'column1', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => 'column2', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => 'columncap', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); } /* Custom Threaded Comments code to be used with wp_list_comments */ function dojo_comments($comment, $args, $depth) { $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment; ?>
  • id="li-comment-">

    %s says:'), get_comment_author_link()) ?>

    comment_approved == '0') : // If comment is not approved ?>

    have_comments() ) { while ( $comments_query->have_comments() ) { $comments_query->the_comment(); $comment_post_url = get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ); $comment_post_title = get_the_title( $comment->comment_post_ID ); $comment_post_link = "$comment_post_title"; $comment_meta = sprintf( '%1$s on %2$s', get_comment_author(), $comment_post_link ); if ( $is_first ) : $is_first = false; ?>

    comment_count > 1 ) : ?> " . blc_latest_comments('5', '5', true, '
  • ', '
  • ', false) . "\n"; echo "$after_widget\n"; } if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') ) register_sidebar_widget('Bryan\'s Latest Comments (dojo version)', 'widget_dojo_blc_latest_comments'); } /* FlickrRSS Widget v4.0 These settings overrule the ones set in the admin area. */ if (function_exists('get_flickrRSS')) { function widget_dojo_flickrRSS( $args ) { extract( $args ); echo "\n$before_widget\n"; echo $before_title . "Recent Photos" . $after_title . "\n"; // load the options from the database so we can specify proper markup $flickrRSS_display_numitems = get_option('flickrRSS_display_numitems'); $flickrRSS_display_type = get_option('flickrRSS_display_type'); $flickrRSS_tags = get_option('flickrRSS_tags'); $flickrRSS_display_imagesize = get_option('flickrRSS_display_imagesize'); echo "\n"; echo "$after_widget\n"; } if ( function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') ) register_sidebar_widget('Flickr RSS (dojo version)', 'widget_dojo_flickrRSS'); } /* Subscribe Widget Uses atom feeds - to use RSS2, just change 'atom' to 'rss2'. */ function widget_dojo_subscribe( $args ) { global $post; extract( $args ); echo "\n$before_widget\n"; echo $before_title . "Subscribe" . $after_title . "\n"; ?>

    Grab an Atom feed:

    "About Blurb Title", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_about_blurb_title", "type" => "text", "std" => "About This Site", "how" => "No HTML, please! This will be wrapped in an H4 tag."), array( "name" => "About Blurb", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_about_blurb", "type" => "textarea", "std" => "To customize this about blurb, log into the admin area, and go to the \"Dojo Options\" page in the Design section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.", "how" => "HTML is allowed, but be careful that you don't break your layout with bad code. This will be wrapped in a P tag."), array( "name" => "Use Custom Styles", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_use_custom_styles", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "false", "how" => "Load the custom stylesheets in addition to the default ones."), array( "name" => "Show Byline by Title", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_byline_in_title", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "false", "how" => "Put the byline with the author name and date by the post title instead of at the bottom."), array( "name" => "Disable Categories", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_disable_categories", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "false", "how" => "Hide categories and just display tags."), array( "name" => "Use Custom Copyright", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_use_custom_copyright", "type" => "checkbox", "std" => "false", "how" => "Replace the default copyright statement with the custom one."), array( "name" => "Custom Copyright", "id" => $dojomenu_shortname."_custom_copyright", "type" => "text", "std" => "This weblog is licensed under a Creative Commons License.", "how" => "This will be wrapped in a P tag.") ); function mytheme_add_admin() { global $dojomenu_themename, $dojomenu_shortname, $dojomenu_options; if ( $_GET['page'] == basename(__FILE__) ) { if ( 'save' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($dojomenu_options as $value) { update_option( $value['id'], $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ); } foreach ($dojomenu_options as $value) { if( isset( $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ) ) { update_option( $value['id'], $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ); } else { delete_option( $value['id'] ); } } header("Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&saved=true"); die; } else if( 'reset' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($dojomenu_options as $value) { delete_option( $value['id'] ); } header("Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&reset=true"); die; } } add_theme_page($dojomenu_themename." Options", "$dojomenu_themename Options", 'edit_themes', basename(__FILE__), 'mytheme_admin'); } function mytheme_admin() { global $dojomenu_themename, $dojomenu_shortname, $dojomenu_options; if ( $_REQUEST['saved'] ) echo '

    '.$dojomenu_themename.' settings saved.

    '; if ( $_REQUEST['reset'] ) echo '

    '.$dojomenu_themename.' settings reset.

    '; ?>


    : " />

    : $option ) { $radio_setting = get_settings($value['id']); if ( $radio_setting != "" ) { if ( $key == get_settings( $value['id'] ) ) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ""; } } else { if ( $key == $value['std'] ) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ""; } } ?> />
    : />

    To uninstall Dojo, use the "Reset all Options" button. That will remove all Dojo options from your database. Then you can switch to a different theme.