__('General', 'graphene'), 'display' => __('Display', 'graphene'), ); $current_tab = (isset($_GET['tab'])) ? $_GET['tab'] : 'general'; graphene_options_tabs($current_tab, $tabs); endif; ?>

Be careful! Uninstalling the theme will remove all of the theme's options from the database. Do this only if you decide not to use the theme anymore.",'graphene'); ?>

Themes admin page.','graphene'); ?>

does not remove the theme's files. To delete the files after you have uninstalled this theme, go to Appearances > Themes and delete the theme from there.",'graphene'); ?>


value="true" />
value="true" />

Important: This widget area is unstyled, as it is often used for advertisement banners, etc. If you enable it, make sure you style it to your needs using the Custom CSS option.', 'graphene'); ?>


value="true" />

value="true" />

value="true" />

value="true" />
value="true" />

value="true" />
value="true" />

Note: the theme now places the Google Analytics script in the <head> element to better support the new asynchronous Google Analytics script. Please make sure you update your script to use the new asynchronous script from Google Analytics.', 'graphene'); ?>

value="true" />

<script> and </script> tags) and not just the UA-#######-# code.','graphene'); ?>

value="true" />

Creative Commons Licence.','graphene'); ?>

value="true" />

value="true" />
value="true" />
value="true" />
value="true" />

Note: only works on pages where a specific header image is not defined.', 'graphene'); ?>
value="true" />

value="true" />
value="true" />

value="true" />
value="true" />

value="true" />
value="true" />
value="true" />
value="true" />

value="true" />

arial, tahoma, georgia, 'Trebuchet MS'
12px, 12pt, 12em
normal, bold, 100, 700
normal, italic, oblique
blue, navy, red, #ff0000


#site-name, #site-desc, #post-title', 'graphene'); ?>

#site-name » #site-desc. The #post-title tag cannot be used here.', 'graphene'); ?>
#post-title » #site-name.', 'graphene'); ?>

http:// in front of the URL as well.', 'graphene'); ?>