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= 37 ) { $posttit = substr($posttit, 0, 35).'...';} ?> /i', $imginpost, $matches); if ($matches) preg_match_all('/(alt|title)=("[^"]*")/i',$matches[0],$match); if (isset($match[0][0])) {$match[0][0] =' '.$match[0][0];} else {$match[0][0] = '';} if (isset($match[0][1])) {$match[0][1] =' '.$match[0][1];} else {$match[0][1] = '';} if ($matches) { ereg('wp-image-([0-9]+)',$matches[0],$regs); if ($regs) { if (is_numeric($regs[1])) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($regs[1], $size, false); if ($image) { $image = ''; } // if ($image) } // if (is_numeric($regs[1])) } // if ($regs) else { $image = ''; } } // if ($matches) else { $image = '';} $postprecontent = strip_shortcodes(get_the_content()); $postprecontent = strip_tags($postprecontent); if (strlen($postprecontent) <= 300 ) { echo '


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= 37 ) { $posttit = substr($posttit, 0, 35).'....';} ?> /i', $imginpost, $matches); if ($matches) preg_match_all('/(alt|title)=("[^"]*")/i',$matches[0],$match); if (isset($match[0][0])) {$match[0][0] =' '.$match[0][0];} else {$match[0][0] = '';} if (isset($match[0][1])) {$match[0][1] =' '.$match[0][1];} else {$match[0][1] = '';} if ($matches) { ereg('wp-image-([0-9]+)',$matches[0],$regs); if ($regs) { if (is_numeric($regs[1])) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($regs[1], $size, false); if ($image) { $image = ''; } // if ($image) } // if (is_numeric($regs[1])) } // if ($regs) else { $image = ''; } } // if ($matches) else { $image = '';} $postnexcontent = strip_shortcodes(get_the_content()); $postnexcontent = strip_tags($postnexcontent); if (strlen($postnexcontent) <= 300 ) { echo '


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0) ) : ?> 0) { if ($numComments > 1) {?>

“'.get_the_title($postid).''))); ?>

“'.get_the_title($postid).''))); ?>

comment_status) : ?>

comment_status) : ?>

logged in to post a comment.', 'finojaho'), $loginlink); ?>

'.$user_identity.''); ?>

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0) { if ($numPingBacks > 1) { ?>

“'.get_the_title($postid).''))); ?>

“'.get_the_title($postid).''))); ?>

'.__('No trackbacks yet.','finojaho').'

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