=== Electronics Store WordPress Theme === Contributors: ThemesCaliber Tags: left-sidebar, right-sidebar, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, four-columns, grid-layout, block-styles, block-patterns, wide-blocks, custom-background, custom-logo, custom-menu, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, flexible-header, sticky-post, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, photography, portfolio, e-commerce Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.4 Requires PHP: 7.2 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Electronics Store is a fine WordPress theme designed for electronics stores, tech stores, electronics markets, mobile shops and gadgets stores, technical marketplace and multivendor shops, digital stores, and any kind of shops that sells electrical appliances. This sophisticated theme is great for any online shopping store or eCommerce store as well. == Description == Electronics Store is a fine WordPress theme designed for electronics stores, tech stores, electronics markets, mobile shops and gadgets stores, laptop, computer, headphones, technical marketplace and multivendor shops, digital stores, and any kind of shops that sells electrical appliances. This sophisticated theme is great for any online shopping store or eCommerce store as well. It acts as a multipurpose theme with a clean and user-friendly interface that anyone can easily use for creating a website. Along with beautiful visuals and imagery, it has a responsive layout adjusting the website to every screen. Professional developers have crafted this website with stores and eCommerce in mind. It includes Call to Action Button (CTA) that proves handy in making your website interactive and also plays a significant role in converting your visitors into valued customers. There are stunning CSS animations included in the theme along with clean and secure code. These optimized codes are also made SEO-friendly for obtaining organic traffic for your website. It also results in a faster page load time. With a strong Bootstrap framework being used for creating this theme, it allows easy modifications through personalization options available with the theme options panel. Along with plenty of social media icons, you will also get a mobile-friendly design that runs smoothly on smartphones. == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial Version Released. = 0.2 = * Changed escaping in the attributes. = 0.3 = * Added get started. * Added credit link. = 0.4 = * Added condition for slider image. = 0.5 = * Added show / hide sticky header option for Mobile Media Options. * Added .POT file. = 0.6 = * Added variables for pro button. * Done some css changes. = 0.6.1 = * Updated screenshot. = 0.6.2 = * Change css for sidebar widget. = 0.6.3 = * Added css for blog post. = 0.6.4 = * Added web font file. * Added Block pattern in theme. * Added .POT file and update. = 0.6.5 = * Added logo padding option in site identity. * Update .POT file. = 0.6.6 = * Added site title and tagline color in site identity. * Update .POT file. = 0.6.7 = * Added single post categories option. * Added css for single post. * Added body color option. * Added body fonts option. * Added body font size option. * Added logo margin option. * Added menu icon color option. * Update POT file. = 0.6.8 = * Added single post image border radius. * Added single post image shadow. * Added enable/disable nav links in single post settings. * Added previous navigation text in single post settings. * Added next navigation text in single post settings. * Updated POT file. = 0.6.9 = * Changed font family functions. * Added prefixing for variable. * Added load theme textdomain function in function.php. * Added esc_attr for icons. * Added requires at least in style.css. * Changed gpl version in style and readme file. * Removed esc_url from function.php. = 0.7 = * Resolved error and add css for slider image. = 0.7.1 = * Added show/hide slider title. * Added show/hide slider content. * Update POT file. = 0.7.2 = * Added shop page sidebar layout option. * Added Enable / Disable single product page sidebar option. * Added single product page layout option. * Update POT file. = 0.7.3 = * Added slider content excerpt length option. * Update POT file. = 0.7.4 = * Added menu color option. * Added menu hover color option. * Added submenu color option. * Update POT file. = 0.7.5 = * Added single post breadcrumb option. * Added single page breadcrumb option. * Update POT file. = 0.7.6 = * Added show/hide single post date,author,comment no,time option. * Added copyright background color option. * Update POT file. = 0.7.7 = * Added show/hide slider button option in slider section. * Added show/hide topbar option in responsive media. * Added show/hide slider option in responsive media. * Added show/hide slider button option in responsive media. * Done reordering of settings in single post section. * Update POT file. = 0.7.8 = * Added submenu hover color. * Added back to top icon font size option. * Added back to top icon color option. * Resolved css error for single product page. * Update POT file. = 0.7.9 = * Added single page sidebar layout option. * Added show/hide sidebar option in responsive media. * Resolved css error for single post category. * Update POT file. = 0.8 = * Added about theme section. * Added demo link,documentation link and support link in about theme section. * Added breadcrums color option. * Added breadcrums background color option. * Added breadcrums hover color option. * Added breadcrums hover background color option. * Added single post category color option. * Added single post category bg color option. * Added show /hide copyright option. * Added show /hide Footer option. * Update POT file. = 0.8.1 = * Added copyright color option. * Added copyright hover color option. * Resolved css error for related posts in responsive media. * Resolved css error for related post content in tablet media. * Resolved css error for related post button in tablet media. * Update POT file. = 0.8.2 = * Added blog post metabox seperator option. * Added single post metabox seperator option. * Resolved css error for sidebar product search. * Update POT file. = 0.8.3 = * Added footer widget heading alignment option. * Added footer widget content alignment option. * Resolved error for metabox saperator. * Update POT file. = 0.8.4 = * Added theme color option. * Resolved error for blog page sidebar. * Added esc_attr in woocommerce pages. * Tested upto WP v6.3 * Update POT file. = 0.8.5 = * Resolved css error for image markup. * Resolved css error for for block image. * Resolved css error for blog buttons. * Resolved css error for block cover. * Resolved css error for block gallery image. * Resolved error for single post comment box. * Added css for single post comments. * Fixed the pagination issue on clearfloat page. * Resolved menu condition issues. * Resolved error for submenu color. * Resolved error for global color. = 0.8.6 = * Resolved css error for global color. * Added blog post date icon,author icon,comment icon,time icon option. = 0.8.7 = * Resolved css error for blog buttons. * Added css for block widgets sidebar. * Added css for block widgets footer. * Added classes in global color. * Resolved layout elements page css. = 0.8.8 = * Added single post date icon,author icon,comments icon,time icon. * Change condition for tagline. * Added css for sidebar headings and footer headings. * Added classes in global color. * Update POT file. = 0.8.9 = * Added Enable / disable post category option. * Resolved errors for block pattern. * Changed condition for single page breadcrumb. * Update POT file. = 0.9 = * Added blog post alignment option. * Added tgm file. * Tested upto WP v6.4 * Update POT file. = 1.0 = * Added css for checkout page. * Added css for cart page. * Added classes in global color. * Resolved font family issue. == Resources == Electronics Store WordPress Theme, Copyright 2022 ThemesCaliber Electronics Store is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Theme is Built using the following resource bundles. - Bootstrap -- Mark Otto -- copyright 2011-2021, Mark Otto -- https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/download/v5.0.1/bootstrap-5.0.1-dist.zip -- License: Code released under the MIT License. v5.0.1 -- https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE - Font-Awesome -- Davegandy -- copyright July 12, 2018, Davegandy -- https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git -- License: Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License -- https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/LICENSE.txt - Customizer Pro -- Justin Tadlock -- Copyright 2016, Justin Tadlock -- https://github.com/justintadlock/trt-customizer-pro.git -- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-3.0.html - Superfish -- Joeldbirch -- Copyright 2013, Justin Tadlock -- https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish.git -- License: Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. v1.7.9 -- https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt - Webfonts Loader -- https://github.com/WPTT/webfont-loader -- License: https://github.com/WPTT/webfont-loader/blob/master/LICENSE - TGMPA -- GaryJones Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 -- https://github.com/TGMPA/TGM-Plugin-Activation/blob/develop/LICENSE.md -- License: GNU General Public License v2.0 - Pxhere Images License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/license Slider Image, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1387711 Deals Image, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1095120 Product Image, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/759691 Product Image, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/654556 - StockSnap Images License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://stocksnap.io/license Product Image, Copyright Math License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://stocksnap.io/photo/camera-dslr-4CLVYHVZ2L