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You may login and go to the Finojaho settings page and edit this text. Here you can display a summary of your website or anything that is interesting to your visitors. You also can disable this section completely. You can even change the image you see on the top left corner. You have full control thru the settings page.'), "type" => "finojaho_textabo"), array( "id" => "finojaho_visibleads", "default" => "no", "type" => "finojaho_visibleads"), array( "id" => "finojaho_nofollowads", "default" => "yes", "type" => "finojaho_nofollowads"), array( "id" => "finojaho_numberads", "default" => "2", "type" => "finojaho_numberads"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsimgurl1", "default" => "", "type" => "finojaho_adsimgurl1"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsadurl1", "default" => "#", "type" => "finojaho_adsadurl1"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsalt1", "default" => __('Sample Ads 1 ALT text'), "type" => "finojaho_adsalt1"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsimgurl2", "default" => "", "type" => "finojaho_adsimgurl2"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsadurl2", "default" => "#", "type" => "finojaho_adsadurl2"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsalt2", "default" => __('Sample Ads 2 ALT text'), "type" => "finojaho_adsalt2"), array( "id" => "finojaho_visiblerrscom", "default" => "yes", "type" => "finojaho_visiblerrscom"), array( "id" => "finojaho_visiblerss", "default" => "yes", "type" => "finojaho_visiblerss"), array( "id" => "finojaho_rssurl", "default" => "", "type" => "finojaho_rssurl"), array( "id" => "finojaho_showpage", "default" => "yes", "type" => "finojaho_showpage"), array( "id" => "finojaho_search", "default" => "yes", "type" => "finojaho_search"), array( "id" => "finojaho_searchid", "default" => "", "type" => "finojaho_searchid"), array( "id" => "finojaho_showads", "default" => "no", "type" => "finojaho_showads"), array( "id" => "finojaho_adsenseid", "default" => "", "type" => "finojaho_adsenseid"), array( "id" => "finojaho_reltag", "default" => "10", "type" => "finojaho_reltag"), array( "id" => "finojaho_relcat", "default" => "10", "type" => "finojaho_relcat"), array( "id" => "finojaho_addthis", "default" => "en", "type" => "finojaho_addthis"), ); $uploadpath = wp_upload_dir(); if ($uploadpath['baseurl']=='') $uploadpath['baseurl'] = get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/wp-content/uploads'; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function finojaho_options() { global $options, $uploadpath, $menu; if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'finojaho-settings' ) { if ( 'finojaho_save' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { check_admin_referer(); foreach ($options as $value) { if( !isset( $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] )) { } else { update_option( $value['id'], stripslashes($_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ])); } } $num = get_option('finojaho_numberads'); for($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) { if( !isset( $_REQUEST[ 'finojaho_adsimgurl'.$i ] )) { } else { update_option( 'finojaho_adsimgurl'.$i, stripslashes($_REQUEST[ 'finojaho_adsimgurl'.$i ])); } if( !isset( $_REQUEST[ 'finojaho_adsadurl'.$i ] )) { } else { update_option( 'finojaho_adsadurl'.$i, stripslashes($_REQUEST[ 'finojaho_adsadurl'.$i ])); } if( !isset( $_REQUEST[ 'finojaho_adsalt'.$i ] )) { } else { update_option( 'finojaho_adsalt'.$i, stripslashes($_REQUEST[ 'finojaho_adsalt'.$i ])); } } if ($_FILES["file-header"]["type"]){ $directory = $uploadpath['basedir'].'/'; move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file-header"]["tmp_name"], $directory . $_FILES["file-header"]["name"]); update_option('finojaho_imgabo', $uploadpath['baseurl']. "/". $_FILES["file-header"]["name"]); } wp_redirect("admin.php?page=finojaho-settings&saved=true"); die; } } // set options value foreach ($options as $default) { if(get_option($default['id'])=="") { update_option($default['id'],$default['default']); } } foreach ( $menu as $id => $data ) { if ( 0 == strcmp('wp-menu-separator-last', $data[4])) { $menu[$id] = array( '', 'read', 'separator3', '', 'wp-menu-separator' ); } } add_menu_page(__('Finojaho Settings','finojaho'), 'Finojaho', 10, 'finojaho-settings', 'finojaho_admin'); add_submenu_page('finojaho-settings',__('Finojaho Settings','finojaho'), __('Finojaho Settings','finojaho'), 10, 'finojaho-settings', 'finojaho_admin'); add_submenu_page('finojaho-settings',__('Widgets','finojaho'), __('Widgets','finojaho'), 10, 'widgets.php'); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function finojaho_admin() { global $options, $uploadpath; ?>


'; } ?> Change directory permissions with CHMOD 755 or 777','finojaho'), $uploadpath['baseurl']); ?>

Default: Yes','finojaho'); ?>   

Top Right)','finojaho'); ?>   

Top Right)','finojaho'); ?>   




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'Default sidebar', 'before_widget' => '
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    ', )); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Categories Widget function finojaho_CategoriesWidget($args){ extract($args); echo '
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