0 * Image: Man with beard https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Man-with-beard-profile-picture-vector-clip-art/16285.html : CC0 * Image: Faceless Female Avatar https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Faceless-female-avatar/71113.html : CC0