FREE version of %1$s. Upgrade to the full-featured version of %1$s for more customization options, additional features such as a built-in Feature Box and Post Footer, a Landing Page template and more!', 'enterprise' ), ENTERPRISE_FULL_NAME ); ?>

LITE20 at checkout.', 'enterprise' ); ?>

get( 'Name' ) === 'Enterprise Lite' ) : ?>

  1. your_website/wp-content/themes/ and in that directory, create a new folder as the name of your child theme. Something like enterprise-lite-child is perfectly fine.', 'enterprise' ); ?>
  2. style.css (the name is NOT optional).', 'enterprise' ); ?>
  3. style.css file, add the following CSS:', 'enterprise' ); ?>
    	Theme Name: your_child_theme_name
    	Author: your_name
    	Author URI: 
    	Description: Child theme for Enterprise Lite
    	Template: enterprise-lite
    @import url("../enterprise-lite/style.css");
    Theme customization starts here
  4. Template line as well as the @import line. Leave those two lines alone or the child theme will not work properly.', 'enterprise' ); ?>
  5. style.css file, go back to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Appearance -> Themes" and locate your new theme (you\'ll see the name you chose). Activate your theme.', 'enterprise' ); ?>
  6. functions.php file in the root of your child theme to add custom PHP.', 'enterprise' ); ?>