Changelog Legend: ---- [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs ---- (8/23/2015) - 1.0.1 [*] Adjust typography values to work with GP 1.3.0 ---- (6/6/2015) - 1.0 [*] Fix undefined index errors ---- (11/17/2014) - 0.9 [!] Fix double post image when using Blog addon ---- (9/4/2014) - 0.8 [!] Remove php notice caused by newest version of parent theme ---- (8/24/2014) - 0.7 [+] New form color defaults added [!] Fixed content page header in post excerpt [+] Instructions to style.css and functions.php [+] Added new defaults to filter ---- (07/19/2014 - 0.6 [*] Regular CSS updated with dynamic CSS to be more extendable [!] CSS fixes ---- (06/18/2014) - 0.5 [+] Added message linking to options page to delete current saved settings upon activation [x] Removed automatic option deletion upon activation [*] Theme URI changed to specific page for Forefront [*] Link to image licenses added to readme.txt ---- (06/11/2014) - 0.4 [+] Added license info to style.css [*] Changed some default styling ---- (06/09/2014) - 0.3 [*] Made adjustments to work better with GeneratePress 1.0.7 ---- (05/26/2014) - 0.2 [!] Added function to remove leftover settings to make way for child theme settings ---- (05/26/2014) - 0.1 Initial Release