term_id); $i = 0; foreach ( (array) $menu_items as $key => $menu_item ) { if ($i>0) $menu_items_string = $menu_items_string.';'; $menu_items_string = $menu_items_string.$menu_item->title; $i++; } } } wp_localize_script( 'ftfmjs', 'FTFMvars', array( 'theme_logo' => get_option('theme_logo'), 'menu_items_string' => $menu_items_string, 'theme_pic_menu' => get_option('theme_pic_menu'), 'theme_pic_noimage' => get_theme_root_uri().'/Delphi/images/Theme_pages/NoImage.png' )); } add_action('admin_init', 'ftfm_options_add_cssjs'); add_action('admin_menu', 'create_theme_options_page'); function create_theme_options_page() { // add_submenu_page('themes.php', 'Ftft Themes Options', 'FTFM Options', 'manage_options', "ftfm_options", 'build_options_page'); add_theme_page('Ftft Themes Options', 'FTFM Options', 'manage_options', "ftfm_options", 'build_options_page'); // add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function ); // add_theme_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function); } function backgroundoptions_update() { $slideshow_pics = esc_attr($_POST["slideshow_pics"]); update_option('slideshow_pics', $slideshow_pics); $theme_logo = esc_attr($_POST["theme_logo"]); update_option('theme_logo', $theme_logo); $theme_pic_menu = esc_attr($_POST["theme_pic_menu"]); update_option('theme_pic_menu', $theme_pic_menu); $theme_pic_menu_slide = esc_attr($_POST["theme_pic_menu_slide"]); update_option('theme_pic_menu_slide', $theme_pic_menu_slide); echo '

FTFM options updated. Visit your site to see how it looks.

'; } function build_options_page() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'); } global $menu_items_string; if (isset($_POST["update_background_options"])) if ( $_POST["update_background_options"] == 'true' ) backgroundoptions_update(); ?>

Ftfm Options Page

Background images, Logo, Picture menu

Your theme supports from 1 up to 3 pictures (at least 800x600), that can be used in the background slideshow. If no slideshow pictures defined the color and the image from "Appearance >> Background" will be applied.

Pictures in background slideshow. Change the order by drag & drop:


    "; echo "
  • ".$imageinfo[0]."x".$imageinfo[1]."

  • "; } else { $imageinfo = getimagesize($slide_pic_src); echo "
  • SingleImage


  • "; } } ?>

    "; } ?>

Remove picture

'; echo '


'; ?>


Remove the selected image from the slideshow


'; ?>

Insert FTFM picture


    "; } } ?>
Single Image


Insert the selected image to the slideshow

Select the image to see it bigger.

Upload custom picture

Upload Image for the background slideshow:


We can use an image.

/>Use image />No logo
'; else echo ''; ?>

Upload logo image. Standard width 160px:

Picture menu

Your theme supports up to 9 pictures, that can be used as menu. For each item in the "picturesMenu" it displays one picture.


'; } $m = $i; for ($i=0; isset($theme_pic_menu_slide_array[$i]); $i++) { echo (''); } ?>

To use the selected image in menu, press: to undo:

To remove image from picture menu press:

Upload Image for picturesMenu. It will be added to the above picture slide:

Enter an URL or upload an image. At the end, in the uploader form, press the Insert into post button, for the image to be inserted in the picturesMenu slideshow.