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'.png ); }'; } /* Website Body Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_body_font', ' body' ); /* Website Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_title_font', ' #website-title a' ); /* Website Tagline Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_tagline_font', ' #tagline' ); /* Post/Page Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_post_font', ' .post-title, .post-title a' ); /* Post Title Font For Grid Layout / Archive Title --------------------------------------- */ if ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_post_layout', 'two' ) != "one" && ( is_home() || is_archive() || is_search() ) ) { $css_data .= ' .posts.card-columns .post-title a, .posts.card-columns .post-title { font-size: 1.5rem; line-height: 2rem; }'; } /* Content Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_content_font', ' .post-content', '', $additional_color_css_class = ' body' ); /* Sticky Header Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_menu_blog_title_font', ' #sticky-title' ); /* Main Menu Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_menu_font', ' .navbar-nav .nav-link, .navbar-nav .dropdown-item, .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu, .menu-header, .header-wrapper .header-search, .sticky-header, .navbar-toggler' ); if ( ( get_post_meta( $slider_page_id, 'evolve_slider_type', true ) == 'bootstrap' && evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_bootstrap_slider_support', '0' ) == '1' ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_bootstrap_slider', '0' ) == '1' && evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_bootstrap_slider_support', '0' ) == '1' ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_bootstrap_slider_support', '0' ) == "1" && is_front_page() && ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_header_area', array( 'bootstrap_slider' ) ) ) ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_bootstrap_slider_support', '0' ) == "1" && is_home() && ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_header_area', array( 'bootstrap_slider' ) ) ) ) ) { /* Bootstrap Slider --> Slider Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_bootstrap_slide_title_font', ' #bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption h5' ); /* Bootstrap Slider --> Slider Description Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_bootstrap_slide_subtitle_font', ' #bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption p' ); } if ( ( get_post_meta( $slider_page_id, 'evolve_slider_type', true ) == 'parallax' && evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_parallax_slider_support', '0' ) == "1" ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_parallax_slider', '1' ) == "1" && evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_parallax_slider_support', '1' ) == "1" ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_parallax_slider_support', '1' ) == "1" && is_front_page() && ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_header_area', array( 'parallax_slider' ) ) ) ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_parallax_slider_support', '1' ) == "1" && is_home() && ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_header_area', array( 'parallax_slider' ) ) ) ) ) { /* Parallax Slider --> Slider Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_parallax_slide_title_font', ' #parallax-slider .carousel-caption h5' ); /* Parallax Slider --> Slider Description Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_parallax_slide_subtitle_font', ' #parallax-slider .carousel-caption p' ); } if ( ( get_post_meta( $slider_page_id, 'evolve_slider_type', true ) == 'posts' && evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_carousel_slider', '0' ) == "1" ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_posts_slider', '0' ) == "1" && evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_carousel_slider', '0' ) == "1" ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_carousel_slider', '0' ) == "1" && is_front_page() && ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_header_area', array( 'posts_slider' ) ) ) ) || ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_carousel_slider', '0' ) == "1" && is_home() && ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_header_area', array( 'posts_slider' ) ) ) ) ) { /* Post Slider --> Slider Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_carousel_slide_title_font', ' #posts-slider h5 a' ); /* Post Slider --> Slider Description Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_carousel_slide_subtitle_font', ' #posts-slider p' ); } /* Widget Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_widget_title_font', ' .widget-title, .widget-title a.rsswidget' ); /* Widget Content Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_widget_content_font', ' .widget-content, .aside, .aside a', '', $additional_color_css_class = '.widget-content, .widget-content a, .widget-content .tab-holder .news-list li .post-holder a, .widget-content .tab-holder .news-list li .post-holder .meta' ); if ( is_front_page() ) { /* Content Boxes Title Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_content_boxes_title_font', ' .content-box h5.card-title' ); /* Content Boxes Description Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_content_boxes_description_font', ' .content-box p' ); /* Content Boxes Title Section --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_content_boxes_title_alignment', ' h3.content-box-section-title' ); /* Testimonials Title Section --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_testimonials_title_alignment', ' h3.testimonials-section-title' ); /* Counter Circle Title Section --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_counter_circle_title_alignment', ' h3.counter-circle-section-title' ); /* Counter Circle Text Font --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_counter_circle_title_text', ' .counter-circle-text, .counter-circle-text h5' ); /* WooCommerce Product Title Section --------------------------------------- */ if ( class_exists( 'Woocommerce' ) ) : $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_woo_product_title_alignment', ' h3.woo-product-section-title' ); endif; /* Custom Content Title Section --------------------------------------- */ $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_custom_content_title_alignment', ' h3.custom-content-section-title' ); } /* H1 Font, H2 Font, H3 Font, H4 Font, H5 Font and H6 Font --------------------------------------- */ for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i ++ ) { $css_data .= evolve_print_fonts( 'evl_content_h' . $i . 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' }'; if ( $content_box1_icon_color ) { $css_data .= ' .content-box-1 i { color: ' . $content_box1_icon_color . '; }'; } if ( $content_box2_icon_color ) { $css_data .= ' .content-box-2 i { color: ' . $content_box2_icon_color . '; }'; } if ( $content_box3_icon_color ) { $css_data .= ' .content-box-3 i { color: ' . $content_box3_icon_color . '; }'; } if ( $content_box4_icon_color ) { $css_data .= ' .content-box-4 i { color: ' . $content_box4_icon_color . 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' }'; $testimonials_back_color = evolve_theme_mod( "evl_fp_testimonials_bg_color", '' ); $testimonials_textcolor = evolve_theme_mod( "evl_fp_testimonials_text_color", '' ); if ( $testimonials_back_color ) { $css_data .= ' .home-testimonials .carousel { background-color:' . $testimonials_back_color . '; padding: 2rem; }'; } if ( $testimonials_textcolor ) { $css_data .= ' .home-testimonials blockquote, .home-testimonials blockquote footer { color:' . $testimonials_textcolor . ' }'; } /* -- Counter Circle --------------------------------------- */ $home_counter_circle_css_data = ''; if ( $counter_circle_section_back_color ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' background-color: %s;', $counter_circle_section_back_color ); } if ( $counter_circle_section_image_src ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' background: url(%s)', $counter_circle_section_image_src ); if ( $counter_circle_section_background_repeat ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' %s', $counter_circle_section_background_repeat ); } if ( $counter_circle_section_background_position ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' %s;', $counter_circle_section_background_position ); } if ( $counter_circle_section_image != 'none' ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' background-size: %s;', $counter_circle_section_image ); } } if ( $counter_circle_section_padding_top ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-top: %s;', $counter_circle_section_padding_top ); } if ( $counter_circle_section_padding_bottom ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-bottom: %s;', $counter_circle_section_padding_bottom ); } if ( $counter_circle_section_padding_left ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-left: %s;', $counter_circle_section_padding_left ); } if ( $counter_circle_section_padding_right ) { $home_counter_circle_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-right: %s;', $counter_circle_section_padding_right ); } $css_data .= ' .home-counter-circle {' . $home_counter_circle_css_data . ' }'; /* -- WooCommerce Products --------------------------------------- */ if ( class_exists( 'Woocommerce' ) ) { $woo_product_enabled = ''; $woo_product = evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_front_elements_content_area', array() ); if ( ! empty( $woo_product ) && is_array( $woo_product ) ) { foreach ( $woo_product as $woo_product_id => $woo_product_id_label ) { if ( 'woocommerce_product' == $woo_product_id ) { $woo_product_enabled = true; } } $home_woo_product_css_data = ''; if ( $woo_product_section_back_color ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' background-color: %s;', $woo_product_section_back_color ); } if ( $woo_product_section_image_src ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' background: url(%s)', $woo_product_section_image_src ); if ( $woo_product_section_background_repeat ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' %s', $woo_product_section_background_repeat ); } if ( $woo_product_section_background_position ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' %s;', $woo_product_section_background_position ); } if ( $woo_product_section_image != 'none' ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' background-size: %s;', $woo_product_section_image ); } } if ( $woo_product_section_padding_top ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-top: %s;', $woo_product_section_padding_top ); } if ( $woo_product_section_padding_bottom ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-bottom: %s;', $woo_product_section_padding_bottom ); } if ( $woo_product_section_padding_left ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-left: %s;', $woo_product_section_padding_left ); } if ( $woo_product_section_padding_right ) { $home_woo_product_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-right: %s;', $woo_product_section_padding_right ); } $css_data .= ' .home-woo-product {' . $home_woo_product_css_data . ' }'; } } /* -- Custom Content --------------------------------------- */ $home_custom_content_css_data = ''; if ( $custom_content_section_back_color ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' background-color: %s;', $custom_content_section_back_color ); } if ( isset( $custom_content_section_image_src ) && $custom_content_section_image_src ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' background: url(%s)', $custom_content_section_image_src ); if ( $custom_content_section_background_repeat ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' %s', $custom_content_section_background_repeat ); } if ( $custom_content_section_background_position ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' %s;', $custom_content_section_background_position ); } if ( $custom_content_section_image != 'none' ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' background-size: %s;', $custom_content_section_image ); } } if ( $custom_content_section_padding_top ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-top: %s;', $custom_content_section_padding_top ); } if ( $custom_content_section_padding_bottom ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-bottom: %s;', $custom_content_section_padding_bottom ); } if ( $custom_content_section_padding_left ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-left: %s;', $custom_content_section_padding_left ); } if ( $custom_content_section_padding_right ) { $home_custom_content_css_data .= sprintf( ' padding-right: %s;', $custom_content_section_padding_right ); } $css_data .= ' .home-custom-content {' . $home_custom_content_css_data . ' }'; } /* Title, Tagline and Logo Position --------------------------------------- */ if ( $pos_logo == "center" && ! empty( $header_logo ) ) { $css_data .= ' #website-title, #tagline { float: none; margin: 5px auto; } .header-logo-container img { float: none; } #website-title, #tagline, .header-logo-container { display:inline-block; text-align:center; width:100%; } #website-title, #tagline { position: relative; }'; } /* Back To Top Button --------------------------------------- */ if ( $pos_button == "left" ) { $css_data .= ' #backtotop { left: 2rem; }'; } if ( $pos_button == "right" ) { $css_data .= ' #backtotop { right: 2rem; }'; } if ( $pos_button == "middle" || $pos_button == "" ) { $css_data .= ' #backtotop { left: 50%; margin-left: -1.2rem; }'; } /* Widgets Custom Color --------------------------------------- */ if ( $widget_background == "1" ) { if ( $widget_bgcolor != "" ) { $css_data .= ' .widget-title, .widget-title a.rsswidget { color: #fff; } .widget-title-background { position: absolute; top: -1px; bottom: 0; left: -31px; right: -31px; border: 1px solid; border-color: ' . $widget_bgcolor . '; background: ' . $widget_bgcolor . '; color: #fff; }'; } } $css_data .= ' .widget-content {'; if ( $widget_background_image == "1" ) { if ( $widget_background == "1" ) { $css_data .= ' padding: 30px; background: none; border: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none;'; } else { $css_data .= ' background: none; border: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none;'; } } else { if ( $widget_background == "1" ) { $css_data .= ' padding: 30px;'; } else { $css_data .= ' padding: 30px;'; } } $css_data .= ' }'; if ( $widget_background == "1" ) { $css_data .= ' .widget-before-title { top: -30px; }'; } if ( $widget_background_image == "1" ) { $css_data .= ' .widget::before, .widget::after { -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; }'; } /* Primary Links Custom Color --------------------------------------- */ if ( ! empty( $primary_link ) ) { $css_data .= ' a, .page-link, .page-link:hover, code, .widget_calendar tbody a, .page-numbers.current { color: ' . $primary_link . 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'px; }'; /* Custom Header Image --------------------------------------- */ if ( get_header_image() ) { $css_data .= ' .custom-header { background-image: url(' . esc_url( get_header_image() ) . '); background-position: ' . $background_position . '; background-repeat: ' . $background_repeat . '; position: relative; background-size: ' . $header_image . '; width: 100%; height: 100%; }'; } /* Custom Footer Image --------------------------------------- */ if ( $footer_image_src ) { $css_data .= ' .footer { background: url(' . esc_url( $footer_image_src ) . ') ' . $footer_background_position . ' ' . $footer_background_repeat . '; border-bottom: 0; background-size: ' . $footer_image . '; width: 100%; }'; } /* Header Social Media Links --------------------------------------- */ if ( evolve_theme_mod( 'evl_social_links', 0 ) ) { if ( ! empty( $social_color ) ) { $css_data .= ' .social-media-links a {'; if ( ! empty( $social_color ) ) { $css_data .= ' color: ' . $social_color . 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