__('One', 'Gold'), 'two' => __('Two', 'Gold'), 'three' => __('Three', 'Gold'), 'four' => __('Four', 'Gold'), 'five' => __('Five', 'Gold') ); $theme_array = array( 'Default' => __('Default', 'Gold'), 'Basic' => __('Basic', 'Gold'), 'Dark Blue' => __('Dark Blue', 'Gold'), ); $cat_array=null; $args = array( 'type' => 'post', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'number' => '', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'pad_counts' => false ); $categories = get_categories( $args ); $cat_array['Default']=__('Deafault','Gold'); foreach ($categories as $value) { $cat_array[$value->name]=$value->name; } $menu_array=array( 'Enable Top Menu'=>__('Enable Top Menu Here', 'Gold'), 'Disable Top Menu'=>__('Disable Top Menu Here', 'Gold'), ); // Multicheck Array $multicheck_array = array( 'one' => __('French Toast', 'Gold'), 'two' => __('Pancake', 'Gold'), 'three' => __('Omelette', 'Gold'), 'four' => __('Crepe', 'Gold'), 'five' => __('Waffle', 'Gold') ); // Multicheck Defaults $multicheck_defaults = array( 'one' => '1', 'five' => '1' ); // Typography Defaults $typography_defaults = array( 'size' => '15px', 'face' => 'georgia', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#bada55' ); // Typography Options $typography_options = array( 'sizes' => array( '6','12','14','16','20' ), 'faces' => array( 'Helvetica Neue' => 'Helvetica Neue','Arial' => 'Arial' ), 'styles' => array( 'normal' => 'Normal','bold' => 'Bold' ), 'color' => false ); // Pull all the categories into an array $options_categories = array(); $options_categories_obj = get_categories(); foreach ($options_categories_obj as $category) { $options_categories[$category->cat_ID] = $category->cat_name; } // Pull all tags into an array $options_tags = array(); $options_tags_obj = get_tags(); foreach ( $options_tags_obj as $tag ) { $options_tags[$tag->term_id] = $tag->name; } // Pull all the pages into an array $options_pages = array(); $options_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order'); $options_pages[''] = 'Select a page:'; foreach ($options_pages_obj as $page) { $options_pages[$page->ID] = $page->post_title; } // If using image radio buttons, define a directory path $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/'; $options = array(); /*****************Theme Option For Custom Theme*****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Color Themes', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name'=>__('Select Default Theme Here','Gold'), 'desc' => __('Radio select with default.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'default_theme', 'std' => 'Default', 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => $theme_array); /*****************Theme option for Custom Theme *****************/ /*****************Theme option for Header *****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Header & Footer', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name'=>__('Header','Gold'), 'id' => 'hhh', 'type' => '', ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Site Logo', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'logo', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name'=>__('Footer','Gold'), 'id' => 'fff', 'type' => '', ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Footer Credit Text', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Add Here Your Footer Credit text', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'right_reserved', 'type' => 'editor'); /*****************Theme option for Header *****************/ /*****************Theme option for Front Page Featured Columns *****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Front Page', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name'=>__('Featured Section','Gold'), 'id' => 'fcl', 'type' => '', ); $options[] = array( 'name' =>__('Add video or Image','Gold'), 'desc' => __('Add Video URL Here.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'video_hidden', 'type' => 'checkbox'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Video ID (See image below)', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'show_video_hidden', 'std' => 'Add Your Video Url here.', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'desc' => __('Select Image Here', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'image_hidden', 'type' => 'checkbox'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image Input', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'show_image_hidden', 'std' => 'Add Your Image Here.', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name'=>__('Featured Column On The Right','Gold'), 'id' => 'fcr', 'type' => '', ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Front Page Featured Heading', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('A text input field for feature heading.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'featured_heading', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Front Page Featured Sub Heading', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('A text input field for feature sub heading.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'featured_sub_heading', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Front Page Featured Text', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('A text input field for feature text.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'featured_text', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' =>__('Featured Section Button(s)','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('Please Select Button-One if you want to use a model(Popover) triggered by this button.Gold theme provide the option of using a second button in the featured content,which you can link any where.To do so,select the second option (button-one and button-two).','Gold'), 'id' => 'butut', 'type' => '', ); $options[] = array( 'desc' => __('Button-one.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'single_btn', 'type' =>'checkbox'); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Button Text','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A text input field for button text','Gold'), 'id'=>'btntxt', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Modal Title','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A text input field for modal title'), 'id'=>'modal-title', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Modal Content','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A editor field for modal content'), 'id'=>'modal-content', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'editor' ); $options[] = array( 'desc' => __("Button-one and Button-two", 'Gold'), 'id' => 'two_btn', 'type' => 'checkbox'); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Button-one Text','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A text input field for button text'), 'id'=>'btntxt1', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Modal Title','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A text input field for modal title'), 'id'=>'modal-title1', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Modal Content','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A editor field for modal content'), 'id'=>'modal-content1', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'editor' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Button-two Text','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A text input field for button text'), 'id'=>'btntxt2', 'std'=>'Default Value', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Button-two Link','Gold'), 'desc'=>__('A text input field for button link'), 'id'=>'btnlink2', 'std'=>'#', 'class' => 'hidden', 'type'=>'text' ); $wp_editor_settings = array( 'wpautop' => true, // Default 'textarea_rows' => 5, 'tinymce' => array( 'plugins' => 'wordpress' ) ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Featured Boxes (The three boxes on the front page.)','Gold'), 'id' => "boxxxx", 'type' => '' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Box-1','Gold'), 'desc' => __('Box-1 - Use Your Own HTML in This Box.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "box-1", 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Box-1 Title', 'Gold'), 'id' => "b1_title", 'std' => 'Default Value', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Add Your Front Box Body Content Here', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'b1_editor', 'type' => 'editor', 'class'=>'hidden', 'settings' => $wp_editor_settings ); $options[]=array( 'desc' => __('Check Here to use default image gallery', 'Gold'), 'id' => "d-box-1", 'std'=>true, 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Box-2','Gold'), 'desc' => __('Box-2- Use Your Own HTML in This Box.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "box-2", 'type' => 'checkbox', ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Box-2 Title', 'Gold'), 'id' => "b2_title", 'std' => 'Default Value', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Add Your Front Box Body Content Here', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'b2_editor', 'type' => 'editor', 'class'=>'hidden', 'settings' => $wp_editor_settings ); $options[]=array( 'desc' => __('Check Here to use default FAQs Box With Collapse Panel', 'Gold'), 'id' => "d-box-2", 'std'=>true, 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Collapsible Panel-1 Title', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('The title for collapsible panel-1.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'collapse_title1', 'std' => 'Default Value', 'class'=>'hidden', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Collapsible Panel-1 HTML', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Place your HTML to use in collapsible panel-1.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'example_collapse1', 'std' => 'Default Value', 'class'=>'hidden', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Collapsible Panel-2 title ', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('The title for collapsible panel-2.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'collapse_title2', 'std' => 'Default Value', 'class'=>'hidden', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Collapsible Panel-2 HTML', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Place your HTML to use in collapsible panel-2.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'example_collapse2', 'std' => 'Default Value', 'class'=>'hidden', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Collapsible Panel-3 title', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('The title for collapsible panel-3.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'collapse_title3', 'std' => 'Default Value', 'class'=>'hidden', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Collapsible Panel-3 HTML', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Place your HTML to use in collapsible panel-3.', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'example_collapse3', 'std' => 'Default Value', 'class'=>'hidden', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Box-3','Gold'), 'desc' => __('Box-3- Use Your Own HTML in This Box.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "box-3", 'type' => 'checkbox', ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Box-3 Title', 'Gold'), 'id' => "b3_title", 'std' => 'Default Value', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Add Your Front Box Body Content Here', 'Gold'), 'id' => 'b3_editor', 'type' => 'editor', 'class'=>'hidden', 'settings' => $wp_editor_settings ); $options[]=array( 'desc' => __('Check Here to use default Login Box', 'Gold'), 'id' => "d-box-3", 'std'=>true, 'type' => 'checkbox' ); /*****************Theme option Front page featured columns*****************/ /*****************Theme option for Social Icons*****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Social', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading' ); $options[]=array( 'name'=>__('Enable or Disable the social icons.','Gold'), 'desc' => __('Enable Social icons.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "enable", 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('RSS', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Enter your rss url Include http:// at the front of the url.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "rss", 'std' => $rss, 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Flicker', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Enter your flicker url Include http:// at the front of the url.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "flicker", 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('YouTube', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Enter your youtube url Include http:// at the front of the url.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "youtube", 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Twitter', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Enter your twitter url Include http:// at the front of the url.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "twitter", 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Facebook', 'Gold'), 'desc' => __('Enter your facebook url Include http:// at the front of the url.', 'Gold'), 'id' => "fb", 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'hidden' ); /*****************Theme option for Social Icons*****************/ /*****************Theme Option For About Page*****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('About Page', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Create a page and Choose the about template before using these options', 'Gold'), 'id' =>'apg', 'type' => '' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Page Title', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add title of about page.'), 'id'=>'about-title', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Page Sub Title', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add sub title of about page.'), 'id'=>'about-sub-title', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Carousel Image 1 ', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add carousel image.'), 'id'=>'ci1', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Carousel Image 2 ', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add carousel image.'), 'id'=>'ci2', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Carousel Image 3', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add carousel image.'), 'id'=>'ci3', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Carousel Image 4 ', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add carousel image.'), 'id'=>'ci4', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Carousel Image 5 ', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add carousel image.'), 'id'=>'ci5', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Tab-1 Image ', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add image at about page what we do tab.'), 'id'=>'wwdi', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Tab-1 Text', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text area field to add text at about page What We Do Tab.'), 'id'=>'wwdt', 'type'=>'textarea' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('About Page Tab-2 Text', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text area field to add text at about page who we are tab.'), 'id'=>'wwrt', 'type'=>'textarea' ); /*****************Theme Option For About Page*****************/ /*****************Theme Option For Contact Page*****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Contact Page', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Create a page and Choose the contact template before using these options', 'Gold'), 'id' =>'cpg', 'type' => '' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Contact Page Header Image', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the image upload field to add image in header section of contact page.', 'Gold'), 'id'=>'cimage', 'type'=>'upload' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Address', 'Gold'), 'id'=>'add', 'type'=>'' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Company Name', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add company name.'), 'id'=>'cmp', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Street', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add street.'), 'id'=>'street', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('City', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add city.'), 'id'=>'city', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Contact No.', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add contact no.'), 'id'=>'phno', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Your Name', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add name.'), 'id'=>'name', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Email Id', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add email id.'), 'id'=>'eid', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Working Hours', 'Gold'), 'id'=>'wh', 'type'=>'' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Working Hours For Monday to Friday', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add workinghours.'), 'id'=>'wh1', 'type'=>'text' ); $options[]=array( 'name' => __('Working Hours For Saturday', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This is the text field to add workinghours.'), 'id'=>'wh2', 'type'=>'text' ); /*****************Theme Option For Contact Page*****************/ /*****************Theme Option For Your Categories*****************/ $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Gallery', 'Gold'), 'type' => 'heading' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Select Your Category For Gallery.', 'Gold'), 'desc'=>__('This category will be used to display the featured images for the gallery section.', 'Gold'), 'id' =>'ycategory', 'type' => 'select', 'options'=>$cat_array, ); /*****************End Of Theme Option For Your Categories*****************/ return $options; }