=== Digital Agency Lite === Contributors: VWthemes Tags: left-sidebar, right-sidebar, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, four-columns, grid-layout, wide-blocks, block-styles, flexible-header, block-patterns, custom-colors, custom-background, custom-logo, custom-menu, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, sticky-post, full-width-template, theme-options, translation-ready, threaded-comments,post-formats, rtl-language-support, blog, portfolio, e-commerce Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 5.7 Requires PHP: 7.2.14 Stable tag: 0.6.5 License: GPLv3.0 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Digital agency lite is an up-to-date and modern WordPress theme with elegant looks. This lite version of digital agency WordPress theme can be used for multiple purposes as it serves a broad bandwidth of businesses which includes providing digital services such as web designing and online marketing. With this sophisticated theme, you can also sell digital products such as eBooks, tutorials, music, themes, plugins, software, code snippets, videos, photos, etc. == Description == Digital agency lite is an up-to-date and modern WordPress theme with elegant looks. This lite version of digital agency WordPress theme can be used for multiple purposes as it serves a broad bandwidth of businesses which includes providing digital services such as web designing and online marketing. With this sophisticated theme, you can also sell digital products such as eBooks, tutorials, social media marketing agency company, data-driven marketing, internet marketing, electronic marketing, creative agency, digital marketplace, plugins, software, code snippets, stock photos, softwares, audio files , digital shop, digital art such as icons, templates videos, etc. This theme offers you a chance to maximize your conversion rate. Its also perfect for diffrent businesses like SEO Agency, Design Agency, corporate, law firms, finance, startups, online agencies, freelancers, freelancer, picture shop, movie shop, Web Development Company, digital product store, affiliate store, Start-ups, Landing page, Business website and Technological corporations and many more. Digital agency lite is designed with a secure and clean code which obviously lowers the maintenance burden. With it being minimally designed, you can easily craft a fully professional website that emphasizes essential details. Its numerous valuable features add to its merit. As a result, you get a fully responsive and highly functional website. Its integration with social media can get you popularity in a very short period of time. Above all, its call to action button (CTA) makes the website bilateral and lively. If you are determined to raise the bar of your business, get an interactive website designed for you. And for this purpose, digital agency lite will act as an expert solution. It is built on a strong framework of Bootstrap and its SEO readiness ensures you to have better ranks on popular search engines. It is lightweight with faster page load time. Other features such as retina readiness, schema ready, translation readiness, Custom Header, custom colors, custom background, responsive HTML5 and its user-friendly nature acts like feather on the cap. == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial version released. = 0.2 = * Resolved undefined variable issues. = 0.3 = * Removed footer link and make the footer text customizable. * Done CSS customization. * Added skip link part. = 0.4 = * Added wp_body_open(); in header.php file. * Done translation ready in search-form.php. * Changed the call back function. * Removed footer copyright from screenshot.php. = 0.4.1 = * Removed image folder. * Added license of superfish menu. * Removed post format tag. * Resolved header image issue. = 0.4.2 = * Done minor CSS customization in theme. = 0.4.3 = * Added post formats. = 0.4.4 = * Changed responsive menu layout. * Added footer layout option in customizer. * Changed navigation code. * Resolved the css customization. = 0.4.5 = * Added width layout option in customizer. * Added Show / hide Author, comment and post date option in customizer. * Added preloader option in the customizer. * Resolved theme sniffer errors. * Updated language folder. = 0.4.6 = * Added slider content layout option in customizer. * Added slider excerpt length option in customizer. * Added slider image opacity option in customizer. * Added sticky header option in customizer. * Added Copyright alignment option in customizer. = 0.4.7 = * Added settings for responsive media in customizer. * Added show / hide woocommerce sidebar option in customizer. * Added blog layout option in customizer. * Added new settings in customizer. * Added button text option in customizer. = 0.4.8 = * Added fontawesome icon option for the icons in customizer. * Added customizable theme button option. * Added search font size option in customizer. * Added copyright padding option in customizer. * Added show/hide option for logo title and tagline. * Added show/hide option for tags in customizer. = 0.4.9 = * Added related post option in customizer. * Added post content options in customizer. * Added post content excerpt suffix option in customizer. * Added about us widgets in widgets options. * Added contact us widgets in widgets options. * Added selective refresh. * Resolved errors. * Done the css customization. = 0.5 = * Tested upto WP v5.4 * Resolved errors. * Done the css customization. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.1 = * Added scroll to top font size, padding & border radius option in customizer. * Added scroll to top Icons width & height option in customizer. * Added show/ hide scroll to top option for responsive media in customizer. * Removed slider height option in customizer. * Resolved search form tab focus error. * Resolved Responsive menu tab focus error. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.2 = * Resolved errors. = 0.5.3 = * Added social Icons font size, padding & border radius option in customizer. * Added social Icons width & height option in customizer. * Added sticky header padding option in customizer. * Resolved Widgets errors. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.4 = * Added triple license of Font Awesome. * Removed stable tag from readme.txt. * Prefixing done in custom.js. * Done the css customization of social widget. = 0.5.5 = * Added slider button text option in customizer. * Added slider speed option in customizer. * Added show / hide blog posts pagination option in customizer. * Added blog posts pagination types option in customizer. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.6 = * Added products per page option for shop page in customizer. * Added products per row option for shop page in customizer. * Added sanitize callback for numbers & range. * Done the css of woocommerce my account page. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.7 = * Added wocommerce products padding option in customizer. * Added wocommerce products box shadow option in customizer. * Added wocommerce products border option in customizer. * Resolved navigation menu and widget error. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.8 = * Added show/hide single blog page navigation option in customizer. * Added navigation text option for single blog page in customizer. * Resolved responsive menu error & Changed license. * Updated language folder. = 0.5.9 = * Done some changes and css customization in get started. * Updated language folder. = 0.6 = * Added block style , wide align blocks & flexible header. * Updated language folder. = 0.6.1 = * Added show / hide woocommerce related products. * Added postdate, author, comments icon option in customizer. * Resolved search focus error and added search icon option. * Resolved errors of given sheet. * Updated language folder. = 0.6.2 = * Done the css of block style button. * Resolved errors. * Updated language folder. = 0.6.3 = * Added block pattern tag. * Done escaping. * Remove h3 from activation notice. * Changed anchor tag focus. * Changed search. = 0.6.4 = * Added get started tab. * Done escaping of get_template_directory_uri. * Reduced folder image size - compressing images * Remove font-family from get started css * Added get started page tab css * Remove font url from get started = 0.6.5 = * Added suffix for fontawesome in function.php. * Added css for getstarted icons. * Added new dashicons in getstarted.php * Removed get started images (wrong & right) and add fontawesome icons instead of it. * Resolved Search focus error & added search icon & search close icon option in customizer. * Resolved error of Sticky header, slider & scroll to top show/ hide does not work in responsive media settings. * Resolved error of Scroll appears on the top of the page & scroll appears first after refreshing page. == Resources == Digital Agency Lite WordPress Theme, Copyright 2019 VWThemes Digital Agency Lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. Theme is Built using the following resource bundles. = Bootstrap = * Mark Otto * copyright 2011-2020, Mark Otto * https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/download/v4.0.0/bootstrap-4.0.0-dist.zip * License: Code released under the MIT License. v4.4.1 * https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE = Font-Awesome = * Davegandy * copyright July 12, 2018, Davegandy * https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git * License: http://fontawesome.com/license - Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License. * https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/LICENSE.txt = Customizer Pro = * Justin Tadlock * Copyright 2016, Justin Tadlock * https://github.com/justintadlock/trt-customizer-pro.git * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html = Superfish = * Joeldbirch * Copyright 2013, Justin Tadlock * https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish.git * License: Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. v1.7.9 * https://github.com/joeldbirch/superfish/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt = Typography = * Justin Tadlock * Copyright 2015, Justin Tadlock * https://github.com/justintadlock/customizer-typography.git * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 * https://github.com/justintadlock/customizer-typography/blob/master/license.md * Pexels Images, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo-license/ Header Image, Copyright Kaboompics .com License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-using-stylus-pen-for-touching-the-digital-tablet-screen-6335/ Service Image License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-business-computer-connection-265651/ Service Image License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/achievement-apple-computer-connection-414974/ Service Image, Copyright Kaboompics .com License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-lying-and-typing-on-laptop-6249/ * All the icons taken from genericons licensed under GPL License. http://genericons.com/ == Theme Documentation == Documentation : https://www.vwthemesdemo.com/docs/free-digital-agency/