now hooked to hootkit) // The theme's main script is loaded @11 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hootdu_enqueue_hootkit', 11 ); // Set dynamic css handle to hootkit add_filter( 'hoot_style_builder_inline_style_handle', 'hootdu_dynamic_css_hootkit_handle', 5 ); // Add dynamic CSS for hootkit add_action( 'hoot_dynamic_cssrules', 'hootdu_hootkit_dynamic_cssrules' ); /** * Register Hootkit * * @since 1.0 * @param array $config * @return string */ if ( !function_exists( 'hootdu_register_hootkit' ) ) : function hootdu_register_hootkit( $config ) { // Array of configuration settings. $config = array( 'nohoot' => false, 'theme_css' => true, 'modules' => array( 'sliders' => array( 'image', 'postimage' ), 'widgets' => array( 'announce', 'content-blocks', 'content-posts-blocks', 'cta', 'icon', 'post-grid', 'post-list', 'social-icons', 'ticker', 'profile', ), ), ); if ( apply_filters( 'hootdu_support_ocdi', true ) ) { $config['modules']['importer'] = array( array( 'import_file_name' => __( 'Hoot Du Demo', 'hoot-du' ), 'import_file_url' => '', 'import_widget_file_url' => '', 'import_customizer_file_url' => '', 'import_preview_image_url' => hoot_data()->template_uri . 'screenshot.jpg', /* Translators: The %s are placeholders for HTML, so the order can't be changed. */ 'import_notice' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'You are using the free version of the theme.%1$sSome features (available only in the premium version) will not get imported - You may see %2$s"Could not import"%3$s message for these features in the log once the installation is finished. You can safely ignore these messages.', 'hoot-du' ), '
', '', '' ), 'preview_url' => '', ), ); } return $config; } endif; /** * Enqueue Scripts and Styles * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'hootdu_enqueue_hootkit' ) ) : function hootdu_enqueue_hootkit() { /* Load Hootkit Style - Add dependency so that hotkit is loaded after */ $style_uri = hoot_locate_style( 'hootkit/hootkit' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'hootdu-hootkit', $style_uri, array( 'hoot-style' ), hoot_data()->template_version ); /* Load Hootkit Javascript */ // $script_uri = hoot_locate_script( 'hootkit/hootkit' ); // wp_enqueue_script( 'hootdu-hootkit', $script_uri, array( 'jquery' ), hoot_data()->template_version, true ); } endif; /** * Set dynamic css handle to hootkit * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @return void */ if ( !function_exists( 'hootdu_dynamic_css_hootkit_handle' ) ) : function hootdu_dynamic_css_hootkit_handle( $handle ) { return 'hootdu-hootkit'; } endif; /** * Custom CSS built from user theme options for hootkit features * For proper sanitization, always use functions from library/sanitization.php * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'hootdu_hootkit_dynamic_cssrules' ) ) : function hootdu_hootkit_dynamic_cssrules() { // Get user based style values $styles = hootdu_user_style(); // echo ''; extract( $styles ); /*** Add Dynamic CSS ***/ /* Light Slider */ hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.lSSlideOuter ul.lSPager.lSpg > li:hover a, .lSSlideOuter ul.lSPager.lSpg > a', 'property' => 'background-color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); /* Sidebars and Widgets */ hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.widget .view-all a:hover', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); // Overridden in premium if ( !empty( $widgetmargin ) ) : hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.bottomborder-line:after' . ',' . '.bottomborder-shadow:after', 'property' => 'margin-top', 'value' => $widgetmargin, 'idtag' => 'widgetmargin', ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.topborder-line:before' . ',' . '.topborder-shadow:before', 'property' => 'margin-bottom', 'value' => $widgetmargin, 'idtag' => 'widgetmargin', ) ); endif; if ( !empty( $smallwidgetmargin ) ) : hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.content-block-row' . ',' . '.vcard-row', 'property' => 'margin-bottom', 'value' => $smallwidgetmargin, 'idtag' => 'widgetmargin', ) ); endif; hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.cta-subtitle', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.content-block-icon i', 'property' => 'color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.icon-style-circle' .',' . '.icon-style-square', 'property' => 'border-color', 'value' => $accent_color, 'idtag' => 'accent_color', ) ); hoot_add_css_rule( array( 'selector' => '.content-block-style3 .content-block-icon', 'property' => 'background', 'value' => $content_bg_color, ) ); } endif; /** * HootKit Customization * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ if ( !function_exists( 'hootdu_hootkit_content_block' ) ) : function hootdu_hootkit_content_block( $attr, $context ) { if ( !empty( $context['style'] ) && $context['style'] == 'style2' && !empty( $context['visualtype'] ) ) $attr['class'] = 'content-block contrast-typo'; return $attr; } endif; add_filter( 'hoot_attr_content-block', 'hootdu_hootkit_content_block', 10, 2 ); /** * Modify Post Grid settings * * @since 1.0 * @param array $settings * @return string */ function hootdu_post_grid_widget_settings( $settings ) { if ( isset( $settings['form_options']['columns']['std'] ) ) $settings['form_options']['columns']['std'] = 4; if ( isset( $settings['form_options']['count']['desc'] ) ) $settings['form_options']['count']['desc'] = __( 'Default: 5 (posts without a featured image are skipped)', 'hoot-du' ); return $settings; } add_filter( 'hootkit_post_grid_widget_settings', 'hootdu_post_grid_widget_settings', 5 ); /** * Modify Post Grid Query Args * * @since 1.0 * @param array $query_args * @param array $instance * @return string */ function hootdu_post_grid_query( $query_args, $instance ) { $count = ( isset( $instance['count'] ) ) ? $instance['count'] : 5; $count = intval( $count ); $query_args['posts_per_page'] = ( empty( $count ) ) ? 5 : $count; return $query_args; } add_filter( 'hootkit_post_grid_query', 'hootdu_post_grid_query', 5, 2 );