= count( $cryout_demo_randomness ) ) $cryout_demo_index=0; // reset when randomness array used up $filename = "{$cryout_demo_randomness[$cryout_demo_index]}.jpg"; $cryout_demo_index++; return get_template_directory_uri() . '/resources/images/demo/' . $filename; } // cryout_demo_image_src() // Filter thumbnail image and return sample image if no thumbnail exists function cryout_demo_thumbnail( $input ) { if ( empty( $input ) ) { return cryout_demo_image_src(); } return $input; } // cryout_demo_thumbnail() // Check if running on the demo function cryout_is_demo() { $current_theme = wp_get_theme(); $theme_slug = $current_theme->Template; $active_theme = cryout_get_wp_option( 'template' ); return apply_filters( 'cryout_is_demo', ( $active_theme != strtolower( $theme_slug ) && ! is_child_theme() ) ); } // cryout_is_demo() // Read WordPress options function cryout_get_wp_option( $opt_name ) { $alloptions = wp_cache_get( 'alloptions', 'options' ); $alloptions = maybe_unserialize( $alloptions ); return isset( $alloptions[ $opt_name ] ) ? maybe_unserialize( $alloptions[ $opt_name ] ) : false; } // cryout_get_wp_option() // Apply the filter if ( cryout_is_demo() ) { add_filter( cryout_sanitize_tnp(_CRYOUT_THEME_NAME) . '_preview_img_src', 'cryout_demo_thumbnail' ); } // FIN