Gravatar' ); ?>

tags */ ?> http://' ); ?>
Important: Image width must be less than or equal to 150px.', 'graphene' ); ?>

ID, 'graphene_author_imgurl_as_avatar', true ), true ); ?> />

ID, 'graphene_author_hide_email', true ), true ); ?> />

'Facebook', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'google-plus' => 'Google+', 'linkedin' => 'LinkedIn', 'pinterest' => 'Pinterest', 'youtube' => 'YouTube', 'instagram' => 'Instagram', 'github' => 'Github' ); $social_media = apply_filters( 'graphene_author_social_media', $social_media ); $current_values = get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'graphene_author_social', true ); foreach ( $social_media as $name => $label ) : ?>

Gravatar' ); ?> tags */ ?> http://' ); ?> Important: Image width must be less than or equal to 150px.', 'graphene' ); ?>
'Facebook', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'google-plus' => 'Google+', 'linkedin' => 'LinkedIn', 'pinterest' => 'Pinterest', 'youtube' => 'YouTube', 'instagram' => 'Instagram', 'github' => 'Github' ); $social_media = apply_filters( 'graphene_author_social_media', $social_media ); $current_values = get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'graphene_author_social', true ); foreach ( $social_media as $name => $label ) : ?>
array( 'administrator', 'editor', 'author', 'contributor', ) ); $user_query = new WP_User_Query( $args ); $users = $user_query->get_results(); if ( ! empty( $users ) && count( $users ) == 1 ) { $user = $users[0]; $user_bio = trim( get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'description', true ) ); if ( ! $user_bio ) { $graphene_settings = get_option( 'graphene_settings', array() ); $graphene_settings['hide_author_bio'] = true; update_option( 'graphene_settings', $graphene_settings ); $graphene_settings = graphene_get_settings(); } } } update_option( 'graphene_set_once_author_bio_display', 1 ); } add_action( 'init', 'graphene_set_once_author_bio_display' );