GRAPHENE WORDPRESS THEME CHANGELOG by Syahir Hakim CHANGELOG Version 2.4.1 * Fixed: PHP warning when YARPP has not been installed * Fixed: Slider has no background colour when extended to full width Version 2.4 * Added: Yet Another Related Posts plugin integration * Added: Full width boxed container layout in addition to existing full width stretched container layout * Added: Banner display style for slider * Added: Deep multi-level menu capability in mobile view * Added: Mentions Bar feature * Added: Google Rich Snippets using the recommended LD+JSON markup for more detailed layout-agnostic markup * Added: Slider entry meta in card display * Added: Social profiles link in footer * Added: Option to display social media icons in top bar and footer * Added: Option to select left sidebar order in mobile view * Added: Option to select header text alignment * Added: Option to disable the previous/next posts navigation * Added: Option to restrict the previous/next posts navigation to posts within the same category * Added: Automatically disable author bio if only single author is present and bio is empty * Added: More robust compatibility with plugins that use the Bootstrap framework * Added: More robust determination of slider image dimension * Added: Show site title in mobile only when site title is set to hidden for desktop * Fixed: Site title and tagline display setting Customizer preview not working * Fixed: List margins in bbPress posts * Fixed: Social sharing buttons does not appear at the top of posts * Fixed: Tooltip JS error if site is using older versions of jQuery < 1.9.1 * Fixed: Graphene Mobile not loaded when present * Fixed: Bootstrap conflict with WP Download Manager * Fixed: Several PHP notices and warnings * Fixed: Not found error with default page template icon Version 2.3.1 * Fixed: Static front page not shown if slider option "Exclude the categories from posts listing" is enabled * Fixed: Fatal error in certain cases where custom widgets do not have the get_settings() method * Fixed: Textarea default height set too low Version 2.3 * Added: Rearranged sidebars so that they always appear after the main content in mobile view, regardless of column settings * Added: Widgets display option for mobile- or desktop-only, or both * Added: Front-facing user profile fields * Added: Option to customize "In this section" title * Added: "Card" slider display style * Fixed: Unable to save settings for "Keep HTML tags in excerpts" option in Customizer * Fixed: Settings for "Keep HTML tags in excerpts" option not actually being applied to excerpts * Fixed: Primary menu active item colour customisation not applied * Fixed: Previous favicon URL still being used when migrating from older versions of Graphene * Fixed: "Exclude the categories from posts listing" option not applied Version 2.2 * Added: Colour customisation options for footer widget area * Added: Automatically select best image available for display of individual posts and slider * Added: CTA button to contribute to theme's translation if user is using languages other than English (US) * Added: Option to use custom author image as comments avatar * Added: Back-to-top button fades out when user reached the bottom of page * Added: Translations migrated to GlotPress for the following languages: Dutch, Czech, Spanish, Deutsch, Chinese (China), Albanian, Japanese * Fixed: Gravatar for registered users not using the user account email address * Fixed: Options import file validation failed if import file has no database version info Version 2.1.3 * Added: graphene_header widget hook now appears above the header image instead of after * Added: Translations migrated to GlotPress for the following languages: Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Croatian, Italian, English (UK) * Fixed: Update all language files for "Continue Reading" string * Fixed: Graphene action hooks map site reinstated * Fixed: PHP notice when using default menu * Fixed: Collapsing Categories plugin conflict with Bootstrap styling * Fixed: Alternative front page footer widget area missing columns * Fixed: Site administrator in WordPress Multisite can't access theme settings in Customizer * Fixed: Empty space in footer widget area when set to 5 columns Version 2.1.2 * Fixed: Inconsistent header height with varying screen sizes * Fixed: Current commenter's name not automatically filled in comment form * Fixed: Incorrect $content_width being set if using customised column width * Fixed: Homepage pane image sizing Version 2.1.1 * Fixed: Header image does not appear when using a custom header image * Fixed: Incorrect positioning of the header image link * Updated: All language files now include updated strings Version 2.1 * Added: Option to customize slider height on mobile devices * Added: Slider image link to post * Added: Second level for footer menu * Added: Home link in default menu * Added: Option for slider to only display posts with featured image * Added: graphene_defaults filter hook * Fixed: Non-responsive header image on mobile devices * Fixed: New header images aspect ratio do not match default header aspect ratio * Fixed: Slider post content was being displayed instead of slider post title when using full content mode * Fixed: Incorrect copyright text setting name * Fixed: Incorrect slider image width when using one-column layout or full-width slider * Fixed: Compatibility issue with Booking Calendar plugin * Fixed: Slider exceed container when using full-width slider in mobile view Version 2.0.4 * Fixed: Header title and menu toggle appears missing when using light coloured header bars * Fixed: Child stylesheet not loaded if child theme implemented using CSS @import method Version 2.0.3 * Fixed: Ensure correct ordering of stylesheets when using a child theme * Fixed: Malformed dropdown menu styling when not using Custom Menu * Fixed: Incorrect recommended header image width in Customizer * Fixed: Missing translation strings * Fixed: Missing post title in slider when set to display full post * Fixed: Replaced down chevron with side chevron in dropdown submenu Version 2.0.2 * Added: Tell browsers to reload theme scripts after theme update * Added: Instant customizer preview for site title and description * Added: Option to specify FontAwesome icon name for custom social profiles * Fixed: Inconsistent header text colour when customised * Fixed: Division by zero error, if for some reason the user specifies the footer widget column count to be 0 * Fixed: graphene_slider image size not defined in pixels for some cases * Fixed: Search form button not working Version 2.0.1 * Fixed: Fatal error with message "Can't use function return value in write context" * Removed: Orphaned bbPress CSS file Version 2.0 * Added: Bootstrap responsive framework replacing grid system * Added: Theme is now fully responsive, automatically adapts to varying screen sizes for optimised mobile view * Added: Theme options fully implemented in WP Customizer * Added: Menu system using Bootstrap framework replacing Sons of Suckerfish * Added: Slider using Bootstrap's carousel replacing jQuery Tools * Added: FontAwesome icons * Added: New header images * Added: Menu icons option * Added: Major styling update * Added: Off-content-area back-to-top button * Added: Better posts and comment navigation * Added: Author bio in single posts page * Added: Social links and location fields for authors * Added: Contextual page navigation * Added: Option for full-width container style * Added: Setting reset option in Customizer * Updated: Overall theme width increased to 1170px from 960px * Updated: Theme files naming convention * Updated: Scripts queueing and loading * Updated: Google Webfonts loading * Updated: New theme screenshot reflecting the updated styling * Updated: Reduced footer menu maximum depth to 1 * Updated: Default footer widget area columns to 4 (previously 3) * Updated: Author profile page * Updated: Social media icon images replaced with FontAwesome vector icons * Updated: Custom CSS feature has now been migrated to use the native WordPress feature * Updated: Database version bumped up from 1.2 to 1.3 with the corresponding update routine * Removed: Navigation menu display options (replaced with native Custom Menu options) * Removed: Thumbnail and excerpt slider display style * Removed: Slider animation option (defaults to fade) * Removed: Slider transition speed option * Removed: Older IE partial CSS3 support * Removed: IE8 max-width property support * Removed: Option to display Creative Commons licence * Removed: graphene_first_p() function * Removed: Allowed markup notes in comment form * Removed: Post formats template * Removed: Genericons icon font * Removed: Option to display post author avatar in title * Removed: Edit post link when logged in (already available in Admin Bar) * Removed: graphene_show_addthis hook (replaced with graphene_addthis filter) * Removed: Feature to disable generated CSS (performance impact immaterial) * Removed: Options presets * Removed: Graphene FAQs Version * Added: Screen reader text styling * Added: Support for title-tag theme feature * Fixed: Missing argument for print button function * Fixed: Minor styling issue with Map List Pro * Fixed: Potential security vulnerability * Fixed: Issue of loading Google Fonts in WP Editor for HTTPS sites * Updated: Norwegian (nb_NO) translation by Remy Kongsvoll Version * Added rel="nofollow" attribute to footer credit link Version * Fixed fatal error when using column layout with empty sidebars Version 1.9.4 * Added Estonian (et) translation * Fixed header image not appearing when search returns no result * Fixed minor styling conflict in theme's options page * Fixed minor styling issues in theme's options page for RTL sites * Fixed undefined variable notice in certain cases * Fixed an issue with theme news feed in the theme's options page * Fixed missing "updated" microdata field for posts when date is not displayed * Fixed minor issues with editor style * Removed shortcodes from the theme as it is no longer allowed by WordPress Theme Review Team * Removed option to preview site in Graphene Options page as this slows down the page load * Removed use of deprecated function of add_custom_background() * Removed use of deprecated function of add_custom_image_header() Version 1.9.3 * Fixed styling in the theme's options page to be compatible with WP 3.8 * Fixed several PHP notices ( * Apply user selected Block Button colour to input[type="submit"] and button[type="submit"]. * Added tag to the allowed tags in code. Fixes some attributes being removed from Adsense code * Fixed infinite scroll not working for search results * Fixed XSS vulnerability (thanks to Otto for the notification) Version 1.9.2 * Added simple validation to make sure a settings file is selected for theme options import * Added graphene_homepage_pane_image filter hook * Added Foursquare and Instagram social media icons * Added Genericons icon font for icons used as design elements so their colours can be changed * Various styling tweaks * Fixed theme options import/export bug * Fixed script error when comments are set to display the last page first and infinite scroll for comments is enabled * Fixed styling conflict with ReCaptcha Version 1.9.1 * Minor fix for the theme's options interface behaviour * Added links to the theme's natively-supported plugins and add-ons * Added links to the theme's documentation page for individual feature set in the theme's options page * Included empty categories for the theme's slider and front page post options * Reworked settings preset option to just reset the theme's settings * Fixed duplicate and conflicting filter hook name "graphene_header_image" * Fixed database error notice when querying total number of comments * Fixed infinite scroll for comments not working if comments are displayed in reverse chronological order * Fixed issues with colour presets management * Fixed conflict with Shortcodes Ultimate plugin for the theme's options page * Fixed slider transition speed not being applied Version 1.9 * Added option to save and delete colour presets * Added option to export and import colour presets * Added Infinite Scroll feature for posts and comments * Added Google Plus social media icon * Added CodeMirror code editor for all options that accepts code * Added alternate text in custom header image if it is set * Added width and height attribute for header image * Added Catalan (ca) translation by Miquel Àngel Guerrero * Added validator function that ensures all custom colours use full 6-digit hexadecimal value to avoid blue gradients in IE9 and older * Added internationalization for the theme's editor buttons and page templates names * Comment counts will now use locale-aware numerals and number formatting * Comments will use comment author's display name if the author is registered * Static posts page will now apply the correct column mode as per the page template chosen for the placeholder page * Changed "on uninstall" theme to Twenty Eleven since Twenty Ten is removed from WordPress 3.6 * Changed the heading tag for site title and description to only use h1 and h2 on the front page and homepage * Improved