Theme Name: Edublue Description: blue, menu options, four footer widget areas Author: Larry Judd Oliver | @Tradesouthwest EduBlue WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014 Tradesouthwest EduBlue is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Additional License Information == * HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed * image default header ad lib GIMP draw by author | License: GNU General Public License * Fonts imported from | License info at: === About === * Originally designed for college and schools where lots of navigation is required. * HTML5 semantics used when possible * next of kin will include many school color selections from admin options. Currently working on ASU Sun Devils, Auburn Univ., Alabama, UCLA, Crimson, Red, Tan, Yellow and a Custom you can add your own colors with. As of 9/12/2014 not yet completed. == Instructions == = General = * You can not display comments on the front-page template. This page is for introductory use only. * Familiarize yourself with WP menu setup. Create separate menus for each menu section (top-menu, primary-menu and inside-header-menu). * Main content area has opacity to blend the background with any color of the whole page background. * nav-menu.php template is for installing a menu for screen readers. It would replace the third menu tertiary. == Change Log == = 1.0.2 = * formatted comment form to look nicer. * fixed some footer styles. * reworked menu drop-down attributes. * corrected Theme URI. * removed file template attachment. * fixed overflow on header of excerpts. * added search form to not page/article found sections of affected pages. * removed wp page links from un-needed sections of affected pages. * added text domain translations to some missing lines. * completed text translation .po file. * corrected typos on text domains of affected pages. * corrected typos in header comments of various pages * esc home_url - footer and header files * added pagination class for wp_link_pages. = 1.0.1 = * fixed menus * corrected some theme slugs * added copyright info where appropriate