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$graphene_settings['disable_live_search'] : true, 'txtNoResult' => __( 'No result found.', 'graphene' ), /* Posts layout */ 'isMasonry' => ( isset( $graphene_settings['posts_layout'] ) && $graphene_settings['posts_layout'] == 'masonry' ) ? true : false, ); wp_localize_script( 'graphene', 'grapheneJS', apply_filters( 'graphene_js_object', $js_object ) ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'graphene_localize_scripts' ); /** * List Google Fonts to be used in the theme */ function graphene_google_fonts_families(){ return apply_filters( 'graphene_google_fonts', array( 'family' => 'Lato:400,400i,700,700i', 'subset' => 'latin', 'display'=> 'swap' ) ); } /** * Generate the stylesheet link for Google Fonts */ function graphene_google_fonts_uri(){ $fonts = graphene_google_fonts_families(); if ( ! $fonts['family'] ) return false; else return add_query_arg( $fonts, "" ); } /** * Load Google Fonts asynchronously */ function graphene_load_google_fonts(){ $fonts = graphene_google_fonts_families(); if ( ! $fonts['family'] ) return; $families = explode( '|', $fonts['family'] ); $families[0] .= '&display=swap'; ?> '400,400i,700,700i', ) ); if ( ! $local_fonts ) return $fonts; $fonts['family'] = str_replace( 'regular', '400', $fonts['family'] ); $fonts['family'] = str_replace( 'italic', 'i', $fonts['family'] ); $fonts['family'] = str_replace( ',i', ',400i', $fonts['family'] ); /* Print scripts for locally-hosted fonts */ $css = ''; $font_families = explode( '|', $fonts['family'] ); foreach ( $font_families as $i => $font ) { $font = explode( ':', $font ); $family = $font[0]; $variants = $font[1]; if ( isset( $local_fonts[$family] ) && $local_fonts[$family] == $variants ) { unset( $font_families[$i] ); foreach ( explode( ',', $variants ) as $variant ) { $style = ( stripos( $variant, 'i' ) === 3 ) ? 'italic' : 'normal'; $weight = str_replace( 'i', '', $variant ); $name = $family; if ( $weight == 700 ) $name .= ' Bold'; if ( $style == 'italic' ) $name .= ' Italic'; if ( $weight == 400 && $style == 'normal' ) $name .= ' Regular'; $name_hyphened = str_replace( ' ', '-', $name ); $filename = GRAPHENE_ROOTURI . '/fonts/' . $family . '/' . $family . '-'; if ( $weight == 700 ) $filename .= 'Bold'; if ( $style == 'italic' ) $filename .= 'Italic'; if ( $weight == 400 && $style == 'normal' ) $filename .= 'Regular'; $filename .= '.woff2'; $css .= "@font-face { font-family: '$family'; font-style: $style; font-weight: $weight; src: local('$name'), local('$name_hyphened'), url($filename) format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; font-display: swap; }"; } } } /* Print the stylesheet */ if ( $css ) echo '' . "\n"; /* Load locally-unavailable fonts from Google */ $fonts['family'] = implode( ',', $font_families ); return $fonts; } add_filter( 'graphene_google_fonts', 'graphene_google_fonts_local', 20 ); /** * Ensure correct ordering of stylesheets when using a child theme * @since Graphene 2.0.3 */ function graphene_child_stylesheets_order(){ global $wp_styles; if ( ! $wp_styles->registered ) return; $child_stylesheet = get_stylesheet_uri(); if ( $child_stylesheet == GRAPHENE_ROOTURI . '/style.css' ) return; $parent_theme = wp_get_theme( basename( GRAPHENE_ROOTDIR ) ); $parent_stylesheet = basename( GRAPHENE_ROOTURI ) . '/style.css'; foreach ( $wp_styles->registered as $handle => $script ) { if ( stripos( $script->src, $parent_stylesheet ) !== false ) { $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->deps = array_merge( $script->deps, array( 'bootstrap', 'font-awesome' ) ); $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->ver = $parent_theme->Version; $parent_handle = $handle; } if ( $script->src === $child_stylesheet ) $child_handles[] = $handle; } foreach ( $child_handles as $handle ){ if ( count( $child_handles ) > 1 && $handle === 'graphene' ) { unset( $wp_styles->registered['graphene'] ); continue; } if ( isset( $parent_handle ) ) { $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->deps[] = $parent_handle; $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->deps = array_unique( $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->deps ); } } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'graphene_child_stylesheets_order', 100 );