GivingPress Lite Theme v1.6.3 Image Credits - logo.png: Created by David Morgan, Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - logo.psd: Created by David Morgan, Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - screenshot.png: Created by David Morgan, Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - header.jpg: Downloaded from Unsplash, Licensed under Creative Commons Zero license, - header-thumb.jpg: Downloaded from Unsplash, Licensed under Creative Commons Zero license, - default-image.jpg: Downloaded from Unsplash, Licensed under Creative Commons Zero license, Font Awesome - Font License: SIL OFL 1.1 - Code License: MIT License Navigation.js - Copyright 2014 Organic Themes - Licensed under the GPLv2 license, FlexSlider.js - Copyright 2012 WooThemes - Licensed under the GPLv2 license, FitVids.js - Copyright 2013, Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert,, - Released under the WTFPL license, Superfish.js - Copyright (c) 2013 Joel Birch - Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses,, INSTALL: 1. Upload the theme by navigating to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes within the WordPress admin. Select the theme zip file to upload. 2. Activate the theme after uploading. 3. Configure and save the theme options within Appearance > Customize. THEME SETUP: 1. Create a Page, and apply the "Home Page" template. 2. Create a Page, and apply the "Blog" template. 3. Navigate to Appearance > Customize to open the WordPress Customizer. 4. Navigate to "Static Front Page" within the Customizer. 5. Set the Front Page to the "A static page" option. 6. Select the Page with the "Home Page" template applied as the Front Page. 7. Select the Page with the "Blog" template applied as the Posts Page. 8. Navigate to "Theme Options" within the Customizer. 9. Go through each section setting up your theme options. CHANGELOG v1.0: - Initial build CHANGELOG v1.1: - Several fixes and updates CHANGELOG v1.1.1: - Description and URL updates - Added admin notice CHANGELOG v1.2: - updates - Fixed PHP errors in functions file - Added new base classes CHANGELOG v1.3: - Fixed more PHP errors throughout theme - Added styles for div and span tags - Updated function prefix - Added theme setup instructions to README.txt CHANGELOG v1.3.1: - Bug fixes - Updated screenshot CHANGELOG v1.3.2: - Added closing li tags to comments function CHANGELOG v1.3.3: - Fixed submenu from going off screen - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.4: - Final review updates - Removed some unnecessary customizer blog options - Made admin notice dismissible - Added WP custom logo - Listed all resources and links in readme.txt - Included only one credit link in footer - Updated Theme URI in stylesheet - Only logged users can view front end notifications - Updated escaping and sanitization - Removed hoverintent.js file - Removed prefixing on some styles and scripts - Added missing translations in customizer CHANGELOG v1.4.1: - Added max-width percentages to site title and navigation - Added selective refresh to customizer - Added break-word to headings CHANGELOG v1.4.2: - Fixed prefixing on new function - Added more "word-wrap: break-word;" style properties CHANGELOG v1.5: - Release version CHANGELOG v1.5.1: - Mobile navigation bug fixed CHANGELOG v1.5.2: - Mobile menu style fixes - Mobile JS fixes - Mobile style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.5.3: - Dropdown menu JS cleanup - Removed excess styles CHANGELOG v1.5.4: - Updated screenshot CHANGELOG v1.5.5: - Mobile menu fixes - General cleanup - Style updates CHANGELOG v1.5.6: - Depreciated style tags removed CHANGELOG v1.5.7: - Custom menu widget style updates - Centered footer information if no social menu - Improved footer widget styling - Added front-page.php - Added blog page template - Removed Jetpack file - Additional style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.5.8: - Added conditionals to front-page.php and index.php - Allow pages set as Static Front Page to use templates other than the home page template CHANGELOG v1.5.9: - Conditional style tweak for home custom header - Updated theme URI in stylesheet - Footer credit tweak CHANGELOG v1.6: - Replaced front-page.php with home.php - Added featured images to home and blog page templates - Removed post title featured image overlay on categories - Removed option to display category on blog - Updated conditional styles - Fixed a wrong text domain CHANGELOG v1.6.1: - Admin notice update CHANGELOG v1.6.2: - Removed home.php file CHANGELOG v1.6.3: - Footer change plugin notice