get_queried_object(); $eptima_lite_title .= __('Author: ','eptima-lite'); $eptima_lite_title .= $curauth->display_name; $eptima_lite_title .= ' | '; $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_single() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_page() && !is_front_page() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_category() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_year() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_month() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_day() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if (function_exists('is_tag')) { if ( is_tag() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } if ( is_404() ) { $eptima_lite_title .= get_bloginfo('name'); } } return $eptima_lite_title; } /** * SETS UP THE CONTENT WIDTH VALUE BASED ON THE THEME'S DESIGN. */ if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ){ $content_width = 900; } /******************************************************** #DEFINE REQUIRED CONSTANTS HERE# & #OPTIONAL: SET 'OT_SHOW_PAGES' FILTER TO FALSE#. #THIS WILL HIDE THE SETTINGS & DOCUMENTATION PAGES.# *********************************************************/ //CHECK AND FOUND OUT THE THEME VERSION AND ITS BASE NAME if(function_exists('wp_get_theme')){ $eptima_lite_theme_data = wp_get_theme(get_option('template')); $eptima_lite_theme_version = $eptima_lite_theme_data->Version; } define( 'EPTIMA_LITE_OPTS_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY_URI', trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri() . '/SketchBoard/includes/') ); define( 'EPTIMA_LITE_OPTS_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY_PATH', trailingslashit(get_template_directory() . '/SketchBoard/includes/') ); define( 'EPTIMA_LITE_THEME_VERSION',$eptima_lite_theme_version); add_filter( 'ot_show_pages', '__return_false' ); // REQUIRED: SET 'OT_THEME_MODE' FILTER TO TRUE. add_filter( 'ot_theme_mode', '__return_true' ); // DISABLE ADD NEW LAYOUT SECTION FROM OPTIONS PAGE. add_filter( 'ot_show_new_layout', '__return_false' ); // REQUIRED: INCLUDE OPTIONTREE. require_once get_template_directory() . '/SketchBoard/includes/ot-loader.php'; // THEME OPTIONS require_once get_template_directory() . '/SketchBoard/includes/options/theme-options.php'; /******************************************** GET THEME OPTIONS VALUE FUNCTION *********************************************/ function eptima_lite_get_option( $option_id, $default = '' ){ return ot_get_option( $option_id, $default = '' ); } function eptima_lite_bg_style($background) { $bg_style = NULL; if ($background) { if($background['background-image']){ $bg_style = 'background:'; if ($background['background-color']) { $bg_style .= $background['background-color']; } if ($background['background-image']) { $bg_style .= ' url('.$background['background-image'].')'; } if ($background['background-repeat']) { $bg_style .= ' '.$background['background-repeat']; } if ($background['background-attachment']) { $bg_style .= ' '.$background['background-attachment']; } if ($background['background-position']) { $bg_style .= ' '.$background['background-position']; } if ($background['background-size']) { $bg_style .= ' / '.$background['background-size']. ';'; } } else{ if ($background['background-color']) { $bg_style .= 'background:'.$background['background-color']; } } } return $bg_style; }