# WordPress theme Emmy 1.1.1 # This is a major update with new features and Customizer settings re-structure, if you see any visual changes on the site front-end please go to the Customizer to update options. Both design and functionality have improved. * Removed - Font Awesom CSS, HTML Shiv 3.7.3, main nav background image, slider side section with all its elements, footer widget sections. * Chandged - README.txt, screenshot.png, location and style of logo, location of header-image, main nav design for both large and small devices, pagination of pages, posts, pages', posts', single post's, search' archives appearance, widgets' style and location, footer nav section. * Added - Customizable front page three patterns. * Apdated - Bootstrap v3.3.7 to Bootstrap v4.5.0. # WordPress theme Emmy 1.0.9 # * Release!