=== EventPress === Contributors: Nayra Themes Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 6.2.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 5.1 Version: 5.1 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-header, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-image-header, featured-images, full-width-template, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, e-commerce, holiday, editor-style, grid-layout == Copyright == EventPress WordPress Theme, Copyright 2023 Nayra Themes EventPress is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Description == EventPress WordPress theme is a professional and sleek design that is ideal for creating websites for various types of events. Whether you are planning a conference, seminar, workshop, or any other event, this theme has everything you need to make your website stand out and attract attendees. View the demo of EventPress Pro https://www.nayrathemes.com/demo/pro/?theme=eventpress == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this theme support any plugins? = EventPress includes support for Infinite Scroll in Jetpack and other following Plugins. 1. Evento ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License and Copyrights for Resources used in EventPress WordPress Theme ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Package Structure Based on Underscores http://underscores.me/, (C) 2012-2016 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) 2) Font Awesome ================================================================================================= Font Awesome 4.7.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome License - Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License(http://fontawesome.io/license) Source: http://fontawesome.io 3) Bootstrap Framework ================================================================================================= Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com/) Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc. License - MIT License (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) 4) Animate Css ================================================================================================= Animate Css by @Daniel Eden - https://daneden.me/ License - MIT License (https://github.com/daneden/animate.css/blob/master/LICENSE) Source: https://github.com/daneden/animate.css 5) Sticky Js ================================================================================================= Sticky Js by @Anthony Garand - http://stickyjs.com/ License - MIT License (https://github.com/garand/sticky/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Source: http://stickyjs.com/ 6) Meanmenu Js ================================================================================================= jquery.meanmenu.js by Chris Wharton License - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (https://github.com/meanthemes/meanMenu/blob/master/gpl.txt) Source: http://www.meanthemes.com/plugins/meanmenu/ 7) Countdown Js ================================================================================================= jquery.countdown.min.js (http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown/) License - MIT License (https://github.com/hilios/jQuery.countdown/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Source: https://github.com/hilios/jQuery.countdown/blob/master/dist/jquery.countdown.min.js 8) Wow Js ================================================================================================= jquery.meanmenu.js by Thomas Grainger License - MIT license (https://github.com/graingert/WOW/blob/master/LICENSE) Source: https://github.com/graingert/WOW/blob/master/dist/wow.min.js 9) Magnific Popup ================================================================================================= License - MIT license (https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/blob/master/LICENSE) Source: https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/blob/master/dist/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js 10) Sainitization ================================================================================================= License - GNU General Public License (https://github.com/WPTRT/code-examples/blob/master/LICENSE) Source: https://github.com/WPTRT/code-examples 11) wp-bootstrap-navwalker ================================================================================================= License - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (https://github.com/wp-bootstrap/wp-bootstrap-navwalker/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) Source: https://github.com/wp-bootstrap/wp-bootstrap-navwalker 12) pure-css-toggle-buttons ================================================================================================= License - MIT license (https://github.com/soderlind/class-customizer-toggle-control/blob/master/pure-css-toggle-buttons/license.txt) Source: https://github.com/soderlind/class-customizer-toggle-control 13) WordPress Customizer Toggle Control ================================================================================================= License - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/) Source: https://github.com/soderlind/class-customizer-toggle-control 14) Customizer Repeater Control ================================================================================================= License - MIT LICENSE (https://github.com/cristian-ungureanu/customizer-repeater/blob/production/LICENSE) Source: https://github.com/cristian-ungureanu/customizer-repeater 15) Screenshot Image ================================================================================================= Screenshot Image URL: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/672544 Source: https://pxhere.com License: CC0 Public Domain 16) Footer Image ================================================================================================= Footer Image URL: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/23318 Source: https://pxhere.com License: CC0 Public Domain 17) Image Folder Images ================================================================================================= All other Images like top scroller, section seprator, section title seprator & other images have been used in images folder, Created by Nayra Themes. Also they are GPL Licensed and free to use and free to redistribute further. == Changelog == @version 5.1 * Block Style Color Issue Fixed @version 5.0 * Style Improvement @version 4.9 * Fixed: Customizer Notify PHP Deprecated Issue @version 4.8 * Block Post Style Improvement @version 4.7 * Rss Block Widget Improved @version 4.6 * Tested - WP 6.2.2 Compatibility @version 4.5 * Sidebar Comment Widget Improvements @version 4.4 * RSS Block Widget Improved @version 4.3 * Sidebar Comment Widget Improvement @version 4.2 * Widget Block Styling Improvement @version 4.1 * Block Styling Improvement @version 4.0 * Styling Improvements @version 3.9 * Improved RSS Block Widget @version 3.8 * Tested - WP 6.2 Compatibility @version 3.7 * Improved Block Style @version 3.6 * Improvement Strings @version 3.5 * Text Domain Issue Fixed @version 3.4 * Theme Description Changed @version 3.3 * Theme Description Changed @version 3.2 * Above Header Added * Info & Social Widget Added @version 3.1 * Tested With WordPress 6.1.1 @version 3.0 * Added 2 More Slide for Slider @version 2.0.78 * Copyright Updated in Readme @version 2.0.77 * Block Avtar Style Improvement @version 2.0.76 * Block Calendar Caption Font Weight Changed @version 2.0.75 * Block Read More Padding Issue Fixed @version 2.0.74 * Block Blockquote Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.73 * Block Blockquote Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.72 * Block Text Hover Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.71 * Block Text Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.70 * Block Button Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.69 * Block Media Text Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.68 * em Tag Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.67 * Tested With WordPress 6.1 @version 2.0.66 * Block Button Border Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.65 * em Tag Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.64 * Block Group Style Improvements @version 2.0.63 * em Tag Color Issue Fixed @version 2.0.62 * Block Code Style Improvements @version 2.0.61 * Block Search Style Improvements @version 2.0.60 * Block Login Style Improvements @version 2.0.59 * Block Blockquote Style Improvements @version 2.0.58 * Block Code Style Improvements @version 2.0.57 * Block Video Caption Text Align Center @version 2.0.56 * Block Button Style Improvements @version 2.0.55 * Removed Unused Styles @version 2.0.54 * Blog Gallery Style Improvement @version 2.0.53 * Fixed Table Width Issue in Responsive Device @version 2.0.52 * Blog Pagination Focus Style Added @version 2.0.51 * Tested With WordPress 6.0.1 @version 2.0.50 * Changed Table Head Color @version 2.0.49 * Removed Unused Styles @version 2.0.48 * Added Widget Archives Focus Style @version 2.0.47 * Fixed Iframe Width Issue @version 2.0.46 * Fixed Password Form Button Color Issue @version 2.0.45 * Compress Footer Background Image @version 2.0.44 * Tested With WordPress 6.0 @version 2.0.43 * Fixed Block Category List Style @version 2.0.42 * Fixed Block Button Margin Issue @version 2.0.41 * Widget Tag Focus Style Added @version 2.0.40 * Fixed Block Site Logo Padding Issue @version 2.0.39 * Fixed Block Comments Padding Issue in Page @version 2.0.38 * Fixed Block Embed Padding Issue in Sidebar @version 2.0.37 * Changed Block File Button Border Radius @version 2.0.36 * Fixed Block Table Padding Issue in Sidebar @version 2.0.35 * Fixed Block File Padding Issue in Sidebar @version 2.0.34 * Fixed Block Button Padding Issue in Sidebar @version 2.0.33 * Fixed Block Widget Login Padding Issue in Sidebar @version 2.0.32 * Fixed Recent Comment Padding Issue in Sidebar @version 2.0.31 * Style Block Button @version 2.0.30 * Added Slider Button Focus Style @version 2.0.29 * Added Search Widget Button Focus Style @version 2.0.28 * Fixed Recent Comment Padding Issue in Blog @version 2.0.27 * Copyright Year Updated @version 2.0.26 * Tested With WordPress 5.9 @version 2.0.25 *Fixed Cart Widget Padding Issue @version 2.0.24 *Fixed Product Widget Padding Issue @version 2.0.23 *Fixed Product Category Widget Padding Issue @version 2.0.22 *Fixed Widget Block Calendar Padding Issue @version 2.0.21 *Fixed Widget Block Calendar Color Issue @version 2.0.20 *Style Block Logout @version 2.0.19 *Fixed Widget Block Recent Comments Padding Issue @version 2.0.18 *Removed Unused Styles @version 2.0.17 *Tested With WordPress 5.8.2 @version 2.0.16 *Fixed Block Widget Padding Issue @version 2.0.15 *Fixed Block File Button Color Issue @version 2.0.14 * Make Block Image Caption Align Center @version 2.0.13 *Fixed Prefixing Issue @version 2.0.12 *Made Block Table Text Align Center @version 2.0.11 *Fixed Block Product Widget Button Color Issue @version 2.0.10 *Block Table Style Issue Fixed @version 2.0.9 *Tested With WordPress 5.8.1 @version 2.0.8 *Fixed Block Tag Cloud Style Issue @version 2.0.7 *Make Blog Calendar Caption Center & Improve Typography @version 2.0.6 *Fixed Blog Search Button Style Issue @version 2.0.5 *Fixed Widget Block Calendar Padding Issue @version 2.0.4 *Fixed Widget Block Search Padding Issue @version 2.0.3 *Fixed Widget Block Padding Issue @version 2.0.2 *Tested With WordPress 5.8 @version 2.0.1 *Removed Unused Styles @version 2.0 *Fixed Sidebar Widget Calendar Style Issue @version 1.0.99 *Fixed Sidebar Widget Padding Issue @version 1.0.98 *Fixed Menu Escaping Issue with Polylang Plugin @version 1.0.97 *Customizer Repeater FontAwesome Icons List Updated @version 1.0.96 *Tested up to Version Updated @version 1.0.95 *Code Improvement in eventpress-general.php @version 1.0.94 *Code Improvement in header.php @version 1.0.93 *Tested With WordPress 5.7.2 @version 1.0.92 *Search Page Post Navigation Button Style @version 1.0.91 *Removed Unused Sainitization Function @version 1.0.90 *Removed Unused Styles @version 1.0.89 *Code Improvement @version 1.0.88 *Tested With WordPress 5.7.1 @version 1.0.87 *Removed Unused Styles @version 1.0.86 *Removed Unused Styles @version 1.0.85 *Blog Meta Tags Functionality Improved in single.php @version 1.0.84 *Fixed Widget Style Issue @version 1.0.83 *Tested With WordPress 5.7 @version 1.0.82 *Removed Commented Code @version 1.0.81 *Fixed Escaping Issues @version 1.0.80 *Removed Commented Code @version 1.0.79 *Code Improvement in eventpress-footer-section.php @version 1.0.78 *Footer Copyright Functionality Improved @version 1.0.77 *Code Improvement in eventpress-header-section.php @version 1.0.76 *Copyright Updated @version 1.0.75 *Code Improvement in eventpress-footer-section.php @version 1.0.74 *Customizer Style Improvement @version 1.0.73 *Customizer Upsale Section Position Changed @version 1.0.72 *Upsale Section Removed @version 1.0.71 *Customizer Sections Functionality Improved @version 1.0.70 * Code Improvement @version 1.0.69 * Tested With WordPress 5.6 @version 1.0.68 * Code Improvement of Upsale Button @version 1.0.67 * Code Improvement in eventpress-blog.php @version 1.0.66 * Code Improvement in eventpress-premium.php @version 1.0.65 * Code Improvement @version 1.0.64 * Tested With WordPress 5.5.3 @version 1.0.63 * Removed Unused Styles @version 1.0.62 * Fixed Prefixing Issue @version 1.0.61 * Fixed Prefixing Issue @version 1.0.60 * Removed Unused Styles @version 1.0.59 * Fixed Prefixing Issue @version 1.0.58 * Tested With WordPress 5.5.1 @version 1.0.57 * Code Improvement in Meta Tags @version 1.0.56 * Footer Credit Link Changed @version 1.0.55 * Tested with WordPress 5.5 @version 1.0.54 * Code Improvement of Site Title @version 1.0.53 * Code Improvement in Header @version 1.0.52 * Fixed Escaping Issue * Footer Info Functionality Improved @version 1.0.51 * Fixed Sainitization Issues @version 1.0.50 * Resolved String Tanslation Issue @version 1.0.49 * Code Improvement @version 1.0.48 * Resolve Escaping Issues @version 1.0.47 * Screenshot Updated @version 1.0.46 * Customizer Repeater Control Licence Added @version 1.0.45 * Notice Added @version 1.0.44 * Clear Console Errors @version 1.0.43 * Tested With WordPress 5.4.2 @version 1.0.42 * Remove Unnecessary Code @version 1.0.41 * Changed Sections Orders @version 1.0.40 * Removed Unnecessary Code @version 1.0.39 * Tested up to & Requires PHP Fields Added in Style.css @version 1.0.38 * Removed Unnecessary Code @version 1.0.37 * Sidebar Functionality Improved @version 1.0.36 * Code Improvement in Blog Section @version 1.0.35 * Tested With WordPress 5.4.1 @version 1.0.34 * Remove Unnecessary Styles @version 1.0.33 * Code Improvement @version 1.0.32 * Footer copyright Section code improved @version 1.0.31 * Resolve Escaping Issue * Code Improvement @version 1.0.30 * Tested With WordPress 5.4 @version 1.0.29 * Blog Section Background Color Changed @version 1.0.28 * Contact Section Removed * Gallery Section Added @version 1.0.27 * Prefixing Issues Resolved @version 1.0.26 * Remove Unnecessary Styles @version 1.0.25 * Footer Image Compressed * Remove Unnecessary Style @version 1.0.24 * Customizer Functionality Improved @version 1.0.23 * Style Improvement @version 1.0.22 * Remove Unnecessary Image @version 1.0.21 * Sidebar Code Improvement @version 1.0.20 * Remove Unnecessary Style @version 1.0.19 * Code Improvment * Remove Unnecessary Style @version 1.0.18 * Code Improvment In Header @version 1.0.17 * Theme URI Changed @version 1.0.16 * Footer Copyright Updated * Footer Image Changed * Screenshot Updated @version 1.0.15 * Remove Unnecessary Js @version 1.0.14 * Screenshot Changed @version 1.0.13 * Style Improvement @version 1.0.12 * Theme Color Changed * Logo Width Feature Added * Screenshot Changed * Style Improvement * Theme URI Changed @version 1.0.11 * Remove Unnecessary Code @version 1.0.10 * Copyright Updated @version 1.0.9 * Remove Unnecessary Styles @version 1.0.8 * Tested With WordPress 5.3.2 @version 1.0.7 * Tested With WordPress 5.3.1 @version 1.0.6 * Screenshot Updated * Slider Align Changed @version 1.0.5 * Demo Link Changed in Description @version 1.0.4 * Theme URI Added * Resolved Bugs @version 1.0.3 * Theme Description Updated * Resolved Bugs @version 1.0.2 * Initial release