msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Graphene chinese zh_TW (version 1.1.3a)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-03 13:07-0500\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-03 15:32-0500\n" "Last-Translator: NavCore \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n;esc_attr_e;esc_attr__\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n" "X-Poedit-Country: TAIWAN\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" #: 404.php:20 #, php-format msgid "Searching for: %s" msgstr "搜尋: %s" #: 404.php:26 #: search-404.php:3 msgid "Error 404 - Page Not Found" msgstr "Error 404 - 網頁不存在" #: 404.php:28 #: search-404.php:5 msgid "Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for." msgstr "抱歉,已搜索所有頁面但無匹配資料。" #: 404.php:29 #: search-404.php:6 msgid "If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page:" msgstr "如果你是從外部链接到此,我可能已經移除或者重命名該頁面。你可以嚐試一下頁面搜索:" #: 404.php:37 msgid "Automated search" msgstr "自動搜尋" #: 404.php:40 #, php-format msgid "Searching for the terms %s ..." msgstr "搜尋關鍵字 %s ..." #: archive.php:25 #, php-format msgid "Daily Archive: %s" msgstr "當日歸檔: %s" #: archive.php:27 #, php-format msgid "Monthly Archive: %s" msgstr "當月歸檔: %s" #: archive.php:29 msgid "F Y" msgstr "F Y" #: archive.php:31 #, php-format msgid "Yearly Archive: %s" msgstr "年度歸檔: %s" #: archive.php:33 #: category.php:14 #, php-format msgid "Category Archive: %s" msgstr "類別歸檔: %s" #: archive.php:35 msgid "Blog Archive" msgstr "部落格歸檔" #: author.php:33 msgid "Author's posts listings" msgstr "作者文章發佈列表" #: comments.php:26 msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments." msgstr "本文受密碼保護。請輸入密碼查看評論。" #: comments.php:49 #: loop-author.php:90 #: loop.php:183 msgid "1 comment" msgstr "1 條評論" #: comments.php:49 #: loop-author.php:90 #: loop.php:183 #, php-format msgid "% comments" msgstr "% 條評論" #: comments.php:50 msgid "1 ping" msgstr "1個PING" #: comments.php:50 msgid "% pings" msgstr "%個PING" #: comments.php:101 msgid "Comments have been disabled." msgstr "禁止評論。" #: comments.php:116 #, php-format msgid "You may use these HTML tags and attributes: %s" msgstr "您可以使用這些 HTML 標籤和 attributes: %s" #: comments.php:121 msgid "Your email address will not be published." msgstr "暱稱和郵箱必需填寫,您的郵箱只有管理員可見。" #: comments.php:124 #: functions.php:1245 msgid "Submit Comment" msgstr "提交評論" #: footer.php:40 msgid "Copyright" msgstr "版權" #: footer.php:43 msgid "Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence." msgstr "除非有特別註明, 這個網站的內容是規範在 Creative Commons Licence的使用執照條例下." #: footer.php:53 msgid "Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND" msgstr "Creative Commons使用許可由-NC-ND許可" #: footer.php:73 msgid "Return to top" msgstr "回到頂部" #: footer.php:81 #, php-format msgid "Powered by %1$s and the %2$s." msgstr "Powered by %s 和 %2$s" #: footer.php:81 msgid "Graphene Theme" msgstr "Graphene 佈景主題選項" #: functions.php:175 msgid "Header Menu" msgstr "標題選單" #: functions.php:176 msgid "Secondary Menu" msgstr "次級選單" #: functions.php:177 msgid "Footer Menu" msgstr "底部選項" #: functions.php:221 msgid "Header image by Syahir Hakim" msgstr "標題圖片是由 Syahir Hakim設計" #: functions.php:227 msgid "This is the default Graphene theme header image, cropped from image by Quantin Houyoux at" msgstr "這是 Graphene預設主題標題圖片, 由 Quantin Houyoux的圖案裁剪而成" #: functions.php:233 #: functions.php:239 #: functions.php:245 #: functions.php:251 #: functions.php:257 msgid "Header image cropped from image by Ilco at" msgstr "標題圖片由 Ilco設計的圖片裁剪而成" #: functions.php:718 msgid "Home" msgstr "首頁" #: functions.php:823 msgid "says:" msgstr " 說:" #: functions.php:829 #, php-format msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 在 %2$s" #: functions.php:831 msgid "Edit comment" msgstr "编輯評論" #: functions.php:835 msgid "Reply" msgstr "回覆" #: functions.php:846 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "你的評論正在等待審查。" #: functions.php:944 msgid "Sidebar Widget Area" msgstr "邊欄區 Widget" #: functions.php:946 msgid "The first sidebar widget area (available in two and three column layouts)." msgstr "第一個邊欄 widget 區(可用於兩個或三個縱欄顯示狀態)." #: functions.php:954 msgid "Sidebar Two Widget Area" msgstr "第二邊欄 Widget區" #: functions.php:956 msgid "The second sidebar widget area (only available in three column layouts)." msgstr "第二邊欄 widget區(只有在三個縱欄顯示狀態才能使用)。" #: functions.php:964 msgid "Footer Widget Area" msgstr "底部 Widget" #: functions.php:966 msgid "The footer widget area. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page." msgstr "底部 widget。留空預設為關閉。設置欄目數字,這將顯示在主題選項相應區域。" #: functions.php:982 msgid "Front Page Sidebar Widget Area" msgstr "首頁邊欄區 widget" #: functions.php:984 msgid "The first sidebar widget area that will only be displayed on the front page." msgstr "第一個邊欄 widget區將只會顯示在首頁。" #: functions.php:992 msgid "Front Page Sidebar Two Widget Area" msgstr "首頁邊欄第二widget區" #: functions.php:994 msgid "The second sidebar widget area that will only be displayed on the front page." msgstr "第二邊欄 widget區將只會顯示在首頁。" #: functions.php:1004 msgid "Front Page Footer Widget Area" msgstr "首頁底部 Widget" #: functions.php:1006 msgid "The footer widget area that will only be displayed on the front page. Leave empty to disable. Set the number of columns to display at the theme's Display Options page." msgstr "底部 widget 只會顯示在首頁。留空預設為關閉。設置欄目數字,這將顯示在主題選項相應區域。" #: functions.php:1017 msgid "Header Widget Area" msgstr "頂部 widget區" #: functions.php:1019 msgid "The header widget area." msgstr "頂部 widget區。" #: functions.php:1046 msgid "Display the latest Twitter status updates." msgstr "顯示最新的Twitter狀態" #: functions.php:1071 msgid "Follow me on Twitter" msgstr "從 Twitter 關注我" #: functions.php:1097 msgid "Latest tweets" msgstr "最新 tweets" #: functions.php:1102 msgid "Title:" msgstr "題目:" #: functions.php:1106 msgid "Twitter Username:" msgstr "Twitter 用户名:" #: functions.php:1110 msgid "Number of tweets to display:" msgstr "顯示 tweets 數目:" #: functions.php:1158 msgid "Graphene Options" msgstr "Graphene 選項" #: functions.php:1159 msgid "Graphene FAQs" msgstr "Graphene 常問的問題" #: functions.php:1193 msgid "Toggle all tabs" msgstr "延展所有標籤" #: functions.php:1226 msgid "Name:" msgstr "暱稱:" #: functions.php:1227 msgid "Email:" msgstr "郵件:" #: functions.php:1228 msgid "Website:" msgstr "網站:" #: functions.php:1238 msgid "Message:" msgstr "留言:" #: functions.php:1267 msgid "Continue reading »" msgstr "繼續閱讀 »" #: functions.php:1319 msgid "Older posts «" msgstr "舊文章 «" #: functions.php:1320 msgid "» Newer posts" msgstr "» 新文章" #: functions.php:1322 msgid "Next page »" msgstr "下一頁 »" #: functions.php:1323 msgid "« Previous page" msgstr "« 上一頁" #: functions.php:1499 msgid "View full post" msgstr "全文View full post" #: functions.php:1638 msgid "ERROR: You must supply the post ID to get the image from as an argument when calling the graphene_get_post_image() function." msgstr "錯誤: 你必須提供文章的ID來取得圖示 graphene_get_post_image() function." #: functions.php:1984 msgid "Template preview not found." msgstr "沒找到模板預覽." #: functions.php:1987 msgid "default" msgstr "預設值" #: functions.php:2043 #: functions.php:2047 msgid "Theme default" msgstr "佈景主題預設值" #: functions.php:2113 msgid "ERROR: You are not authorised to perform that operation" msgstr "錯誤: 你没有權限執行。" #: functions.php:2280 #: functions.php:2291 #: functions.php:2300 #: loop-children.php:74 #: loop-children.php:82 #: loop-post-formats.php:32 #: loop.php:69 #: loop.php:148 #, php-format msgid "Permalink to %s" msgstr "鏈接到 %s" #: functions.php:2300 msgid "Read more" msgstr "閱讀更多" #: functions.php:2369 #, php-format msgid "Follow %s on Twitter" msgstr "從Twitter關注%s" #: functions.php:2372 #, php-format msgid "Visit %s's Facebook page" msgstr "訪問 %s 的Facebook網頁" #: functions.php:2379 #, php-format msgid "Visit %1$s's %2$s page" msgstr "訪問%1$s 的網頁" #: header.php:54 #, php-format msgid "Subscribe to %s's RSS feed" msgstr "訂閱 %s 的RSS" #: header.php:54 msgid "Subscribe to RSS feed" msgstr "訂閱 RSS" #: header.php:100 #: header.php:120 msgid "Go back to the front page" msgstr "返回首頁" #: loop-author.php:23 msgid "Author's details" msgstr "作者詳细信息" #: loop-author.php:25 #, php-format msgid "Name: %1$s %2$s" msgstr "姓名: %1$s %2$s" #: loop-author.php:26 #, php-format msgid "Date registered: %1$s" msgstr "註册日期: %1$s" #: loop-author.php:35 msgid "Biography" msgstr "地區" #: loop-author.php:53 msgid "Latest posts" msgstr "最新發表" #: loop-author.php:56 #: loop-author.php:90 #: search-404.php:24 #, php-format msgid "Permalink Link to %s" msgstr "鏈接到 %s" #: loop-author.php:56 #: loop-author.php:90 #: loop-children.php:74 #: loop-post-formats.php:32 #: loop.php:37 #: loop.php:69 msgid "(No title)" msgstr "(無標題)" #: loop-author.php:85 msgid "Most commented posts" msgstr "最多評論文章" #: loop-author.php:90 #: loop.php:183 msgid "Leave comment" msgstr "發表評論" #: loop-children.php:82 msgid "View page »" msgstr "閱讀頁數 »" #: loop-post-formats.php:15 msgid "Status update" msgstr "狀況更新" #: loop-post-formats.php:16 msgid "Audio" msgstr "音效" #: loop-post-formats.php:17 msgid "Image" msgstr "圖像" #: loop-post-formats.php:18 msgid "Video" msgstr "影像" #: loop-post-formats.php:19 msgid "Post format" msgstr "發文格式" #: loop-post-formats.php:28 msgid "l F j, Y" msgstr "l F j, Y" #: loop-post-formats.php:28 msgid "g:i A" msgstr "g:i A" #: loop-post-formats.php:38 #: loop.php:100 msgid "Edit post" msgstr "編輯文章" #: loop-post-formats.php:72 #, php-format msgid "Posted on: %s" msgstr "發表於: %s" #: loop-post-formats.php:72 msgid "F j, Y" msgstr "F j, Y" #: loop.php:79 msgid "Categories:" msgstr "分類:" #: loop.php:90 msgid "Print this page" msgstr "列印此頁" #: loop.php:117 msgid "by" msgstr "文章由" #: loop.php:143 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" msgstr "繼續閱讀 »" #: loop.php:161 msgid "