get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/header.png', // Set height and width, with a maximum value for the width. 'height' => 400, 'width' => 1200, // Support flexible height and width. 'flex-height' => true, 'flex-width' => true, // Random image rotation off by default. 'random-default' => false, ); $args = apply_filters( 'custom-header', $args ); // Add support for custom header add_theme_support( 'custom-header', $args ); } endif; // foodland_custom_header add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'foodland_custom_header' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'foodland_site_branding' ) ) : /** * Get the logo and display * * @uses get_transient, foodland_get_theme_options, get_header_textcolor, get_bloginfo, set_transient, display_header_text * @get logo from options * * @display logo * * @action * * @since Foodland 0.2 */ function foodland_site_branding() { $options = foodland_get_theme_options(); $site_title = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); $site_tagline = get_bloginfo( 'description' ); $logo_alt_text = $options['logo_alt_text']; $site_logo = $options['logo']; //Checking logo if( 4.5 <= (float)get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ){ if( has_custom_logo() ){ $logo_image = get_custom_logo(); $foodland_site_logo = ''; }else{ $foodland_site_logo = ''; } }else{ if( !empty( $options['logo'] ) ){ $foodland_site_logo = ' '; } else{ $foodland_site_logo = ''; } } // site title and description check $site_title_enable = display_header_text(); // check to enable or disable site title if ( ('' != $site_title || '' != $site_tagline ) && true == $site_title_enable ){ $foodland_header_text = ' '; } else{ $foodland_header_text = ''; } if ( '' != $foodland_site_logo ) { $foodland_site_branding = '
'; $foodland_site_branding .= $foodland_site_logo; $foodland_site_branding .= $foodland_header_text; $foodland_site_branding .= '
'; } else { $foodland_site_branding = '
'; $foodland_site_branding .= $foodland_header_text; $foodland_site_branding .= '
'; } echo $foodland_site_branding ; } endif; // foodland_site_branding add_action( 'foodland_header', 'foodland_site_branding', 50 ); if ( ! function_exists( 'foodland_featured_image' ) ) : /** * Template for Featured Header Image from theme options * * To override this in a child theme * simply create your own foodland_featured_image(), and that function will be used instead. * * @since Foodland 0.2 */ function foodland_featured_image() { $options = foodland_get_theme_options(); $header_image = get_header_image(); //Support Random Header Image if ( is_random_header_image() ) { delete_transient( 'foodland_featured_image' ); } if ( !$foodland_featured_image = get_transient( 'foodland_featured_image' ) ) { echo ''; if ( $header_image != '' ) { // Header Image Link and Target if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_url' ] ) ) { $link = esc_url( $options[ 'featured_header_image_url' ] ); //Checking Link Target if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_base' ] ) ) { $target = '_blank'; } else { $target = '_self'; } } else { $link = ''; $target = ''; } // Header Image Title/Alt if ( !empty( $options[ 'featured_header_image_alt' ] ) ) { $title = esc_attr( $options[ 'featured_header_image_alt' ] ); } else { $title = ''; } // Header Image $feat_image = ''.esc_attr( $title ).''; $foodland_featured_image = ''; } set_transient( 'foodland_featured_image', $foodland_featured_image, 86940 ); } echo $foodland_featured_image; } // foodland_featured_image endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'foodland_featured_overall_image' ) ) : /** * Template for Featured Header Image from theme options * * To override this in a child theme * simply create your own foodland_featured_pagepost_image(), and that function will be used instead. * * @since Foodland 0.2 */ function foodland_featured_overall_image() { global $post, $wp_query; $options = foodland_get_theme_options(); $defaults = foodland_get_default_theme_options(); $enableheaderimage = $options['enable_featured_header_image']; // Get Page ID outside Loop $page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); $page_for_posts = get_option('page_for_posts'); // Check Homepage if ( $enableheaderimage == 'homepage' ) { if ( is_front_page() || ( is_home() && $page_for_posts != $page_id ) ) { foodland_featured_image(); } } else { echo ''; } } // foodland_featured_overall_image endif; add_action( 'foodland_after_header', 'foodland_featured_overall_image', 10 );