style = get_option('hem_style'); } function date_format($slashes = false){ global $hemingwayEx_options; if ($slashes) return $hemingwayEx_options['international_dates'] == 1 ? 'd/m' : 'm/d'; else return $hemingwayEx_options['international_dates'] == 1 ? 'd.m' : 'm.d'; } // Excerpt cutting. I'd love to use the_excerpt_reloaded, but needless licensing prohibits me from doing so function excerpt(){ echo $this->get_excerpt(); } function get_excerpt(){ global $post; global $hemingwayEx_options; //modified by Nalin. Added option to allow user to specify length of excerpt if (!is_null($hemingwayEx_options['excerpt_length']) || $hemingwayEx_options['excerpt_length'] != 0 ) { $max_length = $hemingwayEx_options['excerpt_length']; } else { $max_length = 75; // Maximum words. } // If they've manually put in an excerpt, let it go! if ($post->post_excerpt) return $post->post_excerpt; // Check to see if it's a password protected post if ($post->post_password) { if ($_COOKIE['wp-postpass_'.COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) { if(is_feed()) { return __('This is a protected post'); } else { return get_the_password_form(); } } } if( strpos($post->post_content, '') ) { // There's a more link $temp_ex = explode('', $post->post_content, 2); $excerpt = $temp_ex[0]; } else { $temp_ex = explode(' ', $post->post_content); // Split up the spaces $length = count($temp_ex) < $max_length ? count($temp_ex) : $max_length; for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) $excerpt .= $temp_ex[$i] . ' '; } $excerpt = balanceTags($excerpt); $excerpt = apply_filters('the_excerpt', $excerpt); return $excerpt; } } $hemingwayEx = new HemingwayEx(); $hemingwayEx->version = "1.5"; $hemingwayEx->date = "2008-09-03"; // Default Options. Used only when HemingwayEx is not installed or a newer version is available $default_options = Array( 'international_dates' => 0, 'excerpt_length' => 75, 'asc_comments' => 1, 'page_comments' => 1, 'slidebar_enabled' => 1, 'bottombar_enabled' => 1, 'post_navigation' => 0, 'excerpt_enabled' => 1, 'font_resizer' => 1, 'paging_enabled' => 0, ); if (!get_option('hem_version') || get_option('hem_version') < $hemingwayEx->version){ // HemingwayEx isn't installed, so we'll need to add options if (!get_option('hem_version') ) add_option('hem_version', $hemingwayEx->version, 'Hemingway Version installed'); else update_option('hem_version', $hemingwayEx->version); if (!get_option('hem_last_updated')) add_option('hem_last_updated', '0000-00-00', 'Last date HemingwayEx was checked for an update'); if (!get_option('hem_known_update')) add_option('hem_known_update', '0000-00-00', 'Last known date when HemingwayEx update was released'); if (!get_option('hem_style')) add_option('hem_style', '', 'Location of custom style sheet'); if (!get_option('hem_options')) { add_option('hem_options', $default_options, 'Default options for HemingwayEx'); } wp_cache_flush(); // I was having caching issues } // Stuff add_action ('admin_menu', 'hemingway_menu'); $hem_loc = '../themes/' . basename(dirname($file)); $hemingwayEx_options = get_option('hem_options'); $hemingwayEx_last_updated = get_option('hem_last_updated'); $hemingwayEx->get_style(); // Ajax Stuff function hemingwayEx_message($message) { echo "


\n"; } function hemingwayEx_update_version() { global $hemingwayEx; $known_update = get_option('hem_known_update'); $found_update = "";//$known_update; // check for new versions if it's been a week if (strcmp(date("Y-m-d", time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60), get_option('hem_last_updated')) > 0) { // collects only publicly-available stats $stats = Array( 'php' => PHP_VERSION, 'server' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'blog' => 'Wordpress', 'version' => get_bloginfo('version'), 'url' => get_bloginfo('wpurl'), 'locale' => WPLANG, ); $args = array(); foreach($stats as $key => $value) { $args[] = $key . '=' . urlencode($value); } $args = implode('&', $args); // load wp rss functions for update checking. if (!function_exists('parse_w3cdtf')) { require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php'); } // note the updating and fetch potential updates update_option('hem_last_updated', date("Y-m-d")); $update = fetch_rss("$args"); if ($update === False) { hemingwayEx_message(__('HemingwayEx tried to check for updates but failed. This might be the way PHP is set up, or just random network issues. Please visit the HemingwayEx website to update manually if needed.', 'hemingwayEx')); return; } // loop through feed, pulling out any updates foreach($update->items as $item) { $updates = Array(); if (preg_match('||', $item['content']['encoded'], $updates)) { // if this is the newest update, save it if ($updates[1] > $found_update) { $found_update = $updates[1]; $version = $updates[2]; } } } // if an newer update was found, save it if (strcmp($found_update, $known_update) > 0) update_option('hem_known_update', $found_update); // if the best-known update is newer than this ver, tell user if (strcmp($found_update, $hemingwayEx->date) > 0) hemingwayEx_message(__('An update of HemingwayEx is available as of ', 'hemingwayEx') . $found_update . __('. Download HemingwayEx ', 'hemingwayEx') . $version . '.'); } } function hemingway_menu() { add_submenu_page('themes.php', 'HemingwayEx Options', 'HemingwayEx Options', 5, $hem_loc . 'functions.php', 'menu'); } function menu() { global $hem_loc, $hemingwayEx, $message, $hemingwayEx_options; if ($_POST['custom_styles']){ update_option('hem_style', $_POST['custom_styles']); wp_cache_flush(); $message = __('Styles updated!','hemingwayex'); } if ($_POST['reset'] == 1){ delete_option('hem_style'); delete_option('hem_blocks'); delete_option('hem_version'); delete_option('hem_options'); delete_option('hem_known_update'); delete_option('hem_last_updated'); $message = __('Settings removed.','hemingwayex'); } if ($_POST['misc_options']){ $hemingwayEx_options['international_dates'] = $_POST['international_dates']; $hemingwayEx_options['excerpt_length'] = $_POST['excerpt_length']; $hemingwayEx_options['asc_comments'] = $_POST['asc_comments']; $hemingwayEx_options['page_comments'] = $_POST['page_comments']; $hemingwayEx_options['slidebar_enabled'] = $_POST['slidebar_enabled']; $hemingwayEx_options['bottombar_enabled'] = $_POST['bottombar_enabled']; $hemingwayEx_options['excerpt_enabled'] = $_POST['excerpt_enabled']; $hemingwayEx_options['post_navigation'] = $_POST['post_navigation']; $hemingwayEx_options['font_resizer'] = $_POST['font_resizer']; $hemingwayEx_options['paging_enabled'] = $_POST['paging_enabled']; update_option('hem_options', $hemingwayEx_options); wp_cache_flush(); $message = __('Options updated!','hemingwayex'); } ?>

HemingwayEx checks for new versions when you bring up this page. (At most once per week.)

This copy of HemingwayEx is version version; ?> released on date; ?>. date) > 0) { ?> There is an update available as of . HemingwayEx. You have the latest version installed.

Last checked on .

Do you like this theme? I work on HemingwayEx because I enjoy doing it, but it does take up a lot of my time. If you liked this theme, how about buying me a beer/coffee ? :). Thank you.


'Slidebar Left', 'before_widget' => '
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