=== gravity === Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.5.3 Stable tag: 1.0.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. == Credits == * Underscores, http://underscores.me/ * Bootstrap, http://getbootstrap.com/ * Slick, http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ * Font Awesome, http://fontawesome.io/ == Assets (CC0 License) == All assets media from https://www.pexels.com/