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Simply mixing and matching colours without regard to their compatibility may do more damage than good to your site's aesthetics.Choose a Graphene theme's colour presets export file from your computer:Colour preset deleted.Colour preset saved.Colour presetsColour presets import completed.ColoursCreative Commons LicenceCreative Commons Licence BY-NC-NDERROR: You have not selected any colour presets to be exported.Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a %s.Export Graphene Theme Colour PresetsExport colour presetsIf the theme is released under GPLv3, what is this Creative Commons licence in the theme's footer?Import Graphene Theme Colour PresetsIt's generally a good idea to stick to colours from colour pallettes that are aesthetically pleasing. Try the %s website for a kickstart on some colour palettes you can use.Link colour (hover state)Link colour (normal state)Link colour (visited state)Please select the colour presets to be exported.Put simply, it is not the licence that is applied for the theme itself, but just for the website's content should the theme user wants to use it.Slider bottom right colourSlider top left colourText colour:The Creative Commons licence is a popular licence nowadays that are used by a lot of web-based content authors to licence their work such that it protects their intellectual property but in the same time allows its free distribution. It is included with the theme simply to make it easy for the theme's users to make use of the licence for the content they publish. Theme users can remove it altogether via the theme's Options page should they wish not to use it.The Graphene WordPress theme, along with all the other themes in the WordPress.org Official Free Themes Directory, is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3. The full text of that licence is included with the theme in the licence.txt file in the theme's folder. Releasing the theme under that licence means, among others, that you are free to modify the theme in any way for any purpose (including commercial). However, if you decide to redistribute the theme, the licence dictates that you must release the theme under the same licence, GPLv3, and attributes the copyright of the original theme to the original author.The uploaded file does not contain valid Graphene colour presets.These are some colour presets that you may use, either as is or tweak them further to your liking.Use Creative Commons licence for contentUse light-coloured header barsWidget header gradient bottom colourWidget header gradient top colourWidget title colourWidget title text shadow colourProject-Id-Version: Graphene 1.0 theme for WordPress Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-19 11:31+0800 PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-20 12:03+0800 Last-Translator: Syahir Hakim Language-Team: Syahir Hakim Language: en_US MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;esc_attr_e;esc_attr__ X-Poedit-Basepath: D:\MyVault\MyProjects\Websites\theme-graphene\site\wp-content\themes\graphene\ Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8 X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5 X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . Note: To reset any of the colors to their default value, just click on "Clear" beside the color field and save the settings. The theme will automatically revert the value to the default color.Archive background gradient left colorArchive background gradient right colorArchive label and text shadow colorArchive label colorArchive text colorButton background colorButton label colorChanging colors for your website involves a lot more than just trial and error. Simply mixing and matching colors without regard to their compatibility may do more damage than good to your site's aesthetics.Choose a Graphene theme's color presets export file from your computer:Color preset deleted.Color preset saved.Color presetsColor presets import completed.ColorsCreative Commons LicenseCreative Commons License BY-NC-NDERROR: You have not selected any color presets to be exported.Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a %s.Export Graphene Theme Color PresetsExport color presetsIf the theme is released under GPLv3, what is this Creative Commons license in the theme's footer?Import Graphene Theme Color PresetsIt's generally a good idea to stick to colors from color pallettes that are aesthetically pleasing. Try the %s website for a kickstart on some color palettes you can use.Link color (hover state)Link color (normal state)Link color (visited state)Please select the color presets to be exported.Put simply, it is not the license that is applied for the theme itself, but just for the website's content should the theme user wants to use it.Slider bottom right colorSlider top left colorText color:The Creative Commons license is a popular license nowadays that are used by a lot of web-based content authors to license their work such that it protects their intellectual property but in the same time allows its free distribution. It is included with the theme simply to make it easy for the theme's users to make use of the license for the content they publish. Theme users can remove it altogether via the theme's Options page should they wish not to use it.The Graphene WordPress theme, along with all the other themes in the WordPress.org Official Free Themes Directory, is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3. The full text of that license is included with the theme in the licence.txt file in the theme's folder. Releasing the theme under that license means, among others, that you are free to modify the theme in any way for any purpose (including commercial) without any obligation to the theme's author. However, if you decide to redistribute the theme, the license dictates that you must release the theme under the same license, GPLv3.The uploaded file does not contain valid Graphene color presets.These are some color presets that you may use, either as is or tweak them further to your liking.Use Creative Commons license for contentUse light-colored header barsWidget header gradient bottom colorWidget header gradient top colorWidget title colorWidget title text shadow color