'; echo '

' . ( get_the_title() === '' ? __( 'No Title', 'splash' ) : get_the_title() ) . '

'; mega_widget( 'Mega_Block_Content' ); mega_widget( 'Mega_Theme_Block_Toolbar' ); echo ''; endwhile; else : echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '

' . __( 'We are really sorry but the page you requested was not found.', 'splash' ) . '

', '

' . __( 'It seems that the page you were trying to reach does not exist anymore or maybe it has just been moved. Try using the search form below.', 'splash' ) . '

', '

' . __( 'Sorry for the inconvenience.', 'splash' ) . '

'; get_search_form(); echo '
'; echo '
'; endif; if ( mega_option( 'paginate_below_posts' )) mega_widget( 'Mega_Block_Paginate' );