3.0.3 Fix for featured thumbnails on post->post_type == post and nulls it out for any other post type. Fixed version comparisons for WP 3.4 for custom-header and custom-background 3.0.2 Added overflow:hidden to .entry for the post area. Fixed a breadcrumb mistake for 404 pages. Fixed the logic for showing the appearance -> header for new code for 3.4 and old code methodology. Changelog 3.0 Added clear div to the widgets for better control of CSS New default "look" Added BBPress support Tons of code cleanup to remove custom post_type problems Changed the base image for the repo Removed "Schemes" can be done as child themes now. Removed some Post Type addons that are better served in a plugin Added some background opera support to the style.css changed the code to the wordpress specific wp_title(); CSS Menubar CSS changes adding an extra padding Made some changes to the heights in the showcase slider text-align: right the more link info changed the comment box width to 90% to adjust appropriately changed the posted in box to only display the categories that it actually is posted in. 2.0.7 Optimized the archive and search to not do extra loops, which saves memory. Added option for archive display order in the easel options possible fix for a catchall error in breadcrumbs 2.0.6 Added proper navigation for seperate chapters/storylines for comics, and options to display on home page made featured images in the rss feed be 'thumbnails' instead of full images modified the header browser line for <title> only show the - description if there *is* a description added google translate widget internalization fix for the wp-pagenavi code, removal of adding it as an db save menunav moved below execution of the wp_nav_menu now so that if it does scroll over the menunav displays below and not the menu added enable social icons in menubar as an option now with input boxes instead of end users adding to child theme new feature, breadcrumbs fix for backlinks-template.php featured image now set to 'large' new google translator widget translation files, default.mo/.po are updated so theme can be translated 2.0.5 Fixing CSS adding checks if the sidebar is active before executing so that if it's not active the html isnt displayed 2.0.4 moved the site description to *under* the h1 in the header added slider to the comic showcase - the showcase is meant to be example of addons someone can make fixed loading of what loads when in the functions.php - cause it was fatal erroring out on duplicate functions added header-info class to wrap around the header, erm.. information added all custom post type formats to be found on author pages 2.0 Fixed the archive page to know the difference between a permalink category and non-permalink cat= fixed site_url to home_url in the header.php thanks @mike on the forums added layouts so you can switch between a few different layouts, 3col and 2col control panel widget change to use wp_login_form() bug fix from @fred on the forums, the $height wasnt passing properly for the custom header added schemes, default, ocean and desert fixed commpress casts to only set to casts on category output adjusted widths of menu items to not take up as much room as it each menu item was removed the content stripping of <p> and </p>, leaving them in the [members] code whether they validate or not added posted at time in posts, disables by option for the remove date also can be disabled via css removed the text-transform to capitalize from the page-title/post-title added the scheme 'greymatter' fixed it so that gravatars are able to be seen (author gravatars) in IE 1.1.7 Removed the pre_get_posts completely, now the blog loop has its own post type section which handles what displays there and the rss feed has a pre_get_posts for that in functions/syndication.php fixed the members only code to properly update for wordpress 3.1+ added twitter, facebook and MSN to the the profile pages for everyone added option to make the archive pages display as text links instead of full posts on 404 pages moved the title out of the post area to keep consistant with site design elements fixed the displaying of the navigation on list pages fixed the easel_display_content function with @gisse's help from the forums also with Gisse's help we squashed a bug with the post type thinking the home page was is_archive fixed the author pages to display the proper information 1.1.6 removed that changelog.php template that shouldnt have been there CSS Cleanups moved back to red links added custom image header ability (in testing, locks up sometimes?)If it looks like its locking up, its because its a bug with wordpress where /wp-admin/themes.php?page=custom-header&step=1 the URL line is missing the &step=1 fixed some text-domains which were not easel fixed links to frumph.net/easel for the theme_uri in footer and style.css 1.1.5 added class .sidebar-no-widgets to handle the sidebar no widgets boxes instead of being static changed .pagetitle to .page-title to be uniformative with the rest of the site removed the "count" on how many entries are found during search and archive, added extra unnecessary load the feed wasnt able to seperate post_types until now ;/ done added support for custom support type archive loop adjusted the colorations, added a:link and a:visited to the main style.css added the remove_filter on the sidebars as well as the menubar so they don't get parsed with the wrong info in their loops. moved the Easel options to right above appearance so it doesnt conflict with buddypress's positioning removed the box-border and shadow on the wp-caption, fixed the alignment so it doesnt get overriden moved the debug option for page load to the debug page itself added the change to the footer-text to allow proper copyright information CommPress merged into Easel now as an addon, new custom post tpe for Easel 1.1.4 removed the tabindex="4" from the comments.php added comic-id-# (# = the_ID()) as part of the #comic-wrap as a class 1.1.3 Adding addon control to Easel New general option, disable blog on home page and display comments on home page. To display comments on the home page, the home page post count must ALSO be set to 1. Adding new blog template so that when you disable the blog on the home page there's a template available that you can associate to a page. Changing the way the addons load, they only load if they are enabled, that way optimizing their usage. added comicpress light addon for easel, including the members only, playing now and showcase addons to the repository Added new action location 'easel-menubar-mini-navigation' for mini navigation for comicpress light for easel Addons now have their own tab in the easel -> options area. 1.1.2 Moved the wp_list_pages() out of the content area and into the display_post area so that it can properly be under the clear float for the content area added css element .post-extras and made it clear:both; on it so that it resets the clearing at that point as well. changed bloginfo('wpurl') to echo site_url() changed bloginfo('template_directory') to echo get_template_directory_uri() 1.1.1 Added page's to the searchs in the pre_get_posts blocked off the 'pages' from having the 'posted in' message in the post (displaypost.php) blocked off the post calendar from displaying in archive/searchs for pages added blank CSS that the wordpress theme checker requires 1.1.0 Added a generic page template - template.php 1.0.9 Added another catch for get_current_site() which doesn't exist unless it's multisite 1.0.8 Added a saftey catch for wordpress bug with site_name not being part of the current_site object 1.0.7 Modified the behavior of the footer a little so it clears floats. Added automated copyright info & example text on changing the name via text Added for multisite a hosted on <networkname> Added a new body class page-<pageslugname> which will better suit some peoples custom css for individual pages Removed sidebar-basic and going for straight .sidebar in all the sidebars, removed associated option 1.0.3 - 1.0.6 Various code adjustments and test code that culminated in 1.0.7 1.0.2 Some changes to which filters handle post_type or not. 1.0.1 Changed Theme URI and Author URI to respective places as appropriate. 1.0 - Release