ID, 'galway-lite-meta-select-layout', true); if (empty($post_options)) { $global_layout = esc_attr(galway_lite_get_option('global_layout')); } else { $global_layout = esc_attr($post_options); } } if ($global_layout == 'left-sidebar') { $galway_lite_body_class[] = 'left-sidebar '.esc_attr($input); } elseif ($global_layout == 'no-sidebar') { $galway_lite_body_class[] = 'no-sidebar '.esc_attr($input); } else { $galway_lite_body_class[] = 'right-sidebar '.esc_attr($input); } return $galway_lite_body_class; } endif; add_action('body_class', 'galway_lite_body_class'); add_action('galway_lite_action_sidebar', 'galway_lite_add_sidebar'); /** * Returns word count of the sentences. * * @since Galway 1.0.0 */ if (!function_exists('galway_lite_words_count')): function galway_lite_words_count($length = 25, $galway_lite_content = null) { $length = absint($length); $source_content = preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`', '', $galway_lite_content); $trimmed_content = wp_trim_words($source_content, $length, ''); return $trimmed_content; } endif; if (!function_exists('galway_lite_simple_breadcrumb')): /** * Simple breadcrumb. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function galway_lite_simple_breadcrumb() { if (!function_exists('breadcrumb_trail')) { require_once get_template_directory().'/assets/libraries/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.php'; } $breadcrumb_args = array( 'container' => 'div', 'show_browse' => false, ); breadcrumb_trail($breadcrumb_args); } endif; if (!function_exists('galway_lite_custom_posts_navigation')): /** * Posts navigation. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function galway_lite_custom_posts_navigation() { $pagination_type = galway_lite_get_option('pagination_type'); switch ($pagination_type) { case 'default': the_posts_navigation(); break; case 'numeric': the_posts_pagination(); break; default: break; } } endif; add_action('galway_lite_action_posts_navigation', 'galway_lite_custom_posts_navigation'); if (!function_exists('galway_lite_excerpt_length')): /** * Excerpt length * * @since Galway 1.0.0 * * @param null * @return int */ function galway_lite_excerpt_length($length) { if (is_admin()) { return $length; } global $galway_lite_customizer_all_values; $excerpt_length = $galway_lite_customizer_all_values['excerpt_length_global']; if (empty($excerpt_length)) { $excerpt_length = $length; } return absint($excerpt_length); } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'galway_lite_excerpt_length', 999); endif; if (!function_exists('galway_lite_excerpt_more')): /** * Implement read more in excerpt. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $more The string shown within the more link. * @return string The excerpt. */ function galway_lite_excerpt_more() { $read_more_text = esc_html(galway_lite_get_option('read_more_button_text')); if (!empty($read_more_text)) { $output = ' '.esc_html($read_more_text).''.''; $output = apply_filters('galway_lite_filter_read_more_link', $output); } echo $output; } endif; if (!function_exists('galway_lite_get_link_url')): /** * Return the post URL. * * Falls back to the post permalink if no URL is found in the post. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string The Link format URL. */ function galway_lite_get_link_url() { $content = get_the_content(); $has_url = get_url_in_content($content); return ($has_url)?$has_url:apply_filters('the_permalink', get_permalink()); } endif; if (!function_exists('galway_lite_fonts_url')): /** * Return fonts URL. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string Fonts URL. */ function galway_lite_fonts_url() { $fonts_url = ''; $fonts = array(); $galway_lite_primary_font = galway_lite_get_option('primary_font'); $galway_lite_secondary_font = galway_lite_get_option('secondary_font'); $galway_lite_fonts = array(); $galway_lite_fonts[] = $galway_lite_primary_font; $galway_lite_fonts[] = $galway_lite_secondary_font; $galway_lite_fonts_stylesheet = '//'; $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($galway_lite_fonts); $i++) { if ('off' !== sprintf(_x('on', '%s font: on or off', 'galway-lite'), $galway_lite_fonts[$i])) { $fonts[] = $galway_lite_fonts[$i]; } } if ($fonts) { $fonts_url = add_query_arg(array( 'family' => urldecode(implode('|', $fonts)), ), ''); } return $fonts_url; } endif; function galway_lite_archive_title( $title ) { if ( is_category() ) { $title = single_cat_title( '', false ); } elseif ( is_tag() ) { $title = single_tag_title( '', false ); } elseif ( is_author() ) { $title = '' . get_the_author() . ''; } elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) { $title = post_type_archive_title( '', false ); } elseif ( is_tax() ) { $title = single_term_title( '', false ); } return $title; } add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', 'galway_lite_archive_title' ); /*Recomended plugin*/ if( ! function_exists( 'galway_recommended_plugins' ) ) : /** * Recommended plugins * */ function galway_lite_recommended_plugins(){ $galway_plugins = array( array( 'name' => esc_html__('Booster Extension', 'galway-lite'), 'slug' => 'booster-extension', 'required' => false, ), ); $galway_plugins_config = array( 'dismissable' => true, ); tgmpa( $galway_plugins, $galway_plugins_config ); } endif; add_action( 'tgmpa_register', 'galway_lite_recommended_plugins' ); if( !function_exists('galway_lite_disable_post_views') ): /** Disable Post Views **/ function galway_lite_disable_post_views() { add_filter('booster_extension_filter_views_ed', function ( ) { return false; }); } endif; if( !function_exists('galway_lite_disable_post_read_time') ): /** Disable Read Time **/ function galway_lite_disable_post_read_time() { add_filter('booster_extension_filter_readtime_ed', function ( ) { return false; }); } endif; if( !function_exists('galway_lite_disable_post_like_dislike') ): /** Disable Like Dislike **/ function galway_lite_disable_post_like_dislike() { add_filter('booster_extension_filter_like_ed', function ( ) { return false; }); } endif; if( !function_exists('galway_lite_disable_post_author_box') ): /** Disable Author Box **/ function galway_lite_disable_post_author_box() { add_filter('booster_extension_filter_ab_ed', function ( ) { return false; },30,1); } endif; if( !function_exists('galway_lite_disable_post_post_rating') ): /** Disable Author Box **/ function galway_lite_disable_post_post_rating() { add_filter('twp_enable_post_rating_filter', function ( ) { return false; }); } endif; add_filter('booster_extension_filter_ss_ed', function ( ) { return false; }); if( !function_exists('galway_lite_disable_post_reaction') ): /** Disable Reaction **/ function galway_lite_disable_post_reaction() { add_filter('booster_extension_filter_reaction_ed', function ( ) { return false; }); } endif; if( !function_exists( 'galway_lite_post_view_count' ) ): function galway_lite_post_view_count(){ $twp_be_settings = get_option('twp_be_options_settings'); $twp_be_enable_post_visit_tracking = isset( $twp_be_settings[ 'twp_be_enable_post_visit_tracking' ] ) ? esc_html( $twp_be_settings[ 'twp_be_enable_post_visit_tracking' ] ) : ''; if( class_exists( 'Booster_Extension_Class' ) && $twp_be_enable_post_visit_tracking ): ?>
array( 'width'=>array(), 'height'=>array(), 'src'=>array(), 'frameborder'=>array(), 'allow'=>array(), 'allowfullscreen'=>array(), ) ); return wp_kses($input,$all_tags); } endif; if( class_exists( 'Booster_Extension_Class' ) ){ add_filter('booster_extemsion_content_after_filter','galway_lite_after_content_pagination'); } if( !function_exists('galway_lite_after_content_pagination') ): function galway_lite_after_content_pagination($after_content){ $pagination_single = wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '', 'echo' => false ) ); $after_content = $pagination_single.$after_content; return $after_content; } endif; if( !function_exists('galway_lite_post_floating_nav') ): function galway_lite_post_floating_nav(){ $default = galway_lite_get_default_theme_options(); $ed_floating_next_previous_nav = get_theme_mod( 'ed_floating_next_previous_nav',$default['ed_floating_next_previous_nav'] ); if( 'post' === get_post_type() && $ed_floating_next_previous_nav ){ $next_post = get_next_post(); $prev_post = get_previous_post(); if( isset( $prev_post->ID ) ){ $prev_link = get_permalink( $prev_post->ID );?>
ID,'medium' ) ){ ?> ID,'medium' ) ); ?> ID ) ); ?>
ID ) ){ $next_link = get_permalink( $next_post->ID );?>
ID,'medium' ) ){ ?> ID,'medium' ) ); ?> ID ) ); ?>