add_section( 'general', __( 'General', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'slider', __( 'Slider', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'video', __( 'Video', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'icons', __( 'Icons', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'layout', __( 'Layout', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'text', __( 'Text', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'menu', __( 'Main Menu', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'cta', __( 'Call To Action', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_section( 'comments', __( 'Comments', 'focus' ) ); /** * General Settings */ $settings->add_field( 'general', 'logo', 'media',__( 'Logo', 'focus' ), array( 'choose' => __( 'Choose Logo Image', 'focus' ), 'update' => __( 'Set Logo', 'focus' ), 'description' => __( 'Logo displayed in your masthead.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'general', 'retina_logo', 'media',__( 'Retina Logo', 'focus' ), array( 'choose' => __( 'Choose Retina Logo Image', 'focus' ), 'update' => __( 'Set Logo', 'focus' ), 'description' => __( 'A double sized logo to use on retina devices.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'general', 'logo_scale', 'checkbox',__( 'Scale Logo', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'If used, scale the logo to fit the menu bar', 'focus' ), ) ); $settings->add_teaser( 'general', 'attribution', 'checkbox', __( 'SiteOrigin Attribution', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Add or remove a link to SiteOrigin in your footer.', 'focus' ), 'featured' => 'theme/no-attribution', ) ); $settings->add_field( 'general', 'display_author', 'checkbox',__( 'Display Post Author', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Displays post author information on a post page.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'general', 'posts_nav', 'checkbox',__( 'Display Post Navigation', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Display next and previous post links on at the bottom of post single pages.', 'focus' ) ) ); /** * Home Page Slider */ $settings->add_field( 'slider', 'homepage', 'checkbox', __( 'Home Page Slider', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Display a posts slider on the home page.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'slider', 'post_count', 'number', __( 'Post Count', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'The number of posts to display.', 'focus' ) ) ); $category_options = array( 0 => __( 'All', 'focus' ), ); $cats = get_categories(); if( !empty( $cats ) ){ foreach( get_categories() as $cat ){ $category_options[$cat->term_id] = $cat->name; } } $settings->add_field( 'slider', 'post_cat', 'select', __( 'Post Category', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Which category to fetch the video posts from.', 'focus' ), 'options' => $category_options, ) ); $settings->add_field( 'slider', 'post_orderby', 'select', __( 'Posts Order', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'The order in which to display the posts.', 'focus' ), 'options' => array( 'date' => __( 'Date', 'focus' ), 'title' => __( 'Title', 'focus' ), 'rand' => __( 'Random', 'focus' ), 'comment_count' => __( 'Comment Count', 'focus' ), ), ) ); /** * Video Player */ $settings->add_field( 'video', 'default_thumb', 'media', __( 'Default Thumbnail for Video Grid', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Add a custom play button to self hosted video.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'video', 'by_text', 'text', __( 'Video By Text', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Change the text "video by" on single post pages.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'video', 'autoplay', 'checkbox', __( 'Autoplay Videos', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Videos start playing as soon as the video page is loaded.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'video', 'hide_related', 'checkbox', __( 'Hide Related Videos', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Hides related videos after a YouTube or Vimeo Plus video finishes.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'video', 'play_button', 'media', __( 'Play Button', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Add a custom play button to self hosted video.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'video', 'premium_access', 'text', __( 'Premium Access Rights', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'The access rights required to view the premium version of a video. Can be used to integrate with plugins like S2Member', 'focus' ), 'options' => array( 's2member_level4' => __( 'S2Member - Level 4 Members', 'focus' ), 's2member_level3' => __( 'S2Member - Level 3 Members', 'focus' ), 's2member_level2' => __( 'S2Member - Level 2 Members', 'focus' ), 's2member_level1' => __( 'S2Member - Level 1 Members', 'focus' ), 's2member_level0' => __( 'S2Member - Free Subscribers', 'focus' ), ) ) ); /** * Icons */ $settings->add_field( 'icons', 'post_navigation', 'checkbox', __( 'Post Navigation Arrows', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Display next and previous arrows in the post single header for easier navigation.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'icons', 'search', 'media', __( 'Masthead Search Icon', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Replace the search icon with an image.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'icons', 'post_previous', 'media', __( 'Previous Post Icon', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Replace the previous arrow icon with an image in single posts.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'icons', 'post_next', 'media', __( 'Next Post Icon', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Replace the next arrow icon with an image in single posts.', 'focus' ) ) ); /** * Page Layout */ $settings->add_field( 'layout', 'responsive', 'checkbox', __( 'Responsive Layout', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Make your site responsive.', 'focus' ) ) ); /** * Site Text */ $settings->add_field( 'text', 'no_results', 'text', __( 'No Search Results', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Text displayed on your no search results pages.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'text', 'not_found', 'text', __( 'Page Not Found', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Text displayed on your 404 pages.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'text', 'latest_posts', 'text', __( 'Latest Posts Headline', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_field( 'text', 'footer_copyright', 'text', __( 'Footer Copyright', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Text in your site footer.', 'focus' ) ) ); /** * Main Menu */ $settings->add_field( 'menu', 'home', 'checkbox', __( 'Home Link', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Add a home link to your menu bar. Only applicable a custom menu hasn\'t been saved to the Primary Menu location.', 'focus' ) ) ); $settings->add_field( 'menu', 'search', 'checkbox', __( 'Menu Search', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Add search box to menu bar.', 'focus' ) ) ); /** * Footer CTA */ $settings->add_field( 'cta', 'text', 'text', __( 'CTA Text', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_field( 'cta', 'button_text', 'text', __( 'CTA Button Text', 'focus' ) ); $settings->add_field( 'cta', 'button_url', 'text', __( 'CTA Button URL', 'focus' ) ); /** * Comments */ $settings->add_teaser( 'comments', 'ajax_comments', 'checkbox', __( 'Ajax Comments', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Lets your users post comments without interrupting video play.', 'focus' ), 'featured' => 'theme/ajax-comments', ) ); $settings->add_field( 'comments', 'page_hide', 'checkbox',__( 'Hide Page Comments', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Automatically hides the comments and comment form on pages.', 'focus' ), 'label' => __( 'Hide', 'focus' ), ) ); $settings->add_field( 'comments', 'hide_allowed_tags', 'checkbox',__( 'Hide Allowed Tags', 'focus' ), array( 'description' => __( 'Hides allowed tags from the comment form.', 'focus' ), 'label' => __( 'Hide', 'focus' ), ) ); } add_action( 'siteorigin_settings_init', 'focus_theme_settings' ); function focus_theme_setting_defaults( $defaults ) { //General $defaults['general_logo'] = ''; $defaults['general_retina_logo'] = ''; $defaults['general_logo_scale'] = true; $defaults['general_attribution'] = true; $defaults['general_display_author'] = true; $defaults['general_posts_nav'] = true; // Main Menu $defaults['menu_home'] = true; $defaults['menu_search'] = false; // Site Text $defaults['text_not_found'] = __( 'We couldn\'t find the page you were looking for.', 'focus' ); $defaults['text_no_results'] = __( 'We couldn\'t find any results for your query.', 'focus' ); $defaults['text_latest_posts'] = __( 'Latest Videos', 'focus' ); $defaults['text_footer_copyright'] = ''; // Footer CTA $defaults['cta_text'] = ''; $defaults['cta_button_url'] = ''; $defaults['cta_button_text'] = ''; $defaults['cta_hide'] = ''; // The slider $defaults['slider_homepage'] = true; $defaults['slider_post_count'] = 5; $defaults['slider_post_cat'] = ''; $defaults['slider_post_orderby'] = 'date'; // The Video $defaults['video_default_thumb'] = false; $defaults['video_by_text'] = ''; $defaults['video_premium_access'] = ''; $defaults['video_play_button'] = false; $defaults['video_default_hd'] = false; $defaults['video_autoplay'] = false; $defaults['video_hide_related'] = false; // Icons $defaults['icons_post_navigation'] = true; $defaults['icons_search'] = false; $defaults['icons_post_previous'] = false; $defaults['icons_post_next'] = false; // Comments $defaults['comments_ajax_comments'] = false; $defaults['comments_page_hide'] = false; $defaults['comments_hide_allowed_tags'] = false; // Layout $defaults['layout_responsive'] = true; return $defaults; } add_filter( 'siteorigin_settings_defaults', 'focus_theme_setting_defaults' ); function focus_about_page_setup( $about ){ $about['description'] = __( 'Focus is a great theme for showing off your videos. It supports videos hosted on other sites like YouTube and Vimeo through oEmbed. You can even self host your videos.', 'focus' ); $about['documentation_url'] = ''; $about[ 'sections' ] = array( 'free', 'support', 'page-builder', 'github', ); return $about; } add_filter( 'siteorigin_about_page', 'focus_about_page_setup' ); /** * Adds a meta box to the post editing screen */ function focus_add_page_meta_boxes() { add_meta_box( 'focus_page_header', __( 'Focus Page Header', 'focus' ), 'focus_display_page_header_meta_box', 'page', 'side' ); } add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'focus_add_page_meta_boxes' ); /** * Outputs the content of the meta box */ function focus_display_page_header_meta_box( $post ) { wp_nonce_field( basename( __FILE__ ), 'focus_page_header_nonce' ); $page_header = get_post_meta( $post->ID ); ?>