figureground_contrast_ratio( $fg_light, $fg_dark ) ) { // There isn't enough contrast, so we need to adjust the chosen colors. // Start by lightening light, up to white. while ( 4.5 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $fg_light, $fg_dark ) && 1 > figureground_relative_luminance( $fg_light ) ) { $fg_light = figureground_adjust_color( $fg_light, 8 ); } // Do we need to do more? if ( 4.5 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $fg_light, $fg_dark ) ) { // Darken the dark color until we get there (should never reach anywhere near black). while ( 4.5 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $fg_light, $fg_dark ) && 0 < figureground_relative_luminance( $fg_dark ) ) { $fg_dark = figureground_adjust_color( $fg_dark, -8 ); } } } // Dark figure/ground color. $css .= ' body, button, input, select, textarea, .main-navigation li.current_page_item a:hover, .main-navigation li.current-menu-item a:hover, .error404 .page-content, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-thumbnail, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-meta, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-header, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-content, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-summary, .site-main article.formatted-post:nth-child(even), .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:before, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-title a, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even), .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd), .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a, .gallery-item:nth-of-type(even) .gallery-caption, .hentry .mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time span, .hentry .mejs-overlay-button, .hentry .mejs-controls .mejs-button button, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-overlay:hover .mejs-overlay-button, .wp-playlist.wp-playlist-light, .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item, .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-playing, .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item .wp-playlist-caption, .comments-title, .comment-list > li:nth-child(even) article.comment-body, .comment-respond,, aside.widget:nth-child(even), #menu-social li a { color: ' . $fg_dark . '; } header#masthead, .main-navigation.toggled .nav-menu,, .site-main article .entry-thumbnail, .site-main article .entry-meta, .site-main article .entry-header, .site-main article .entry-content, .site-main article .entry-summary, .site-main article.formatted-post, .site-main article footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:before, .site-main, .site-main nav.paging-navigation, article.formatted-post, footer.entry-meta li, .hentry .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-loaded, .hentry .mejs-controls .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider .mejs-horizontal-volume-current, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-mediaelement, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-container .mejs-controls, article:nth-child(odd) .wp-playlist.wp-playlist-light, .comment-list .pingback, aside.widget, .site-info { background: ' . $fg_dark . '; } .site-main article:nth-child(even) blockquote { border-left-color: ' . $fg_dark . '; } .gallery-caption, article:nth-child(even) .hentry .mejs-overlay-button, article.comment-body, .comment-navigation { background-color: ' . $fg_dark . '; } ::selection { color: ' . $fg_dark . '; } ::-moz-selection { color: ' . $fg_dark . '; }'; // Generated color. $fg_mid = figureground_adjust_color( $fg_light, -64 ); $css .= ' { color: ' . $fg_mid . '; }'; // Light figure/ground color. $css .= ' body, canvas#figure-ground, .error404 .page-content, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-thumbnail, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-meta, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-header, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-content, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-summary, .site-main article.formatted-post:nth-child(even), .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:before, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even), .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd), .hentry .mejs-mediaelement, .hentry .mejs-container .mejs-controls, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-loaded, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-controls .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider .mejs-horizontal-volume-current, .wp-playlist.wp-playlist-light, .comments-title,, aside.widget:nth-child(even), #menu-social li a { background: ' . $fg_light . '; } .gallery-item:nth-of-type(even) .gallery-caption, .hentry .mejs-overlay-button, .comment-list > li:nth-child(even) article.comment-body, .comment-respond { background-color: ' . $fg_light . '; } blockquote { border-color: ' . $fg_light . '; } button, html input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], header#masthead, a, .site-header .search-form label:before, .menu-toggle:before, .main-navigation li a,, .site-main article .entry-thumbnail, .site-main article .entry-meta, .site-main article .entry-header, .site-main article .entry-content, .site-main article .entry-summary, .site-main article.formatted-post, .site-main article footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:before, .site-main article .entry-title a, article.sticky, article.sticky .entry-header, article.sticky .entry-content, article.sticky h1.entry-title a:hover, .site-main, .site-main nav.paging-navigation, article.formatted-post, footer.entry-meta li, footer.entry-meta li.posted-on a, footer.entry-meta li.comments-link a, footer.entry-meta li.image-size a, footer.entry-meta li.posted-in a, footer.entry-meta li div, .gallery-caption, .hentry .mejs-overlay:hover .mejs-overlay-button, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time span, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-controls .mejs-button button, article:nth-child(odd) .wp-playlist.wp-playlist-light, article:nth-child(odd) .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item, article:nth-child(odd) .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-playing, article:nth-child(odd) .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item .wp-playlist-caption, article.comment-body, .comment-list .comment.bypostauthor > article.comment-body, .comment-list .pingback, .comment-navigation, aside.widget, .site-info a, .site-info { color: ' . $fg_light . '; } footer.entry-meta li.toggled, footer.entry-meta li div a { color: ' . $fg_light . ' !important; }'; return $css; } function figureground_accent_colors_css() { $accent_light = get_theme_mod( 'accent_color_light', '#87f' ); $accent_dark = get_theme_mod( 'accent_color_dark', '#903' ); $fg_light = get_theme_mod( 'fg_color_light', '#f7f7ec' ); $fg_dark = get_theme_mod( 'fg_color_dark', '#222222' ); $css = ''; // Check contrast between figure/ground and accent colors. if ( 3 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $accent_light, $fg_dark ) ) { // There isn't enough contrast, so we need to adjust the chosen color. // Only change the accent color, so 3:1 contrast may not be acheived. while ( 3 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $accent_light, $fg_dark ) && 1 > figureground_relative_luminance( $accent_light ) ) { $accent_light = figureground_adjust_color( $accent_light, 8 ); } } if ( 3 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $accent_dark, $fg_light ) ) { // There isn't enough contrast, so we need to adjust the chosen color. // Only change the accent color, so 3:1 contrast may not be acheived. while ( 3 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $accent_dark, $fg_light ) && 0 < figureground_relative_luminance( $accent_dark ) ) { $accent_dark = figureground_adjust_color( $accent_dark, -8 ); } } // Light accent color, which must contrast with the dark figure/ground color. $css .= ' .site-header .search-field:focus, .main-navigation.toggled .nav-menu, #menu-social ul { border-color: ' . $accent_light . '; } .main-navigation a:hover, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current, #menu-social li a:hover, #menu-social li a:focus { background: ' . $accent_light . '; } article:nth-child(even) .mejs-overlay:hover .mejs-overlay-button { background-color: ' . $accent_light . '; } a, .menu-toggle:focus:before, .menu-toggle:hover:before, .main-navigation.toggled .menu-toggle:before, .main-navigation.toggled .nav-menu:before, .main-navigation li.current_page_item a, .main-navigation li.current-menu-item a, .site-main article a, .site-main article .entry-title a:hover, .site-main article .entry-title a:active, .site-main article .entry-title a:focus, article.formatted-post, article.formatted-post, article.formatted-post, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a:hover, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a:active, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a:focus, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a:hover, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a:active, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a:focus, .site-main article footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:hover:before, .site-main article footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:active:before, .site-main article footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:focus:before, article:nth-child(even) .mejs-controls .mejs-button button:hover, article:nth-child(odd) .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item .wp-playlist-caption:hover { color: ' . $accent_light . '; }'; // Modified light accent color. $accent_lighter = figureground_adjust_color( $accent_light, 64 ); $css .= ' a:hover, a:focus, a:active { color: ' . $accent_lighter . '; } ::selection { background: ' . $accent_lighter . '; } ::-moz-selection { background: ' . $accent_lighter . '; } .site-main article a:hover, .site-main article a:active, .site-main article a:focus { color: ' . $accent_lighter . '; }'; // Dark accent color, must contrast with light figure/ground color. $css .= ' button, html input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], article.sticky, article.sticky .entry-header, article.sticky .entry-content, footer.entry-meta li div, .hentry .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current { background: ' . $accent_dark . '; } footer.entry-meta li.toggled { background: ' . $accent_dark . ' !important; } .hentry .mejs-overlay:hover .mejs-overlay-button, .comment-list .comment.bypostauthor > article.comment-body { background-color: ' . $accent_dark . '; } .site-main article:nth-child(even) a, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-title a:hover, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-title a:active, .site-main article:nth-child(even) .entry-title a:focus, .site-main article.formatted-post:nth-child(even), .site-main article.formatted-post:nth-child(even), .site-main article.formatted-post:nth-child(even), .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a:hover, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a:active, .site-main article:nth-child(odd) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(even) a:focus, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a:hover, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a:active, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li:nth-child(odd) a:focus, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:hover:before, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:active:before, .site-main article:nth-child(even) footer.entry-meta li.edit-link a:focus:before, .hentry .mejs-controls .mejs-button button:hover, .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item .wp-playlist-caption:hover, .comment-respond a, .comment-list > li:nth-child(even) article.comment-body a, aside.widget:nth-child(even) a { color: ' . $accent_dark . '; }'; // Modified dark accent color. $accent_dark_lightened = figureground_adjust_color( $accent_dark, 64 ); $css .= ' button:hover, html input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="reset"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover, button:focus, html input[type="button"]:focus, input[type="reset"]:focus, input[type="submit"]:focus { background: ' . $accent_dark_lightened . '; } .site-main article:nth-child(even) a:hover, .site-main article:nth-child(even) a:active, .site-main article:nth-child(even) a:focus, .comment-respond a:hover, .comment-respond a:active, .comment-respond a:focus, .comment-list > li:nth-child(even) article.comment-body a:hover, .comment-list > li:nth-child(even) article.comment-body a:active .comment-list > li:nth-child(even) article.comment-body a:focus, aside.widget:nth-child(even) a:hover, aside.widget:nth-child(even) a:active, aside.widget:nth-child(even) a:focus { color: ' . $accent_dark_lightened . '; }'; // Accent light that contrasts with accent dark. $contrasting_accent_light = $accent_light; if ( 3 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $accent_dark, $accent_light ) ) { // There isn't enough contrast, so we need to adjust the chosen color. // Only change the light accent color, so 3:1 contrast may not be acheived. while ( 3 > figureground_contrast_ratio( $accent_dark, $contrasting_accent_light ) && 0 < figureground_relative_luminance( $contrasting_accent_light ) ) { $contrasting_accent_light = figureground_adjust_color( $contrasting_accent_light, -8 ); } } $css .= ' article.sticky .entry-content a { color: ' . $contrasting_accent_light . '; }'; return $css; }