cat_ID] = $category->cat_name; } // Pull all the pages into an array $options_pages = array(); $options_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order'); $options_pages[''] = 'Select a page:'; foreach ($options_pages_obj as $page) { $options_pages[$page->ID] = $page->post_title; } // If using image radio buttons, define a directory path $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/library/functions/images/'; $imagepathfolder = get_template_directory_uri() . '/library/media/images/'; $evlshortname = "evl"; $template_url = get_template_directory_uri(); $options = array(); // Layout $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-1", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-1", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Select a layout', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select main content and sidebar alignment.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_layout", "std" => "2cl", "type" => "images", "options" => array( '1c' => $imagepath . '1c.png', '2cl' => $imagepath . '2cl.png', '2cr' => $imagepath . '2cr.png', '3cm' => $imagepath . '3cm.png', '3cr' => $imagepath . '3cr.png', '3cl' => $imagepath . '3cl.png' ) ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Width', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Fixed = 960px / Fluid = 99% width of browser window', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_width_layout", "std" => "fixed", "type" => "select", "options" => array( 'fixed' => __( 'Fixed    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'fluid' => __( 'Fluid', 'evolve' ) ) ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Number of widget cols in header', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select how many header widget areas you want to display.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_widgets_header", "type" => "images", "std" => "one", "options" => array( 'disable' => $imagepath . '1c.png', 'one' => $imagepath . 'header-widgets-1.png', 'two' => $imagepath . 'header-widgets-2.png', 'three' => $imagepath . 'header-widgets-3.png', 'four' => $imagepath . 'header-widgets-4.png', )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Number of widget cols in footer', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select how many footer widget areas you want to display.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_widgets_num", "type" => "images", "std" => "disable", "options" => array( 'disable' => $imagepath . '1c.png', 'one' => $imagepath . 'footer-widgets-1.png', 'two' => $imagepath . 'footer-widgets-2.png', 'three' => $imagepath . 'footer-widgets-3.png', 'four' => $imagepath . 'footer-widgets-4.png', )); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-1", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-1", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Posts $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-2", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-2", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Number of articles per row on home and archive pages - \'post boxes\'', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Option 2 or 3 is recommended to use with disabled Sidebar(s) or enabled Fluid width', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_post_layout", "type" => "images", "std" => "two", "options" => array( 'one' => $imagepath . 'one-post.png', 'two' => $imagepath . 'two-posts.png', 'three' => $imagepath . 'three-posts.png', )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Enable post excerpts with thumbnails', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Check this box if you want to display post excerpts with post thumbnails on one column posts', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_excerpt_thumbnail", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Enable post author avatar', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Check this box if you want to display post author avatar', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_author_avatar", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Post meta header placement', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose placement of the post meta header - Date, Author, Comments', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_header_meta", "type" => "select", "std" => "disable", "options" => array( 'single_archive' => __( 'Single posts + Archive pages', 'evolve' ), 'single' => __( 'Single posts', 'evolve' ), 'disable' => __( 'Disable    (default)', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( '\'Share This\' buttons placement', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose placement of the \'Share This\' buttons', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_share_this", "type" => "select", "std" => "single", "options" => array( 'single' => __( 'Single posts    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'single_archive' => __( 'Single posts + Archive pages', 'evolve' ), 'all' => __( 'All pages', 'evolve' ), 'disable' => __( 'Disable', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Position of previous/next posts links', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose the position of the Previous/Next Post links', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_post_links", "type" => "select", "std" => "after", "options" => array( 'after' => __( 'After posts    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'before' => __( 'Before posts', 'evolve' ), 'both' => __( 'Both', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Display Similar posts', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose if you want to display Similar posts in articles', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_similar_posts", "type" => "select", "std" => "disable", "options" => array( 'disable' => __( 'Disable    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'category' => __( 'Match by categories', 'evolve' ), 'tag' => __( 'Match by tags', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-2", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-2", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Subscribe buttons $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-3", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-3", "type" => "open-tab"); // RSS Feed $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'RSS Feed', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert custom RSS Feed URL, e.g.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_rss_feed", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // Newsletter $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Newsletter', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert custom newsletter URL, e.g.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_newsletter", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // Facebook $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Facebook', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your Facebook ID. If your Facebook page is, insert only Example', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_facebook", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // Twitter $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Twitter', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your Twitter ID. If your Twitter page is, insert only username', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_twitter_id", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // MySpace $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'MySpace', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your MySpace ID. If your MySpace page is, insert only username', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_myspace", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // Skype $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Skype', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your Skype ID, e.g. username', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_skype", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // YouTube $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'YouTube', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your YouTube ID. If your YouTube page is, insert only Username', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_youtube", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // Flickr $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Flickr', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your Flickr ID. If your Flickr page is, insert only example', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_flickr", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // LinkedIn $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'LinkedIn', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your LinkedIn profile URI, e.g.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_linkedin", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); // Google Plus $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Google Plus', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your Google Plus profile ID, e.g. 114573636521805298702', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_googleplus", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-3", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-3", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Header content $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-4", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-4", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Custom logo', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Upload a logo for your theme, or specify an image URL directly.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_header_logo", "type" => "upload", "std" => $template_url."/library/media/images/logo.png"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Logo position', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose the position of your custom logo', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_pos_logo", "type" => "select", "std" => "left", "options" => array( 'left' => __( 'Left    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'right' => __( 'Right', 'evolve' ), 'disable' => __( 'Disable', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Disable Blog Title', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Check this box if you don\'t want to display title of your blog', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_blog_title", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "1"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Blog Tagline position', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose the position of blog tagline', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_tagline_pos", "type" => "select", "std" => "next", "options" => array( 'next' => __( 'Next to blog title    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'above' => __( 'Above blog title', 'evolve' ), 'under' => __( 'Under blog title', 'evolve' ), 'disable' => __( 'Disable', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Home page header content', 'evolve' ), "desc" => "", "id" => $evlshortname."_home_header_content", "type" => "select", "std" => "search_social", "options" => array( 'search_social' => __( 'Search Field + Subscribe Buttons    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'post_search_social' => __( 'Recent Posts + Search Field + Subscribe Buttons', 'evolve' ), 'disable' =>__( 'Disable', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Single post header content', 'evolve' ), "desc" => "", "id" => $evlshortname."_single_header_content", "type" => "select", "std" => "search_social", "options" => array( 'search_social' => __( 'Search Field + Subscribe Buttons    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'post_search_social' => __( 'Recent Posts + Search Field + Subscribe Buttons', 'evolve' ), 'disable' =>__( 'Disable', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Archives and other pages header content', 'evolve' ), "desc" => "", "id" => $evlshortname."_archives_header_content", "type" => "select", "std" => "search_social", "options" => array( 'search_social' => __( 'Search Field + Subscribe Buttons    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'post_search_social' => __( 'Recent Posts + Search Field + Subscribe Buttons', 'evolve' ), 'disable' =>__( 'Disable', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Slideshow', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'To enable a slideshow the Recent Posts + Search Field + Subscribe Buttons option must be enabled', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_header_slider", "type" => "select", "std" => "disable", "options" => array( 'disable' => __( 'Disable    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'normal' => __( 'Normal', 'evolve' ), 'slow' => __( 'Slow', 'evolve' ), 'fast' => __( 'Fast', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-4", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-4", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Footer content $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-5", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-5", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Custom footer', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Available HTML tags and attributes:

<b> <i> <a href="" title=""> <blockquote> <del datetime="">
<ins datetime=""> <img src="" alt="" /> <ul> <ol> <li>
<code> <em> <strong> <div> <span> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6>
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <br /> <hr />
', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_footer_content", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-5", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-5", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Typography $options[] = array( "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-6", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Blog Title font', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select the typography you want for your blog title. * non web-safe font.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_title_font", "type" => "typography", "std" => array('size' => '55px', 'face' => 'goudy bookletter 1911','style' => 'bold','color' => '') ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Blog tagline font', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select the typography you want for your blog tagline. * non web-safe font.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_tagline_font", "type" => "typography", "std" => array('size' => '14px', 'face' => 'georgia','style' => 'bold italic','color' => '') ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Post title font', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select the typography you want for your post titles. * non web-safe font.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_post_font", "type" => "typography", "std" => array('size' => '35px', 'face' => 'goudy bookletter 1911','style' => 'normal','color' => '') ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Content font', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Select the typography you want for your blog content. * non web-safe font.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_content_font", "type" => "typography", "std" => array('size' => '16px', 'face' => 'arial','style' => 'normal','color' => '') ); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-6", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-6", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Navigation $options[] = array( "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-7", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Disable main menu', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Check this box if you don\'t want to display main menu', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_main_menu", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Position of navigation links', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose the position of the Older/Newer Posts links', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_nav_links", "type" => "select", "std" => "after", "options" => array( 'after' => __( 'After posts    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'before' => __( 'Before posts', 'evolve' ), 'both' => __( 'Both', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Position of \'Back to Top\' button', 'evolve' ), "desc" => "", "id" => $evlshortname."_pos_button", "type" => "select", "std" => "disable", "options" => array( 'disable' => __( 'Disable    (default)', 'evolve' ), 'left' => __( 'Left', 'evolve' ), 'right' => __( 'Right', 'evolve' ), 'middle' => __( 'Middle', 'evolve' ) )); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-7", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-7", "type" => "close-tab" ); // Ads Spaces $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-8", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-8", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Theme4Press Affiliate ID', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert your Theme4Press Affiliate ID. Get one here.', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_affiliate_id", "type" => "text", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Please note', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."info_ads", "desc" => __( 'Ad spaces are not supposed to work for <javascript> ads units. Here you may insert only <html> based ads banners. In order to use Google AdSense units, please have a look at EvoLve Pro version available here.', 'evolve' ), "type" => "info"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 1 - Header Top', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Header Top recommended max. ads width 468px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_1", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 2 - Header Bottom', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Header Bottom recommended max. ads width 960px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_2", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 3 - Sidebar 1 Top', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Sidebar 1 Top recommended max. ads width 300px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_3", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 4 - Sidebar 1 Bottom', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Sidebar 1 Bottom recommended max. ads width 300px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_4", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 5 - Sidebar 2 Top', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Sidebar 2 Top recommended max. ads width 300px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_5", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 6 - Sidebar 2 Bottom', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Sidebar 2 Bottom recommended max. ads width 300px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_6", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 7 - Post Top', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Post Top recommended max. ads width 600px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_7", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 8 - Post Bottom', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Post Bottom recommended max. ads width 600px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_8", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Ad Space 9 - Footer', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Insert an ads code here to display in the Footer recommended max. ads width 960px', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_space_9", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-8", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-8", "type" => "close-tab" ); // General Styling $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-10", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-10", "type" => "open-tab"); $options[] = array( "name" => "Main color", "desc" => "Custom background color of header and footer", "id" => $evlshortname."_header_footer_back_color", "type" => "color", "std" => "#556061" ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Pattern', 'evolve' ), "desc" => __( 'Choose the pattern for header and background', 'evolve' ), "id" => $evlshortname."_pattern", "type" => "images", "std" => "pattern_2.png", "options" => array( 'pattern_1.png' => $imagepathfolder . '/pattern/pattern_1_thumb.png', 'pattern_2.png' => $imagepathfolder . '/pattern/pattern_2_thumb.png', 'pattern_3.png' => $imagepathfolder . '/pattern/pattern_3_thumb.png', 'pattern_4.png' => $imagepathfolder . '/pattern/pattern_4_thumb.png', 'pattern_5.png' => $imagepathfolder . '/pattern/pattern_5_thumb.png', 'pattern_6.png' => $imagepathfolder . '/pattern/pattern_6_thumb.png' )); $options[] = array( "name" => "Enable Bootstrap Elements support", "desc" => "Check this box if you want to enable Bootstrap Elements on your theme", "id" => $evlshortname."_bootstrap", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "1"); $options[] = array( "name" => "Enable Boxed Layout & Custom Background", "desc" => "Check this box if you want to enable boxed layout with a custom background", "id" => $evlshortname."_custom_background", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => "Disable background images", "desc" => "Check this box if you don't want to display background images - 'nacked mode'", "id" => $evlshortname."_back_images", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => "Enable Widget Title Black Background", "desc" => "Check this box if you want to enable black background for widget titles", "id" => $evlshortname."_widget_background", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => "Disable Widget Background", "desc" => "Check this box if you want to disable widget background", "id" => $evlshortname."_widget_background_image", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "0"); $options[] = array( "name" => "Menu color", "desc" => "Background color of main menu", "id" => $evlshortname."_menu_back", "type" => "images", "std" => "dark", "options" => array( 'light' => $imagepathfolder . 'light.jpg', 'dark' => $imagepathfolder . 'dark.jpg' )); $options[] = array( "name" => "Or custom menu color", "desc" => "Custom background color of main menu", "id" => $evlshortname."_menu_back_color", "type" => "color", "std" => "#1b8c9e" ); $options[] = array( "name" => "Content color", "desc" => "Background color of content", "id" => $evlshortname."_content_back", "type" => "images", "std" => "light", "options" => array( 'light' => $imagepathfolder . 'light.jpg', 'dark' => $imagepathfolder . 'dark.jpg' )); $options[] = array( "name" => "Custom CSS", "desc" => 'For advanced users only: insert custom CSS, default style.css file', "id" => $evlshortname."_css_content", "type" => "textarea", "std" => ""); $options[] = array( "name" => $evlshortname."-tab-10", "id" => $evlshortname."-tab-10", "type" => "close-tab" ); return $options; }