args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $this->args = apply_filters('nhp-opts-args', $this->args); $this->args = apply_filters('nhp-opts-args-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $this->args); //get sections $this->sections = apply_filters('nhp-opts-sections', $sections); $this->sections = apply_filters('nhp-opts-sections-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $this->sections); //get extra tabs $this->extra_tabs = apply_filters('nhp-opts-extra-tabs', $extra_tabs); $this->extra_tabs = apply_filters('nhp-opts-extra-tabs-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $this->extra_tabs); //set option with defaults add_action('init', array(&$this, '_set_default_options')); //options page add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, '_options_page')); //register setting add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, '_register_setting')); //add the js for the error handling before the form add_action('nhp-opts-page-before-form', array(&$this, '_errors_js'), 1); //add the js for the warning handling before the form add_action('nhp-opts-page-before-form', array(&$this, '_warnings_js'), 2); //hook into the wp feeds for downloading the exported settings add_action('do_feed_nhpopts', array(&$this, '_download_options'), 1, 1); //get the options for use later on $this->options = get_option($this->args['opt_name']); }//function /** * ->get(); This is used to return and option value from the options array * * @since NHP_Options 1.0.1 * * @param $array $args Arguments. Class constructor arguments. */ function get($opt_name, $default = null){ return (!empty($this->options[$opt_name])) ? $this->options[$opt_name] : $default; }//function /** * ->set(); This is used to set an arbitrary option in the options array * * @since NHP_Options 1.0.1 * * @param string $opt_name the name of the option being added * @param mixed $value the value of the option being added */ function set($opt_name, $value) { $this->options[$opt_name] = $value; update_option($this->args['opt_name'], $this->options); } /** * ->show(); This is used to echo and option value from the options array * * @since NHP_Options 1.0.1 * * @param $array $args Arguments. Class constructor arguments. */ function show($opt_name){ $option = $this->get($opt_name); if(!is_array($option)){ echo $option; } }//function /** * Get default options into an array suitable for the settings API * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 * */ function _default_values(){ $defaults = array(); foreach($this->sections as $k => $section){ if(isset($section['fields'])){ foreach($section['fields'] as $fieldk => $field){ if(!isset($field['std'])){$field['std'] = '';} $defaults[$field['id']] = $field['std']; }//foreach }//if }//foreach //fix for notice on first page load $defaults['last_tab'] = 0; return $defaults; } /** * Set default options on admin_init if option doesnt exist (theme activation hook caused problems, so admin_init it is) * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 * */ function _set_default_options(){ if(!get_option($this->args['opt_name'])){ add_option($this->args['opt_name'], $this->_default_values()); } $this->options = get_option($this->args['opt_name']); }//function /** * Class Theme Options Page Function, creates main options page. * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _options_page(){ if($this->args['page_type'] == 'submenu'){ if(!isset($this->args['page_parent']) || empty($this->args['page_parent'])){ $this->args['page_parent'] = 'themes.php'; } $this->page = add_theme_page( $this->args['page_title'], $this->args['menu_title'], $this->args['page_cap'], $this->args['page_slug'], array(&$this, '_options_page_html') ); }//else add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$this->page, array(&$this, '_enqueue')); add_action('load-'.$this->page, array(&$this, '_load_page')); }//function /** * enqueue styles/js for theme page * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _enqueue(){ wp_register_style( 'nhp-opts-css', $this->url.'css/options.css', array('farbtastic'), time(), 'all' ); wp_register_style( 'nhp-opts-jquery-ui-css', apply_filters('nhp-opts-ui-theme', $this->url.'css/jquery-ui-aristo/aristo.css'), '', time(), 'all' ); if(false === $this->args['stylesheet_override']){ wp_enqueue_style('nhp-opts-css'); } wp_enqueue_script( 'nhp-opts-js', $this->url.'js/options.js', array('jquery'), time(), true ); do_action('nhp-opts-enqueue'); do_action('nhp-opts-enqueue-'.$this->args['opt_name']); foreach($this->sections as $k => $section){ if(isset($section['fields'])){ foreach($section['fields'] as $fieldk => $field){ if(isset($field['type'])){ $field_class = 'NHP_Options_'.$field['type']; if(!class_exists($field_class)){ require_once($this->dir.'fields/'.$field['type'].'/field_'.$field['type'].'.php'); }//if if(class_exists($field_class) && method_exists($field_class, 'enqueue')){ $enqueue = new $field_class('','',$this); $enqueue->enqueue(); }//if }//if type }//foreach }//if fields }//foreach }//function /** * Download the options file, or display it * * @since NHP_Options 1.0.1 */ function _download_options(){ if(!isset($_GET['secret']) || $_GET['secret'] != md5(AUTH_KEY.SECURE_AUTH_KEY)){wp_die('Invalid Secret for options use');exit;} if(!isset($_GET['option'])){wp_die('No Option Defined');exit;} $backup_options = get_option($_GET['option']); $backup_options['nhp-opts-backup'] = '1'; $content = '###'.serialize($backup_options).'###'; if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'download_options'){ header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-type: application/txt'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$_GET['option'].'_options_'.date('d-m-Y').'.txt"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); echo $content; exit; }else{ echo $content; exit; } } /** * show page help * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _load_page(){ //do admin head action for this page add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'admin_head')); //do admin footer text hook add_filter('admin_footer_text', array(&$this, 'admin_footer_text')); $screen = get_current_screen(); if(is_array($this->args['help_tabs'])){ foreach($this->args['help_tabs'] as $tab){ $screen->add_help_tab($tab); }//foreach }//if if($this->args['help_sidebar'] != ''){ $screen->set_help_sidebar($this->args['help_sidebar']); }//if do_action('nhp-opts-load-page', $screen); do_action('nhp-opts-load-page-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $screen); }//function /** * do action nhp-opts-admin-head for theme options page * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function admin_head(){ do_action('nhp-opts-admin-head', $this); do_action('nhp-opts-admin-head-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $this); } function admin_footer_text($footer_text){ return $this->args['footer_credit']; }//function /** * Register Option for use * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _register_setting(){ register_setting($this->args['opt_name'].'_group', $this->args['opt_name'], array(&$this,'_validate_options')); foreach($this->sections as $k => $section){ add_settings_section($k.'_section', $section['title'], array(&$this, '_section_desc'), $k.'_section_group'); if(isset($section['fields'])){ foreach($section['fields'] as $fieldk => $field){ if(isset($field['title'])){ $th = (isset($field['sub_desc']))?$field['title'].''.$field['sub_desc'].'':$field['title']; }else{ $th = ''; } add_settings_field($fieldk.'_field', $th, array(&$this,'_field_input'), $k.'_section_group', $k.'_section', $field); // checkbox }//foreach }//if(isset($section['fields'])){ }//foreach do_action('nhp-opts-register-settings'); do_action('nhp-opts-register-settings-'.$this->args['opt_name']); }//function /** * Validate the Options options before insertion * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _validate_options($plugin_options){ set_transient('nhp-opts-saved', '1', 1000 ); if(!empty($plugin_options['import'])){ if($plugin_options['import_code'] != ''){ $import = $plugin_options['import_code']; }elseif($plugin_options['import_link'] != ''){ $import = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get($plugin_options['import_link']) ); } $imported_options = unserialize(trim($import,'###')); if(is_array($imported_options) && isset($imported_options['nhp-opts-backup']) && $imported_options['nhp-opts-backup'] == '1'){ $imported_options['imported'] = 1; return $imported_options; } } if(!empty($plugin_options['defaults'])){ $plugin_options = $this->_default_values(); return $plugin_options; }//if set defaults //validate fields (if needed) $plugin_options = $this->_validate_values($plugin_options, $this->options); if($this->errors){ set_transient('nhp-opts-errors', $this->errors, 1000 ); }//if errors if($this->warnings){ set_transient('nhp-opts-warnings', $this->warnings, 1000 ); }//if errors do_action('nhp-opts-options-validate', $plugin_options, $this->options); do_action('nhp-opts-options-validate-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $plugin_options, $this->options); unset($plugin_options['defaults']); unset($plugin_options['import']); unset($plugin_options['import_code']); unset($plugin_options['import_link']); return $plugin_options; }//function /** * Validate values from options form (used in settings api validate function) * calls the custom validation class for the field so authors can override with custom classes * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _validate_values($plugin_options, $options){ foreach($this->sections as $k => $section){ if(isset($section['fields'])){ foreach($section['fields'] as $fieldk => $field){ $field['section_id'] = $k; if(isset($field['type']) && $field['type'] == 'multi_text'){continue;}//we cant validate this yet if(!isset($plugin_options[$field['id']]) || $plugin_options[$field['id']] == ''){ continue; } //force validate of custom filed types if(isset($field['type']) && !isset($field['validate'])){ if($field['type'] == 'color' || $field['type'] == 'color_gradient'){ $field['validate'] = 'color'; }elseif($field['type'] == 'date'){ $field['validate'] = 'date'; } }//if if(isset($field['validate'])){ $validate = 'NHP_Validation_'.$field['validate']; if(!class_exists($validate)){ require_once($this->dir.'validation/'.$field['validate'].'/validation_'.$field['validate'].'.php'); }//if if(class_exists($validate)){ $validation = new $validate($field, $plugin_options[$field['id']], $options[$field['id']]); $plugin_options[$field['id']] = $validation->value; if(isset($validation->error)){ $this->errors[] = $validation->error; } if(isset($validation->warning)){ $this->warnings[] = $validation->warning; } continue; }//if }//if if(isset($field['validate_callback']) && function_exists($field['validate_callback'])){ $callbackvalues = call_user_func($field['validate_callback'], $field, $plugin_options[$field['id']], $options[$field['id']]); $plugin_options[$field['id']] = $callbackvalues['value']; if(isset($callbackvalues['error'])){ $this->errors[] = $callbackvalues['error']; }//if if(isset($callbackvalues['warning'])){ $this->warnings[] = $callbackvalues['warning']; }//if }//if }//foreach }//if(isset($section['fields'])){ }//foreach return $plugin_options; }//function /** * HTML OUTPUT. * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _options_page_html(){ echo '
'; echo (isset($this->args['intro_text']))?$this->args['intro_text']:''; do_action('nhp-opts-page-before-form'); do_action('nhp-opts-page-before-form-'.$this->args['opt_name']); echo '
'; settings_fields($this->args['opt_name'].'_group'); echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo 'Welcome to your theme\'s mission control center.'; echo ''; echo 'Support'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if(isset($_GET['settings-updated']) && $_GET['settings-updated'] == 'true' && get_transient('nhp-opts-saved') == '1'){ if(isset($this->options['imported']) && $this->options['imported'] == 1){ echo '
'.__('Settings Imported!', 'nhp-opts').'
'; }else{ echo '
'.__('Settings Saved!', 'nhp-opts').'
'; } delete_transient('nhp-opts-saved'); } echo '
'.__('Settings have changed!, you should save them!', 'nhp-opts').'
'; echo '
'.__(' error(s) were found!', 'nhp-opts').'
'; echo '
'.__(' warning(s) were found!', 'nhp-opts').'
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
    '; foreach($this->sections as $k => $section){ $icon = (!isset($section['icon']))?' ':'
    '; echo ''; } do_action('nhp-opts-after-section-menu-items', $this); do_action('nhp-opts-after-section-menu-items-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $this); if(true === $this->args['show_import_export']){ echo ''; }//if foreach($this->extra_tabs as $k => $tab){ $icon = (!isset($tab['icon']))?' ':' '; echo ''; } if(true === $this->args['dev_mode']){ echo ''; }//if echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; foreach($this->sections as $k => $section){ echo '
'; do_settings_sections($k.'_section_group'); echo '
'; } if(true === $this->args['show_import_export']){ echo '
'; echo '

'.__('Import / Export Options', 'nhp-opts').'

'; echo '

'.__('Import Options', 'nhp-opts').'

'; echo '

Import Code

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '

'.apply_filters('nhp-opts-import-file-description',__('Input your backup code below and hit Import to restore your sites options from a backup.', 'nhp-opts')).'

'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '

'.apply_filters('nhp-opts-import-warning', __('WARNING! Importing options will overwrite your existing options, please proceed with caution and consider exporting your current options as backups.', 'nhp-opts')).'

'; echo '
'; echo '

'.__('Export Options', 'nhp-opts').'

'; echo '
'; echo '

'.apply_filters('nhp-opts-backup-description', __('Here, you can export and download your current options settings. Keep this safe, as you can use it for backup in case of an emergency. You can also use this to restore settings on this site, or on any other site using this theme. You can also copy the link to your settings, and duplicate it to another site, which is useful if you have a network of blogs that all need the same settings.', 'nhp-opts')).'

'; echo '
'; echo '


'; $backup_options = $this->options; $backup_options['nhp-opts-backup'] = '1'; $encoded_options = '###'.serialize($backup_options).'###'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; } foreach($this->extra_tabs as $k => $tab){ echo '
'; echo '


'; echo $tab['content']; echo '
'; } if(true === $this->args['dev_mode']){ echo '
'; echo '

'.__('Dev Mode Info', 'nhp-opts').'

'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } do_action('nhp-opts-after-section-items', $this); do_action('nhp-opts-after-section-items-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $this); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; do_action('nhp-opts-page-after-form'); do_action('nhp-opts-page-after-form-'.$this->args['opt_name']); echo '
'; echo '
'; }//function /** * JS to display the errors on the page * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _errors_js(){ if(isset($_GET['settings-updated']) && $_GET['settings-updated'] == 'true' && get_transient('nhp-opts-errors')){ $errors = get_transient('nhp-opts-errors'); $section_errors = array(); foreach($errors as $error){ $section_errors[$error['section_id']] = (isset($section_errors[$error['section_id']]))?$section_errors[$error['section_id']]:0; $section_errors[$error['section_id']]++; } echo ''; delete_transient('nhp-opts-errors'); } }//function /** * JS to display the warnings on the page * * @since NHP_Options 1.0.3 */ function _warnings_js(){ if(isset($_GET['settings-updated']) && $_GET['settings-updated'] == 'true' && get_transient('nhp-opts-warnings')){ $warnings = get_transient('nhp-opts-warnings'); $section_warnings = array(); foreach($warnings as $warning){ $section_warnings[$warning['section_id']] = (isset($section_warnings[$warning['section_id']]))?$section_warnings[$warning['section_id']]:0; $section_warnings[$warning['section_id']]++; } echo ''; delete_transient('nhp-opts-warnings'); } }//function /** * Section HTML OUTPUT. * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _section_desc($section){ $id = rtrim($section['id'], '_section'); if(isset($this->sections[$id]['desc']) && !empty($this->sections[$id]['desc'])) { echo '
'; } }//function /** * Field HTML OUTPUT. * * Gets option from options array, then calls the speicfic field type class - allows extending by other devs * * @since NHP_Options 1.0 */ function _field_input($field){ if(isset($field['callback']) && function_exists($field['callback'])){ $value = (isset($this->options[$field['id']]))?$this->options[$field['id']]:''; do_action('nhp-opts-before-field', $field, $value); do_action('nhp-opts-before-field-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $field, $value); call_user_func($field['callback'], $field, $value); do_action('nhp-opts-after-field', $field, $value); do_action('nhp-opts-after-field-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $field, $value); return; } if(isset($field['type'])){ $field_class = 'NHP_Options_'.$field['type']; if(class_exists($field_class)){ require_once($this->dir.'fields/'.$field['type'].'/field_'.$field['type'].'.php'); }//if if(class_exists($field_class)){ $value = (isset($this->options[$field['id']]))?$this->options[$field['id']]:''; do_action('nhp-opts-before-field', $field, $value); do_action('nhp-opts-before-field-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $field, $value); $render = ''; $render = new $field_class($field, $value, $this); $render->render(); do_action('nhp-opts-after-field', $field, $value); do_action('nhp-opts-after-field-'.$this->args['opt_name'], $field, $value); }//if }//if $field['type'] }//function }//class }//if ?>