__( 'Geo', 'firmasite-geo' ), ); // If you want to remove default styles comes with parent theme, use: //return $newthemes; return $newthemes + $array; } /* * This function adds our custom bootstrap styles' location url to theme settings */ add_filter( 'firmasite_theme_styles_url', "firmasite_childtheme_example_style_url"); function firmasite_childtheme_example_style_url($array) { // You can add multiple custom theme style $newthemes = array( "geo" => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/themes/geo', ); return $newthemes + $array; } /* * This function makes our custom bootstrap style selected when switched to this theme * You can use this example for changing other settings too. Be careful when changing those settings. */ /*add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'firmasite_childtheme_change_style' ); function firmasite_childtheme_change_style() { // bug report / support: http://unsalkorkmaz.com/ // We got theme settings $settings = get_option( 'firmasite_settings' ); // We are setting selected style as one of our custom bootstrap style $settings["style"] = "geo"; // Now we are saving settings update_option( 'firmasite_settings', $settings ); }*/ // Fix to geo theme add_action("firmasite_settings_close", "firmasite_geo_theme_style_fix"); function firmasite_geo_theme_style_fix(){ global $firmasite_settings; $firmasite_settings["style"] = "geo"; }